diff --git a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/Scripts1.page b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/Scripts1.page
index ef0b6317..7079582a 100644
--- a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/Scripts1.page
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/Scripts1.page
@@ -93,469 +93,4 @@ function test3()
Using the $A() function
- The $A() function converts the single argument it receives
- into an Array object.
- This function, combined with the extensions for the Array class,
- makes it easier to convert or copy any enumerable list into an
- Array object. One suggested use is to convert DOM
- NodeLists into regular arrays, which can be traversed
- more efficiently. See example below.
Using the $H() function
- The $H() function converts
- objects into enumerable Hash objects that
- resemble associative arrays.
-function testHash()
- //let's create the object
- var a =
- {
- first: 10,
- second: 20,
- third: 30
- };
- //now transform it into a hash
- var h = $H(a);
- alert(h.toQueryString());
- //displays: first=10&second=20&third=30
Enumerating... Wow! Damn! Wahoo!
- We are all familiar with for-loops. You know, create yourself an array, populate it with
- elements of the same kind, create a loop control structure (for, foreach, while, repeat, etc,)
- access each element sequentially, by its numeric index, and do something with the element.
- When you come to think about it, almost every time you have an array in your code it
- means that you'll be using that array in a loop sooner or later. Wouldn't it be nice
- if the array objects had more functionality to deal with these iterations? Yes, it would,
- and many programming languages provide such functionality in their arrays or equivalent
- structures (like collections and lists.)
- Well, it turns out that prototype.js gives us the Enumerable
- object, which implements a plethora of tricks for us to use when dealing with iterable data.
- The prototype.js library goes one step further and extends the
- Array class with all the methods of Enumerable.
Loops and iterator
- In standard javascript, if you wanted to sequentially display the elements of an array,
- you could very well write something like this.
- With our new best friend, prototype.js, we can rewrite this loop like this.
- You are probably thinking "big freaking deal...just a weird syntax for the same old thing."
- Well, in the above example, yes, there's nothing too earth shattering going on. After all,
- there's not much to be changed in such a drop-dead-simple example. But
- keep reading, nonetheless.
- Before we move on. Do you see this function that is being passed as an argument
- to the each method? Let's start referring to it as an
- iterator function.
Your arrays on steroids
- Like we mentioned above, it's very common for all the elements in your array to be of
- the same kind, with the same properties and methods. Let's see how we can take advantage
- of iterator functions with our new souped-up arrays.
- Finding an element according to a criteria.
- Now let's kick it up another notch. See how we can filter out
- items in arrays, then retrieve just a desired member from each
- element.
- This <a href="http://othersite.com/page.html">text</a> has
- a <a href="#localAnchor">lot</a> of
- <a href="#otherAnchor">links</a>. Some are
- <a href="http://wherever.com/page.html">external</a>
- and some are <a href="#someAnchor">local</a>
- It takes just a little bit of practice to get completely addicted to this syntax.
- Next we will go through the available functions with the following example.
I used to find myself writing a lot of for loops. Although,
-Prototype does not by any means eliminate the need to do for-loops,
-it does give you access to what I consider to be a cleaner, easier to read method in each.
-for(var i = 0; i < F.Numbers.length; i++)
- Logger.info(F.Numbers[i]);
-The each function allows us to iterate over these objects Ruby style.
The each function takes one argument, an iterator function.
-This iterator is invoked once for every item in the array, and that item
-along with the optional index is passed to the iterator. So if
-we also needed the index we could do something like the code below.
The collect function allows you to iterate over an Array and return the
-results as a new array. Each item returned as a result of the iteration will be
-pushed onto the end of the new array.
The include function allows you to check if a value is included in an array
-and returns true or false depending on if a match was made. Assuming I put
-up a form asking the user to name some artist in my iTunes playlist,
-we could do something like the code below. Prime candidate for some conditional madness.
The first argument to inject is just an initial value that
-would be added to the sum, so if we added 1 instead of 0, the output would be 162.
Enumerable.findAll function
-When given an Array, the findAll function will return an array of
-items for which the iterator evaluated to true. Basically, it allows you to
-build a new array of values based on some search criteria.
-If we wanted to find all products whose type was “E-Commerce”
-we could do something like the code below.
Note that even if only one match is made, just as in this case,
-the result is still returned as an array. In that case,
-ecom.company would return undefined.
