From 6394a6ffe3a9f3e4e698603b94503dc96f1e2652 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 16:06:37 +0000
Subject: upported documentation changes to trunk/
.../pages/ActiveControls/ | 32 ++++++
.../pages/ActiveControls/ | 32 ++++++
.../pages/ActiveControls/ | 28 ++++++
.../ActiveControls/ | 32 ++++++
.../pages/ActiveControls/ | 30 ++++++
.../pages/ActiveControls/ | 79 +++++++++++++++
.../pages/ActiveControls/ | 52 ++++++++++
.../protected/pages/ActiveControls/ | 24 ++---
.../Samples/TActiveCheckBoxList/ | 66 +++++++++++++
.../Samples/TActiveCheckBoxList/Home.php | 26 +++++
.../Samples/TActiveDropDownList/ | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../Samples/TActiveDropDownList/Home.php | 60 ++++++++++++
.../Samples/TActiveListBox/ | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveListBox/Home.php | 60 ++++++++++++
.../Samples/TActiveRadioButtonList/ | 66 +++++++++++++
.../Samples/TActiveRadioButtonList/Home.php | 26 +++++
.../Samples/TCallbackClientScript/ | 39 ++++++++
.../Samples/TCallbackClientScript/Home.php | 29 ++++++
.../Samples/TCallbackClientSide/ | 73 ++++++++++++++
.../Samples/TCallbackClientSide/Home.php | 12 +++
.../Samples/TCallbackOptions/ | 77 +++++++++++++++
.../Samples/TCallbackOptions/Home.php | 12 +++
22 files changed, 1059 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveCheckBoxList/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveCheckBoxList/Home.php
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveDropDownList/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveDropDownList/Home.php
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveListBox/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveListBox/Home.php
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveRadioButtonList/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TActiveRadioButtonList/Home.php
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TCallbackClientScript/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TCallbackClientScript/Home.php
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TCallbackClientSide/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TCallbackClientSide/Home.php
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TCallbackOptions/
create mode 100644 demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/Samples/TCallbackOptions/Home.php
(limited to 'demos')
diff --git a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2560ece5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+TActiveCheckBoxList is the active counterpart to the original TCheckBoxList control.
+The AutoPostBack property is set to true by default.
+Thus, when a checkbox is clicked a OnCallback event is
+raised after OnSelectedIndexChanged event.
+With ActiveControl.EnabledUpdate
+set to true (default is true), changes to the selection will be updated
+on the client side.
+List items can not be changed dynamically during a callback request.
+Please refer to the original documentation of TCheckBoxList for usage.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4400c552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+TActiveDropDownList is the active counterpart to the original TDropDownList control.
+The AutoPostBack property is set to true by default.
+Thus, when the drop down list selection is changed the OnCallback event is
+raised after OnSelectedIndexChanged event.
+With ActiveControl.EnabledUpdate
+set to true (default is true), changes to the selection, after OnLoad event has
+been raised, will be updated on the client side.
+List items can be changed dynamically during a callback request.
+Please refer to the original documentation of TDropDownList for usage.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..802c9fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+TActiveListBox is the active counterpart to the original TListBox control.
+The AutoPostBack property is set to true by default.
+Thus, when a list item is clicked a OnCallback event is
+raised after OnSelectedIndexChanged event.
+With ActiveControl.EnabledUpdate
+set to true (default is true), changes to the selection will be updated
+on the client side.
+Please refer to the original documentation of TListBox for usage.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6095a9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+TActiveRadioButtonList is the active counterpart to the original TRadioButtonList control.
+The AutoPostBack property is set to true by default.
+Thus, when a radio button is clicked a OnCallback event is
+raised after OnSelectedIndexChanged event.
+With ActiveControl.EnabledUpdate
+set to true (default is true), changes to the selection will be updated
+on the client side.
+List items can not be changed dynamically during a callback request.
+Please refer to the original documentation of TRadioButtonList for usage.
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+The TCallbackClientScript class provides corresponding methods that can be
+executed on the client-side (i.e. the browser client that is viewing
+the page) during a callback response.
