- }
- }
- $aRpl[$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']] = '${DocumentRoot}';
- $aRpl[str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])] = '${DocumentRoot}';
- $aRpl = array_reverse($aRpl, true);
- return str_replace(array_keys($aRpl), $aRpl, $value);
- }
- /**
- * Displays error to the client user.
- * THttpException and errors happened when the application is in Debug
- * mode will be displayed to the client user.
- * @param integer response status code
- * @param Exception exception instance
- */
- protected function handleExternalError($statusCode,$exception)
- {
- if(!($exception instanceof THttpException))
- error_log($exception->__toString());
- $content=$this->getErrorTemplate($statusCode,$exception);
- $serverAdmin=isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])?$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']:'';
- $isDebug = $this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug;
- $errorMessage = $exception->getMessage();
- if($isDebug)
- $version=$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].' PRADO/'.Prado::getVersion();
- else
- {
- $version='';
- $errorMessage = self::hideSecurityRelated($errorMessage, $exception);
- }
- $tokens=array(
- '%%StatusCode%%' => "$statusCode",
- '%%ErrorMessage%%' => htmlspecialchars($errorMessage),
- '%%ServerAdmin%%' => $serverAdmin,
- '%%Version%%' => $version,
- '%%Time%%' => @strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',time())
- );
- if($isDebug)
- header("HTTP/1.0 $statusCode ".$exception->getMessage(), true, $statusCode);
- else
- header("HTTP/1.0 $statusCode", true, $statusCode);
- echo strtr($content,$tokens);
- }
- /**
- * Handles error occurs during error handling (called recursive error).
- * THttpException and errors happened when the application is in Debug
- * mode will be displayed to the client user.
- * Error is displayed without using existing template to prevent further errors.
- * @param Exception exception instance
- */
- protected function handleRecursiveError($exception)
- {
- if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug)
- {
- echo "Recursive Error\n";
- echo "Recursive Error
- echo "".$exception->__toString()."
- echo "";
- }
- else
- {
- error_log("Error happened while processing an existing error:\n".$exception->__toString());
- header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Error');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Displays exception information.
- * Exceptions are displayed with rich context information, including
- * the call stack and the context source code.
- * This method is only invoked when application is in Debug mode.
- * @param Exception exception instance
- */
- protected function displayException($exception)
- {
- if(php_sapi_name()==='cli')
- {
- echo $exception->getMessage()."\n";
- echo $exception->getTraceAsString();
- return;
- }
- if($exception instanceof TTemplateException)
- {
- $fileName=$exception->getTemplateFile();
- $lines=empty($fileName)?explode("\n",$exception->getTemplateSource()):@file($fileName);
- $source=$this->getSourceCode($lines,$exception->getLineNumber());
- if($fileName==='')
- $fileName='---embedded template---';
- $errorLine=$exception->getLineNumber();
- }
- else
- {
- if(($trace=$this->getExactTrace($exception))!==null)
- {
- $fileName=$trace['file'];
- $errorLine=$trace['line'];
- }
- else
- {
- $fileName=$exception->getFile();
- $errorLine=$exception->getLine();
- }
- $source=$this->getSourceCode(@file($fileName),$errorLine);
- }
- if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug)
- $version=$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].' PRADO/'.Prado::getVersion();
- else
- $version='';
- $tokens=array(
- '%%ErrorType%%' => get_class($exception),
- '%%ErrorMessage%%' => $this->addLink(htmlspecialchars($exception->getMessage())),
- '%%SourceFile%%' => htmlspecialchars($fileName).' ('.$errorLine.')',
- '%%SourceCode%%' => $source,
- '%%StackTrace%%' => htmlspecialchars($exception->getTraceAsString()),
- '%%Version%%' => $version,
- '%%Time%%' => @strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',time())
- );
- $content=$this->getExceptionTemplate($exception);
- echo strtr($content,$tokens);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the template used for displaying internal exceptions.
- * Internal exceptions will be displayed with source code causing the exception.
- * This occurs when the application is in debug mode.
- * @param Exception the exception to be displayed
- * @return string the template content
- */
- protected function getExceptionTemplate($exception)
- {
- $lang=Prado::getPreferredLanguage();
- $exceptionFile=Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/Exceptions/templates/'.self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME.'-'.$lang.'.html';
- if(!is_file($exceptionFile))
- $exceptionFile=Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/Exceptions/templates/'.self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME.'.html';
- if(($content=@file_get_contents($exceptionFile))===false)
- die("Unable to open exception template file '$exceptionFile'.");
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the template used for displaying external exceptions.