Enumerable.detect function
Unlike the findAll function, the detect function will only
-return the first item for which the expression inside
-the iterator is true. So, if we wanted to find the first number that
-was greater than 5 we’d do something like the code below.
Even though, there are other numbers above 5 in our array, detect
-only gives us the first match back.
Enumerable.invoke function
The invoke function allows us to pass a method as a string and
-have that method invoked. For instance, if we wanted to sort
-our array of artists we’d do something like this:
So we invoked sort for each sub-array. Note that the code below will not work.
The reason this will not work is because it is taking each item
-in that array and trying to apply sort to it, thus if we wrote it outright,
-it would look something like this:
-Now, what about passing arguments to the invoke function?
-The first argument passed to invoke is the method to be invoked,
-and any other arguments beyond that will be passed as arguments to the invoked method.
-F.Artists.invoke('concat', " is awesome ")
-36 Crazyfist is awesome ,As I Lay Dying is awesome ,...
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diff --git a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Tutorial/AjaxChat.page b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Tutorial/AjaxChat.page
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a17b5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Tutorial/AjaxChat.page
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
Building an AJAX Chat Application
This tutorial introduces the Prado web application framework's
+ ActiveRecord
+ and Active Controls to build a Chat
+ web application . It is assumed that you
+ are familiar with PHP and you have access to a web server that is able to serve PHP5 scripts.
+ This basic chat application will utilizing the following ideas/components in Prado.
Building a custom User Manager class.
Authenticating and adding a new user to the database.
Using ActiveRecord to interact with the database.
Using Active Controls and callbacks to implement the user interface.
Separating application logic and application flow.
In this tutorial you will build an AJAX Chat web application that allows
+ multiple users to communicate through their web browser.
+ The application consists of two pages: a login page
+ that asks the user to enter their nickname and the main application chat
+ page.
+ You can try the application locally or at
+ Pradosoft.com.
+ The main application chat page is shown bellow.
+ class="figure" />
Download, Install and Create a New Application
The download and installation steps are similar to those in
+ the Currency converter tutorial.
+ To create the application, we run from the command line the following.
+ See the Command Line Tool
+ for more details.
+php prado/framework/prado-cli.php -c chat
The above command creates the necessary directory structure and minimal
+ files (including "index.php" and "Home.page") to run a Prado web application.
+ Now you can point your browser's url to the web server to serve up
+ the index.php script in the chat directory.
+ You should see the message "Welcome to Prado!"
Authentication and Authorization
The first task for this application is to ensure that each user
+ of the chat application is assigned with a unique (choosen by the user)
+ username. To achieve this, we can secure the main chat application
+ page to deny access to anonymouse users. First, let us create the Login
+ page with the following code. We save the Login.php and Login.page
+ in the chat/protected/pages/ directory (there should be a Home.page
+ file there create by the command line tool).
The login page contains
+ a ,
+ a ,
+ a
+ and a . The resulting
+ page looks like the following (after applying some a style sheet).
+ class="figure" />
+ If you click on the Login button without entering any
+ text in the username textbox, an error message is displayed. This is
+ due to the
+ requiring the user to enter some text in the textbox before proceeding.
Securing the Home page
Now we wish that if the user is trying to access the main application
+page, Home.page, before they have logged in, the user is presented with
+the Login.page first. We add a chat/protected/application.xml configuration
+file to import some classes that we shall use later.
+Next, we add a chat/protected/pages/config.xml configuration file to
+secure the pages directory.
+We setup the authentication using the default classes as explained in the
+authentication/authorization quickstart.
+In the authorization definition, we allow anonymouse users to access the
+Login page (anonymouse users is specified by the ? question mark).
+We allow any users with role equal to "normal" (to be defined later)
+to access all the pages, that is, the Login and Home pages.
+Lastly, we deny all users without any roles to access any page. The authorization
+rules are executed on first match basis.
If you now try to access the Home page by pointing your browser
+to the index.php you will be redirected to the Login page.
Active Record for chat_users table
+class only provides a read-only list of users. We need to be able to add or
+login new users dynamically. So we need to create our own user manager class.
+First, we shall setup a database with a chat_users table and create an ActiveRecord
+that can work with the chat_users table with ease. For the demo, we
+use sqlite as our database for ease of distributing the demo. The demo
+can be extended to use other databases such as MySQL or Postgres SQL easily.
+We define the chat_users table as follows.
+CREATE TABLE chat_users
+ last_activity INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"
+Next we define the corresponding ChatUserRecord class and save it as
+chat/protected/App_Code/ChatUserRecord.php (you need to create the
+App_Code directory as well). We also save the sqlite database file
+as App_Code/chat.db.
