From f019963c124592d2f3c8ce9f4cf56f9109a8ad49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rojaro <> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 11:28:12 +0000 Subject: --- editors/NotepadPlus/5.x/userDefineLang.xml | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+) create mode 100644 editors/NotepadPlus/5.x/userDefineLang.xml (limited to 'editors/NotepadPlus/5.x/userDefineLang.xml') diff --git a/editors/NotepadPlus/5.x/userDefineLang.xml b/editors/NotepadPlus/5.x/userDefineLang.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3353b1dd --- /dev/null +++ b/editors/NotepadPlus/5.x/userDefineLang.xml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + + + + + + + + + "00"00 + + + ' " . / : < = > + 1<!-- 2--> 0 + com prop ID TActiveButton TActiveCheckBox TActiveCheckBoxList TActiveCustomValidator TActiveDatePicker TActiveDropDownList TActiveFileUpload TActiveHiddenField TActiveHyperLink TActiveImage TActiveImageButton TActiveLabel TActiveLinkButton TActiveListBox TActivePager TActivePanel TActiveRadioButton TActiveRadioButtonList TActiveRatingList TActiveTextBox TagChooser TAutoComplete TBulletedList TButton TCallback TCallbackOptions TCaptcha TCaptchaValidator TCheckBox TCheckBoxList TChoiceFormat TClientScript TClientScriptLoader TColorPicker TCompareValidator TCompleteWizardStep TCompositeControl TConditional TContent TContentPlaceHolder TControl TCustomValidator TDataGrid TDataGridItem TDataGridItemRenderer TDataGridPager TDataList TDataListItem TDataListItemRenderer TDataTypeValidator TDateFormat TDatePicker TDraggable TDropContainer TDropDownList TEmailAddressValidator TEventTriggeredCallback TExpression TFileUpload TForm THead THiddenField THtmlArea THtmlElement THyperLink TI18NControl TImage TImageButton TImageMap TInlineFrame TInPlaceTextBox TJavascriptLogger TKeyboard TLabel TLinkButton TListBox TListControlValidator TLiteral TMarkdown TMultiView TNumberFormat TOutputCache TPage TPager TPanel TPlaceHolder TRadioButton TRadioButtonList TRangeValidator TRatingList TReadOnlyDataSource TRegularExpressionValidator TRepeater TRepeaterItem TRepeaterItemRenderer TRequiredFieldValidator TSafeHtml TScaffoldEditView TScaffoldListView TScaffoldSearch TScaffoldView TSlider TStatements TStyleSheet TTable TTableCell TTableFooterRow TTableHeaderCell TTableHeaderRow TTableRow TTabPanel TTabView TTemplateControl TTemplatedWizardStep TTextBox TTextHighlighter TTimeTriggeredCallback TTranslate TTranslateParameter TValidationSummary TValueTriggeredCallback TView TWebControl TWizard TWizardNavigationContainer TWizardStep TXmlTransform + AbbreviatedText AcceptCssClass AccessKey Active ActiveStepIndex ActiveTabCssClass ActiveViewID ActiveViewIndex AllowCustomPaging AllowInput AllowPaging AllowReturn AllowSorting AlternateText AlternatingItemRenderer AlternatingItemStyle AlternatingItemTemplate AppendDataBoundItems AutoGenerateColumns AutoHide AutoHideTextBox AutoPostBack AutoTrim AutoUpdate BackColor BackImageUrl BaseUrl Bold BorderColor BorderStyle BorderWidth BulletImageUrl ButtonImageUrl ButtonText CacheModuleID CachingPostBack CalendarStyle CallbackEventParameter CancelButtonStyle CancelButtonText CancelDestinationUrl CaptchaControl Caption CaptionID CaseSensitive Catalogue CategoryText CausesValidation CellPadding CellSpacing ChangingTokenBackground Charset CheckMXRecord Checked ClientSidePatternModifiers ClientState ClientSupportsJavaScript ClientValidationFunction ColorPickerStyle ColumnSpan Columns CommandName CommandParameter Condition ContentTemplate ControlCssClass ControlID ControlToCompare ControlToPaginate ControlToValidate CssClass CssUrl Culture Currency CurrentPageIndex CustomPluginPath CustomStyle Data DataGroupField DataKeyField DataSourceID DataTextField DataTextFormatString DataValueField Date DateFormat DebugMode DefaultButton DefaultStyle DefaultText DescriptionUrl Direction Display DisplayTextBox DocumentContent DocumentPath Duration EditItemIndex EditItemRenderer EditItemStyle EditItemTemplate EditRenderer EditTriggerControlID EditViewID EmptyRenderer EmptyTemplate EnableClientScript EnableCompression EnableCopyCode EnableDefaultStyle EnableGzip EnableStateEncryption EnableStateValidation EnableTheming EnableViewState EnableVisualEdit Enabled Encode Enctype ErrorMessage EventName Expression FalseTemplate FinishCompleteButtonStyle FinishDestinationUrl FinishNavigationTemplate FinishPreviousButtonStyle FirstBulletNumber FirstDayOfWeek FirstPageImageUrl FirstPageText