- * External exceptions are those displayed to end-users. They do not contain
- * error source code. Therefore, you might want to override this method
- * to provide your own error template for displaying certain external exceptions.
- * The following tokens in the template will be replaced with corresponding content:
- * %%StatusCode%% : the status code of the exception
- * %%ErrorMessage%% : the error message (HTML encoded).
- * %%ServerAdmin%% : the server admin information (retrieved from Web server configuration)
- * %%Version%% : the version information of the Web server.
- * %%Time%% : the time the exception occurs at
- *
- * @param integer status code (such as 404, 500, etc.)
- * @param Exception the exception to be displayed
- * @return string the template content
- */
- protected function getErrorTemplate($statusCode,$exception)
- {
- $base=$this->getErrorTemplatePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::ERROR_FILE_NAME;
- $lang=Prado::getPreferredLanguage();
- if(is_file("$base$statusCode-$lang.html"))
- $errorFile="$base$statusCode-$lang.html";
- else if(is_file("$base$statusCode.html"))
- $errorFile="$base$statusCode.html";
- else if(is_file("$base-$lang.html"))
- $errorFile="$base-$lang.html";
- else
- $errorFile="$base.html";
- if(($content=@file_get_contents($errorFile))===false)
- die("Unable to open error template file '$errorFile'.");
- return $content;
- }
- private function getExactTrace($exception)
- {
- $trace=$exception->getTrace();
- $result=null;
- // if PHP exception, we want to show the 2nd stack level context
- // because the 1st stack level is of little use (it's in error handler)
- if($exception instanceof TPhpErrorException)
- $result=isset($trace[0]['file'])?$trace[0]:$trace[1];
- else if($exception instanceof TInvalidOperationException)
- {
- // in case of getter or setter error, find out the exact file and row
- if(($result=$this->getPropertyAccessTrace($trace,'__get'))===null)
- $result=$this->getPropertyAccessTrace($trace,'__set');
- }
- if($result!==null && strpos($result['file'],': eval()\'d code')!==false)
- return null;
- return $result;
- }
- private function getPropertyAccessTrace($trace,$pattern)
- {
- $result=null;
- foreach($trace as $t)
- {
- if(isset($t['function']) && $t['function']===$pattern)
- $result=$t;
- else
- break;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- private function getSourceCode($lines,$errorLine)
- {
- $beginLine=$errorLine-self::SOURCE_LINES>=0?$errorLine-self::SOURCE_LINES:0;
- $endLine=$errorLine+self::SOURCE_LINES<=count($lines)?$errorLine+self::SOURCE_LINES:count($lines);
- $source='';
- for($i=$beginLine;$i<$endLine;++$i)
- {
- if($i===$errorLine-1)
- {
- $line=htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%04d: %s",$i+1,str_replace("\t",' ',$lines[$i])));
- $source.="".$line."
- }
- else
- $source.=htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%04d: %s",$i+1,str_replace("\t",' ',$lines[$i])));
- }
- return $source;
- }
- private function addLink($message)
- {
- $baseUrl='http://www.pradosoft.com/docs/classdoc';
- return preg_replace('/\b(T[A-Z]\w+)\b/',"\${1}",$message);
- }
+ $this->_templatePath=Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/Exceptions/templates';
+ return $this->_templatePath;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the path storing all error and exception template files.
+ * The path must be in namespace format, such as System.Exceptions (which is the default).
+ * @param string template path in namespace format
+ * @throws TConfigurationException if the template path is invalid
+ */
+ public function setErrorTemplatePath($value)
+ {
+ if(($templatePath=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value))!==null && is_dir($templatePath))
+ $this->_templatePath=$templatePath;
+ else
+ throw new TConfigurationException('errorhandler_errortemplatepath_invalid',$value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles PHP user errors and exceptions.
+ * This is the event handler responding to the Error event
+ * raised in {@link TApplication}.
+ * The method mainly uses appropriate template to display the error/exception.
+ * It terminates the application immediately after the error is displayed.