+class ChatUserRecord extends TActiveRecord
+ public $username;
+ public $last_activity;
+ public static $_tablename='chat_users';
+ public static function finder()
+ {
+ return parent::getRecordFinder('ChatUserRecord');
+ }
+Before using the ChatUserRecord class we to configure a default
+database connection for ActiveRecord to function. In the chat/protected/application.xml
+we import classes from the App_Code directory and add an
+ActiveRecord configuration module.
Custom User Manager class
To implement a custom user manager module class we just need
+to extends the TModule class and implement the IUserManager
+interface. The getGuestName(), getUser() and validateUser
+methods are required by the IUserManager interface.
+We save the custom user manager class as App_Code/ChatUserManager.php.
+class ChatUserManager extends TModule implements IUserManager
+ public function getGuestName()
+ {
+ return 'Guest';
+ }
+ public function getUser($username=null)
+ {
+ $user=new TUser($this);
+ $user->setIsGuest(true);
+ if($username !== null && $this->usernameExists($username))
+ {
+ $user->setIsGuest(false);
+ $user->setName($username);
+ $user->setRoles(array('normal'));
+ }
+ return $user;
+ }
+ public function addNewUser($username)
+ {
+ $user = new ChatUserRecord();
+ $user->username = $username;
+ $user->save();
+ }
+ public function usernameExists($username)
+ {
+ $finder = ChatUserRecord::finder();
+ $record = $finder->findByUsername($username);
+ return $record instanceof ChatUserRecord;
+ }
+ public function validateUser($username,$password)
+ {
+ return $this->usernameExists($username);
+ }
+The getGuestName()
+method simply returns the name for a guest user and is not used in our application.
+The getUser() method returns a TUser object if the username
+exists in the database, the TUser object is set with role of "normal"
+that corresponds to the <authorization> rules defined in our
+config.xml file.
The addNewUser() and usernameExists()
+method uses the ActiveRecord corresponding to the chat_users table to
+add a new user and to check if a username already exists, respectively.
The next thing to do is change the config.xml configuration to use
+our new custom user manager class. We simply change the <module>
+configuration with id="users".
To perform authentication, we just want the user to enter a unique
+username. We add a
+for validate the uniqueness of the username and add a OnClick event handler
+for the login button.
+ ControlToValidate="username"
+ Display="Dynamic"
+ OnServerValidate="checkUsername"
+ ErrorMessage="The username is already taken." />
+<com:TButton Text="Login" OnClick="createNewUser" />
+In the Login.php file, we add the following 2 methods.
+function checkUsername($sender, $param)
+ $manager = $this->Application->Modules['users'];
+ if($manager->usernameExists($this->username->Text))
+ $param->IsValid = false;
+function createNewUser($sender, $param)
+ if($this->Page->IsValid)
+ {
+ $manager = $this->Application->Modules['users'];
+ $manager->addNewUser($this->username->Text);
+ //do manual login
+ $user = $manager->getUser($this->username->Text);
+ $auth = $this->Application->Modules['auth'];
+ $auth->updateSessionUser($user);
+ $this->Application->User = $user;
+ $url = $this->Service->constructUrl($this->Service->DefaultPage);
+ $this->Response->redirect($url);
+ }
+The checkUserName() method uses the ChatUserManager class
+(recall that in the config.xml configuration we set the
+ID of the custom user manager class as "users") to validate the username
+is not taken.
+In the createNewUser method, when the validation passes (that is,
+when the user name is not taken) we add a new user. Afterward we perform
+a manual login process:
First we obtain a TUser instance from
+our custom user manager class using the $manager->getUser(...) method.
Using the TAuthManager we set/update the user object in the
+ current session data.
Then we set/update the Application's user instance with our
+ new user object.
+Finally, we redirect the client to the default Home page.
Default Values for ActiveRecord
If you try to perform a login now, you will receive an error message like
+"Property 'ChatUserRecord::$last_activity' must not be null as defined
+by column 'last_activity' in table 'chat_users'.". This means that the $last_activity
+property value was null when we tried to insert a new record. We need to either
+define a default value in the corresponding column in the table and allow null values or set the default
+value in the ChatUserRecord class. We shall demonstrate the later by
+altering the ChatUserRecord with the addition of a set getter/setter
+methods for the last_activity property.