FocusElementID FocusOnError Font FooterRenderer FooterStyle FooterTemplate ForControl ForeColor FrameUrl FromYear Ghosting GroupName GroupingText Handle HeaderRenderer HeaderStyle HeaderTemplate HeaderText Height HorizontalAlign HoverCssClass ImageAlign ImageUrl InitialValue IsDefaultButton IsValid Italic ItemIndex ItemRenderer ItemStyle ItemTemplate Key KeyboardCssClass Language LastPageImageUrl LastPageText ListViewID MarginHeight MarginWidth MasterClass MaxFileSize MaxLength MaxSelection MaxTokenLength MaxValue MediaType Method MinChars MinSelection MinTokenLength MinValue Name NavigateUrl NavigationStyle NavigationTemplate NextPageImageUrl NextPageText NumericPageImageUrl OKButtonText OnActivate OnActiveStepChanged OnActiveViewChanged OnCalculateKey OnCallback OnCancelButtonClick OnCancelCommand OnCheckDependency OnCheckedChanged OnClick OnCommand OnCompleteButtonClick OnDataBinding OnDataBound OnDataSourceChanged OnDeactivate OnDeleteCommand OnDrop OnEditCommand OnFileUpload OnInit OnInitComplete OnItemCommand OnItemCreated OnItemDataBound OnLoad OnLoadComplete OnLoadingText OnNextButtonClick OnPageIndexChanged OnPagerCreated OnPreInit OnPreLoad OnPreRender OnPreRenderComplete OnPreviousButtonClick OnSaveStateComplete OnSelectedIndexChanged OnServerValidate OnSideBarButtonClick OnSortCommand OnSuggest OnSuggestionSelected OnTextChanged OnUnLoad OnUnload OnUpdateCommand OnValidate OnValidationError OnValidationSuccess OnValueChanged Options Overline PackagePath PackageScripts PageButtonCount PageCount PagePath PageSize PagerStyle Pattern PatternModifiers PersistPassword PostBackEventParameter PradoScripts PrevPageImageUrl PrevPageText PreventDefaultAction ProgressIndicator PromptText PromptValue PropertyName PublicKey ReadOnly RecordClass RegularExpression RepeatColumns RepeatDirection RepeatLayout RequiredSelections ResultPanel Revert RowSpan Rows ScriptUrl ScrollBars SearchableFields SelectedIndex SelectedItemIndex SelectedItemRenderer SelectedItemStyle SelectedItemTemplate SelectedValue Separator SeparatorRenderer SeparatorStyle SeparatorTemplate ShortcutIcon ShowAnchor ShowBorder ShowCalendar ShowCancelButton ShowColorPicker ShowFooter ShowHeader ShowLineNumbers ShowMessageBox ShowSideBar ShowSummary SideBarStyle SideBarTemplate Size SkinID StartNavigationTemplate StartNextButtonStyle StartTimerOnLoad StatePersisterClass Statements StepNavigationTemplate StepNextButtonStyle StepPreviousButtonStyle StepStyle StepType StrictComparison Strikeout Style StyleSheetUrl Suggestions TabCssClass TabIndex TabSize TableSection TagName Target TempPath TestLimit Text TextCssClass TextMode TimeStamp Title ToggleKey TokenAlphabet TokenExpiry TokenFontSize TokenImageTheme ToolTip TransformContent TransformPath Trim TrueTemplate Type Underline UniqueGroupName UpToYear UseDefaultLayout ValidationGroup Value ValueToCompare VaryByParam VaryBySession VerticalAlign ViewCssClass VirtualItemCount Visible Width Wrap + !doctype a abbr accept-charset accept accesskey acronym action address align alink alt applet archive area axis b background base basefont bdo bgcolor big blockquote body border br button caption cellpadding cellspacing center char charoff charset checkbox checked cite class classid clear code codebase codetype col colgroup color cols colspan compact content coords data datafld dataformatas datapagesize datasrc datetime dd declare defer del dfn dir disabled div dl dt em enctype event face fieldset file font for form frame frameborder frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head headers height hidden hr href hreflang hspace html http-equiv i id iframe image img input ins isindex ismap kbd label lang language leftmargin legend li link longdesc map marginwidth marginheight maxlength media menu meta method multiple name noframes nohref noresize noscript noshade nowrap object ol onblur onchange onclick ondblclick onfocus onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onmousedown onmousemove onmouseover onmouseout onmouseup optgroup option onreset onselect onsubmit onunload p param password profile pre prompt public q radio readonly rel reset rev rows rowspan rules s samp scheme scope script select selected shape size small span src standby start strike strong style sub submit summary sup tabindex table target tbody td text textarea tfoot th thead title topmargin tr tt type u ul usemap valign value valuetype var version vlink width + % $this + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3