Of course, tweaking the Person List display is not going to be the end of it.
-Clients always want more, and now ours wants to edit, add, or delete records.
-Let's write some tests for these new tasks, as shown in the following.
Not the best tests ever written, but for now, they will do :)
To make the new tests work, we'll need some new mapping statements.
-The following sample shows the complete mapper document that we've called
- insert into PERSON
- values
- (#ID#, #FirstName#, #LastName#,
- #BirthDate#, #WeightInKilograms#, #HeightInMeters#)
- update PERSON set
- PER_FIRST_NAME = #FirstName#,
- PER_LAST_NAME = #LastName#,
- PER_BIRTH_DATE = #BirthDate#,
- PER_WEIGHT_KG = #WeightInKilograms#,
- PER_HEIGHT_M = #HeightInMeters#
- where PER_ID = #ID#
- delete from PERSON
- where PER_ID = #value#
Well, waddya know, if run our tests now, we are favored with a green bar!. It
-all works!
-Though, of course, things usually do not work perfectly the first time! We
-have to fix this and that, and try, try, again. But SimpleTest makes trying
-again quick and easy. You can changes to the XML mapping documents and rerun
-the tests! No muss, no fuss.
Turning back to our Prado page, we can revamp the TDataGrid to allow in-place
-editing and deleting. To add records, we provide a button after the grid that
-inserts a blank person for client to edit. The page code is shown as:
- <com:TDataGrid id="personList"
- DataKeyField="ID"
- AutoGenerateColumns="False"
- OnEditCommand="editPerson"
- OnUpdateCommand="updatePerson"
- OnCancelCommand="refreshList"
- OnDeleteCommand="deletePerson">
- <com:TBoundColumn DataField="FirstName" HeaderText="First Name" />
- <com:TBoundColumn DataField="LastName" HeaderText="Last Name" />
- <com:TBoundColumn DataField="HeightInMeters" HeaderText="Height" />
- <com:TBoundColumn DataField="WeightInKilograms" HeaderText="Weight" />
- <com:TEditCommandColumn
- HeaderText="Edit"
- UpdateText="Save" />
- <com:TButtonColumn
- HeaderText="Delete"
- Text="Delete"
- CommandName="delete"/>
- </com:TDataGrid>
- <com:TButton Text="Add" OnClick="addNewPerson" />
The following sample shows the corresponding methods from page PHP class.
OK, we are CRUD complete! There's more we could do here. In particular, we
-should add validation methods to prevent client from entering alphabetic
-characters where only numbers can live. But, that's a different Prado
-tutorial, and this is an SQLMap DataMapper tutorial.
- class="figure" />
Figure 4: Person List CRUD
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Test First!
Let's say that our most important client has a database and one of the tables
-in the database is a list of people. Our client tells us:
"We would like to use a web application to display the people in this table
-and to add, edit, and delete individual records."
Not a complicated story, but it will cover the CRUD most developers want to
-learn first. :) Let's start with the people table that the client mentioned.
-Since we're keeping it simple, we'll say it's a table in an Access database.
-The table definition is shown as:
-Name Type Size
-PER_ID Long Integer 4
-PER_HEIGHT_M Double 8
- This example is bundled with a SQLite database file "Data/test.db"
- that contains the Person table and some data, ready to use.
The first thing our story says is that client would like to display a list of
-people. The following example shows our test for that.
-class PersonTest extends UnitTestCase
- function testPersonList()
- {
- //try it
- $people = TMapper::instance()->queryForList("SelectAll");
- //test it
- $this->assertNotNull($people, "Person list is not returned");
- $this->assertTrue($people->getCount() > 0, "Person list is empty");
- $person = $people[0];
- $this->assertNotNull($person, "Person not returned");
- }
Well, the example sure looks easy enough! We ask a method to "select all", and
-it returns a list of person objects. But, what code do we need to write to
-pass this test?
Now, to setup the testing framework, suppose you have the SimpleTest
-framework installed. Then we need to create an entry file to run the tests.
-See the SimpleTest documentation for further details on setting up tests.
To run the tests, point your browser to the "run_test.php" script file
-served from your web server.