+private $_last_activity;
+public function getLast_Activity()
+ if($this->_last_activity === null)
+ $this->_last_activity = time();
+ return $this->_last_activity;
+public function setLast_Activity($value)
+ $this->_last_activity = $value;
+Notice that we renamed $last_activity to $_last_activity (note
+the under score after the dollar sign).
Main Chat Application
Now we are ready to build the main chat application. We use a simple
+layout that consist of one panel holding the chat messages, one panel
+to hold the users list, a textare for the user to enter the text message
+and a button to send the message.
+ Prado Chat Demo
+<com:TJavascriptLogger />
+We have add two Active Control components: a
+and a
+We also added a
+that will be very useful for understanding how the Active Controls work.
Exploring the Active Controls
Lets have some fun before we proceed with setuping the chat buffering. We want
+to see how we can update the current page when we receive a message. First, we add
+an OnClick event handler for the Send button.
+<com:TActiveButton ID="sendButton" CssClass="send-button"
+ Text="Send" OnClick="processMessage"/>
+And the corresponding event handler method in the Home.php class (we
+need to create this new file too).
+class Home extends TPage
+ function processMessage($sender, $param)
+ {
+ echo $this->userinput->Text;
+ }
+If you now type something in the main application textbox and click the send button
+you should see what ever you have typed echoed in the TJavascriptLogger console.
To append or add some content to the message list panel, we need to use
+some methods in the
+class which is available through the CallbackClient property of the
+current TPage object. For example, we do can do
+function processMessage($sender, $param)
+ $this->CallbackClient->appendContent("messages", $this->userinput->Text);
+This is one way to update some part of the existing page during a callback (AJAX style events)
+and will be the primary way we will use to implement the chat application.
Active Record for chat_buffer table
To send a message to all the connected users we need to buffer or store
+the message for each user. We can use the database to buffer the messages. The
+chat_buffer table is defined as follows.
+CREATE TABLE chat_buffer
+ for_user VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
+ from_user VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
+ message TEXT NOT NULL,
+The corresponding ChatBufferRecord class is saved as
+class ChatBufferRecord extends TActiveRecord
+ public $id;
+ public $for_user;
+ public $from_user;
+ public $message;
+ private $_created_on;
+ public static $_tablename='chat_buffer';
+ public function getCreated_On()
+ {
+ if($this->_created_on === null)
+ $this->_created_on = time();
+ return $this->_created_on;
+ }
+ public function setCreated_On($value)
+ {
+ $this->_created_on = $value;
+ }
+ public static function finder()
+ {
+ return parent::getRecordFinder('ChatBufferRecord');
+ }
Chat Application Logic
We finally arrive at the guts of the chat application logic. First, we
+need to save a received message into the chat buffer for all the
+current users. We add this logic in the ChatBufferRecord class.
+public function saveMessage()
+ foreach(ChatUserRecord::finder()->findAll() as $user)
+ {
+ $message = new self;
+ $message->for_user = $user->username;
+ $message->from_user = $this->from_user;
+ $message->message = $this->message;
+ $message->save();
+ if($user->username == $this->from_user)
+ {
+ $user->last_activity = time(); //update the last activity;
+ $user->save();
+ }
+ }
+We first find all the current users using the ChatUserRecord finder
+methods. Then we duplicate the message and save it into the database. In addition,
+we update the message sender's last activity timestamp. The above piece of code
+demonstrates the simplicty and succintness of using ActiveRecords for simple database designs.
The next piece of the logic is to retreive the users messages from the buffer.
+We simply load all the messages for a particular username and format that message
+appropriately (remember to escape the output to prevent Cross-Site Scripting attacks).
+After we load the messages, we delete those loaded messages and any older
+messages that may have been left in the buffer.
+To retrieve a list of current users (formatted), we add this logic to the
+ChatUserRecord class. We delete any users that may have been inactive
+for awhile.
+public function getUserList()
+ $this->deleteAll('last_activity < ?', time()-300); //5 min inactivity
+ $content = '
+ foreach($this->findAll() as $user)
+ $content .= '
+ $content .= '
+ return $content;
+For simplicity
+we formatted the messages in these Active Record classes. For large applications,
+these message formatting tasks should be done using Prado components (e.g. using
+a TRepeater in the template or a custom component).
Putting It Together
Nows comes to put the application flow together. In the Home.php we update
+the Send buttons OnClick event handler to use the application
+logic we just implemented.