+For a complete list of available client side methods, consult the
+The available methods includes setting/clicking input elements, changing Css
+styles, hiding/showing elements, and adding visual effects to elements on the
+page. The client-side methods can be access through the CallbackClient
+property available in TPage.
+For example, to hide "$myTextBox" element during callback response, do:
+$Id: -1 $
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index 00000000..c8e52585
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+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+TCallbackClientSide is used to specify client-side callback request options and client-side event handlers.
+Each active control that inherits from TActiveBaseCallbackControl has a ClientSide property.
+The ClientSide property is an instance TCallbackClientSide containing the actual options and event handlers
+that are used by the client-side when that control is making a callback request.
+The following example demonstrates the toggling of a "loading" indicator when the client-side is making a callback request.
+<com:TClientScript PradoScripts="effects" />
+ Text="Click Me"
+ OnCallback="button_callback"
+ ActiveControl.CallbackParameter="value" >
+ <prop:ClientSide
+ OnLoading="'callback_status')"
+ OnComplete="Element.hide('callback_status')" />
+The following client side events are executing in order if the callback
+request and response are send and received successfuly.
+ - onPreDispatch: executed before a request is dispatched;
+ - onUninitialized: executed when callback request is uninitialized;
+ - onLoading* : executed when callback request is initiated;
+ - onLoaded* : executed when callback request begins;
+ - onInteractive: executed when callback request is in progress;
+ - onComplete: executed when callback response returns;
+ - onSuccess executed when callback request returns and is successful;
+ - onFailure executed when callback request fails (only for communication errors);
+ - onException raised when callback request fails due to request/response errors.
+* Note that theses 2 events are not fired correctly by Opera. To make
+ them work in this browser, Prado will fire them just after onPreDispatch.
+In a general way, onUninitialized, onLoading, onLoaded and onInteractive events
+are not implemented consistently in all browsers. When cross browser compatibility is
+needed, it is best to avoid use them.
The OnSuccess and OnFailure events are raised when the
+response is returned. A successful request/response will raise
+OnSuccess event otherwise OnFailure will be raised.
+The following properties can be used to change the way the callback request is performed.
+ - PostState: true to collect the form inputs and post them during callback (default: true);
+ - RequestTimeOut The request timeout in milliseconds (default: 30000, i.e. 30 seconds);
+ - HasPriority true to ensure that the callback request will be sent
+ immediately and will abort existing prioritized requests. It does not affect
+ callbacks that are not prioritized (default: true);
+ - EnablePageStateUpdate enable the callback response to enable the
+ viewstate update. This will automatically set HasPriority to true when enabled. (default: true).
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..184c116c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+TCallbackOptions allows a common set of callback client-side options
+to be attached to one or more active controls.
+This can be useful if a lot of active controls on the same page are sharing the same callback client-side options.
+Instead of specifying the same set of options again and again inside each control, these can be written once
+inside a TCallbackOptions; this TCallbackOptions can be then attached to each control using the
+ActiveControl.CallbackOptions property. For a full list of assignable properties, please check the
+TCallbackClientSide documentation.
+The typical scenario of use for a TCallbackOptions is a page where a lot of active controls needs to
+pause the user interaction with a "Please wait" style message until callback completion.
+First create a single TCallbackOptions control, assign it an ID and the the needed properties:
+ ID="MyOptions"
+ ClientSide.OnLoading="... kindly inform the user that he should wait ..."
+ ClientSide.OnComplete="... callback completed, ready to serve the user again ..."
+Then, share this set of options to one or more active controls; each control will follow them:
+ Text="simple button"
+ OnCallback="..."
+ ActiveControl.CallbackOptions="MyOptions"
+ ...
+ Text="simple checkbox"
+ OnCallback="..."
+ ActiveControl.CallbackOptions="MyOptions"
+ ...
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index 798bc267..7834cc1d 100644
--- a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/ActiveControls/
@@ -97,36 +97,31 @@ TActiveButton control. See also the later part of the TCallbackOptions
- callback options such as OnLoading client-side event handlers.