Let's see. The test uses a list of person objects. We could start with a blank
-object, just to satisfy the test, and add the display properties later. But
-let's be naughty and skip a step. Our fully-formed person object is shown in
-the following example
-class Person
- public $ID = -1;
- public $FirstName;
- public $LastName;
- public $WeightInKilograms = 0.0;
- public $HeightInMeters = 0.0;
- private $_birthDate;
- //setters and getter for BirthDate
- public function getBirthDate()
- {
- return $this->_birthDate;
- }
- public function setBirthDate($value)
- {
- $this->_birthDate = $value;
- }
OK, that was fun! The $this->assertXXX(...) methods are built into
-UnitTestCase class. So to run the unit test example, we just need the
-TMapper object and queryForList method. Wonderfully, the SQLMap
-DataMapper framework has a TMapperclass built into it that will work just
-fine for for us to use in this tutorial, so we don't need to write that
When the TMapper->instance() method is called, an instance of the SQLMap
-TSqlMapper class is returned that has various methods available such as
-queryForList. In this example, the SQLMap TSqlMapper->queryForList()
-method executes our SQL statement (or stored procedure) and returns the result
-as a list. Each row in the result becomes an entry in the list. Along with
-queryForList(), there are also delete(), insert(),
-queryForObject(), queryForPagedList() and a few other methods in the
Looking at unit test example, we see that the queryForList() method
-takes the name of the statement we want to run. OK. Easy enough. But where
-does SQLMap get the "SelectAll" statement? Some systems try to generate SQL
-statements for you, but SQLMap specializes in data mapping, not code
-generation. It's our job (or the job of our database administrator) to craft
-the SQL or provide a stored procedure. We then describe the statement in an
-XML element, like the one shown the following where
-we use XML elements to map a database statement to an application object.
The SQLMap mapping documents can hold several sets of related elements, like
-those shown in the unit test case example. We can also have as many mapping
-documents as we need to help organize our code. Additionally, having multiple
-mapping documents is handy when several developers are working on the project
-at once.
So, the framework gets the SQL code for the query from the mapping, and plugs
-it into a prepared statement. But, how does SQLMap know where to find the
-table's datasource?
Surprise! More XML! You can define a configuration file for each datasource
-your application uses. The following code shows a configuration file named "sqlmap.config" for
-our SQLite database.
The <provider> specifies the database provider class, in this case
-TAdodbProvider using the Adodb library. The <datasource> tag
-specifies the database connection details. In this case, for an SQLite
-database, we just need the driver name, and the host that points to the actual
-SQLite database file.
The last part of the configuration file ("sqlMaps") is where we list our
-mapping documents, like the one shown back in the previous code sample. We can
-list as many documents as we need here, and they will all be read when the
-configuration is parsed.
OK, so how does the configuration get parsed?
Look back at the unit test case example. The heart of the code is the call to the
-"TMapper" object (under the remark "try it"). The TMapper object
-is a singleton that handles the instantiation and configuration of an SQLMap
-TSqlMapper object, which provides a facade to the SQLMap DataMapper
-framework API.
The first time that the TMapper is called, it reads in the
-sqlmap.config file and associated mapping documents to create an instance
-of the TSqlMapper class. On subsequent calls, it reuses the
-TSqlMapper object so that the configuration is not re-read.
The framework comes bundled with a default TMapper class for you to use
-immediately to get access to the SQLMap client TSqlMapper object. If you want to use a
-different name other than sqlmap.config at the default location for the
-configuration file, or need to use more than one database and have one
-TSqlMapper per database, you can also write your own class to mimic the role of
-the Mapper class view by copying and modifying the standard version.
- You can also call TMapper::configure('/path/to/your/sqlmap.config')
- to configure the TMapper for a specific configuration file.
If we put this all together into a solution, we can "green bar" our test. At
-this point you should have the following files.
-Data/person.xml % Mapping file.
-Data/test.db % SQLite database file.
-Models/Person.php % Person class file.
-Tests/PersonTest.php % Unit test case for Person mapping.
-run_tests.php % Unit test entry point.
-sqlmap.config % SQLMap configuration file.
Run the tests by pointing your browser URL to the "run_tests.php" server
- class="figure" />
Figure 2: Green Bar!
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--- a/demos/sqlmap/protected/pages/Tutorial/TestSecond.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
Playtest second!
Now that we have a passing test, we want to display some results as web pages.
-The following examples utilize the Prado framework to display and manipulate
-the database through SQLMap. Since SQLMap framework and Prado framework solve
-different problems, they are both fairly independent, they can be used
-together or separately.
SQLMap and Prado
To setup Prado, we need to create the follow files and directory structure
-under our example/WebView directory.
-assets/ % application public assets
-protected/pages/Home.page % default page
-protected/pages/Home.php % default page class
-protected/runtime/ % run time data
-protected/application.xml % application configuration
-index.php % application entry point
The application.xml and assets directory are not necessary but we
-will make use of them later. The application.xml is used to define some
-directory aliases and override the data source definitions in the
-sqlmap.config. This is because SQLite database files are defined
-relatively, otherwise we don't need to override the data source definitions.
-The example application.xml is shown below, defining path aliases and override SQLite database
The entry point to a Prado application in this example is index.php
-and generally contains the following code.
Now we are ready to setup a page to display our list of people.
-The following sample shows the Prado code for our display page. The key
-piece is the TDataGrid. We save the file as Home.page.
Of course, we still need to populate that TDataGrid. The following code
-shows the PHP for Home.php. The operative method is loadData().
-The rest is supporting code.