+function processMessage($sender, $param)
+ if(strlen($this->userinput->Text) > 0)
+ {
+ $record = new ChatBufferRecord();
+ $record->message = $this->userinput->Text;
+ $record->from_user = $this->Application->User->Name;
+ $record->saveMessage();
+ $this->userinput->Text = '';
+ $messages = $record->getUserMessages($this->Application->User->Name);
+ $this->CallbackClient->appendContent("messages", $messages);
+ $this->CallbackClient->focus($this->userinput);
+ }
+We simply save the message to the chat buffer and then ask for all the messages
+for the current user and update the client side message list using a callback
+response (AJAX style).
At this point the application is actually already functional, just not very
+user friendly. If you open two different browser, you should be able to communicate
+between the two users when ever the Send button is clicked.
The next part is perphaps the more tricker and fiddly than the other tasks. We
+need to improve the user experience. First, we want a list of current users
+as well. So we add the following method to Home.php, we can call
+this method when ever some callback event is raised, e.g. when the Send
+button is clicked.
+protected function refreshUserList()
+ $lastUpdate = $this->getViewState('userList','');
+ $users = ChatUserRecord::finder()->getUserList();
+ if($lastUpdate != $users)
+ {
+ $this->CallbackClient->update('users', $users);
+ $this->setViewstate('userList', $users);
+ }
Actually, we want to periodically update the messages and user list as new
+users join in and new message may arrive from other users. So we need to refresh
+the message list as well.
+function processMessage($sender, $param)
+ ...
+ $this->refreshUserList();
+ $this->refreshMessageList();
+ ...
+protected function refreshMessageList()
+ //refresh the message list
+ $finder = ChatBufferRecord::finder();
+ $content = $finder->getUserMessages($this->Application->User->Name);
+ if(strlen($content) > 0)
+ {
+ $anchor = (string)time();
+ $content .= "";
+ $this->CallbackClient->appendContent("messages", $content);
+ $this->CallbackClient->focus($anchor);
+ }
+The anchor using time() as ID for a focus point is so that when the
+message list on the client side gets very long, the focus method will
+scroll the message list to the latest message (well, it works in most browsers).
Next, we need to redirect the user back to the login page if the user has
+been inactive for some time, say about 5 mins, we can add this check to any stage
+of the page life-cycle. Lets add it to the onLoad() stage.
+public function onLoad($param)
+ $username = $this->Application->User->Name;
+ if(!$this->Application->Modules['users']->usernameExists($username))
+ {
+ $auth = $this->Application->Modules['auth'];
+ $auth->logout();
+ //redirect to login page.
+ $this->Response->Redirect($this->Service->ConstructUrl($auth->LoginPage));
+ }
Improving User Experience
The last few details are to periodically check for new messages and
+refresh the user list. We can accomplish this by polling the server using a
+control. We add a TTimeTriggeredCallback to the Home.page
+and call the refresh handler method to defined in Home.php.
+We set the polling interval to 2 seconds.
+<com:TTimeTriggeredCallback OnCallback="refresh"
+ Interval="2" StartTimerOnLoad="true" />
+function refresh($sender, $param)
+ $this->refreshUserList();
+ $this->refreshMessageList();
The final piece requires us to use some javascript. We want that when the
+user type some text in the textarea and press the Enter key, we want it
+to send the message without clicking on the Send button. We add to the
+Home.page some javascript.
+Event.observe($("<%= $this->userinput->ClientID %>"), "keypress", function(ev)
+ if(Event.keyCode(ev) == Event.KEY_RETURN)
+ {
+ if(Event.element(ev).value.length > 0)
+ new Prado.Callback("<%= $this->sendButton->UniqueID %>");
+ Event.stop(ev);
+ }
+Details regarding the javascript can be explored in the
+Introduction to Javascript section of the quickstart.
This completes the tutorial on making a basic chat web application using
+the Prado framework. Hope you have enjoyed it.
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index 0e54fbc2..fdce0b47 100644
--- a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Tutorial/CurrencyConverter.page
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Tutorial/CurrencyConverter.page
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
relative to the dollar. The completed application is shown bellow.
class="figure" />
You can try the application locally or at
- Pradosoft.com.
+ Pradosoft.com.
Notice that the application still functions exactly the same if javascript
is not available on the user's browser.
Downloading and Installing Prado
Downloading and Installing Prado
To install Prado, simply download the latest version of Prado from
and unzip the file to a directory not accessible by your web server
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