+ * @param mixed sender of the event
+ * @param mixed event parameter (if the event is raised by TApplication, it refers to the exception instance)
+ */
+ public function handleError($sender,$param)
+ {
+ static $handling=false;
+ // We need to restore error and exception handlers,
+ // because within error and exception handlers, new errors and exceptions
+ // cannot be handled properly by PHP
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ // ensure that we do not enter infinite loop of error handling
+ if($handling)
+ $this->handleRecursiveError($param);
+ else
+ {
+ $handling=true;
+ if(($response=$this->getResponse())!==null)
+ $response->clear();
+ if(!headers_sent())
+ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ if($param instanceof THttpException)
+ $this->handleExternalError($param->getStatusCode(),$param);
+ else if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug)
+ $this->displayException($param);
+ else
+ $this->handleExternalError(500,$param);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ * @param Exception|null$exception
+ * @return string
+ * @since 3.1.6
+ */
+ protected static function hideSecurityRelated($value, $exception=null)
+ {
+ $aRpl = array();
+ if($exception !== null && $exception instanceof Exception)
+ {
+ $aTrace = $exception->getTrace();
+ foreach($aTrace as $item)
+ {
+ $file = $item['file'];
+ }
+ }
+ $aRpl[$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']] = '${DocumentRoot}';
+ $aRpl[str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])] = '${DocumentRoot}';
+ $aRpl = array_reverse($aRpl, true);
+ return str_replace(array_keys($aRpl), $aRpl, $value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays error to the client user.
+ * THttpException and errors happened when the application is in Debug
+ * mode will be displayed to the client user.
+ * @param integer response status code
+ * @param Exception exception instance
+ */
+ protected function handleExternalError($statusCode,$exception)
+ {
+ if(!($exception instanceof THttpException))
+ error_log($exception->__toString());
+ $content=$this->getErrorTemplate($statusCode,$exception);
+ $serverAdmin=isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])?$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']:'';
+ $isDebug = $this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug;
+ $errorMessage = $exception->getMessage();
+ if($isDebug)
+ $version=$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].' PRADO/'.Prado::getVersion();
+ else
+ {
+ $version='';
+ $errorMessage = self::hideSecurityRelated($errorMessage, $exception);
+ }
+ $tokens=array(
+ '%%StatusCode%%' => "$statusCode",
+ '%%ErrorMessage%%' => htmlspecialchars($errorMessage),
+ '%%ServerAdmin%%' => $serverAdmin,
+ '%%Version%%' => $version,
+ '%%Time%%' => @strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',time())
+ );
+ if($isDebug)
+ header("HTTP/1.0 $statusCode ".$exception->getMessage(), true, TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($statusCode));
+ else
+ header("HTTP/1.0 $statusCode", true, TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($statusCode));
+ echo strtr($content,$tokens);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles error occurs during error handling (called recursive error).
+ * THttpException and errors happened when the application is in Debug
+ * mode will be displayed to the client user.
+ * Error is displayed without using existing template to prevent further errors.
+ * @param Exception exception instance
+ */
+ protected function handleRecursiveError($exception)
+ {
+ if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug)
+ {
+ echo "Recursive Error\n";
+ echo "Recursive Error
+ echo "".$exception->__toString()."
+ echo "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error_log("Error happened while processing an existing error:\n".$exception->__toString());
+ header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Error');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays exception information.
+ * Exceptions are displayed with rich context information, including
+ * the call stack and the context source code.
+ * This method is only invoked when application is in Debug mode.
+ * @param Exception exception instance
+ */
+ protected function displayException($exception)
+ {
+ if(php_sapi_name()==='cli')
+ {
+ echo $exception->getMessage()."\n";
+ echo $exception->getTraceAsString();
+ return;
+ }
+ if($exception instanceof TTemplateException)
+ {
+ $fileName=$exception->getTemplateFile();
+ $lines=empty($fileName)?explode("\n",$exception->getTemplateSource()):@file($fileName);
+ $source=$this->getSourceCode($lines,$exception->getLineNumber());
+ if($fileName==='')
+ $fileName='---embedded template---';
+ $errorLine=$exception->getLineNumber();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(($trace=$this->getExactTrace($exception))!==null)
+ {
+ $fileName=$trace['file'];
+ $errorLine=$trace['line'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $fileName=$exception->getFile();
+ $errorLine=$exception->getLine();
+ }
+ $source=$this->getSourceCode(@file($fileName),$errorLine);
+ }
+ if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug)
+ $version=$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].' PRADO/'.Prado::getVersion();
+ else
+ $version='';
+ $tokens=array(
+ '%%ErrorType%%' => get_class($exception),
+ '%%ErrorMessage%%' => $this->addLink(htmlspecialchars($exception->getMessage())),
+ '%%SourceFile%%' => htmlspecialchars($fileName).' ('.$errorLine.')',
+ '%%SourceCode%%' => $source,
+ '%%StackTrace%%' => htmlspecialchars($exception->getTraceAsString()),
+ '%%Version%%' => $version,
+ '%%Time%%' => @strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',time())
+ );
+ $content=$this->getExceptionTemplate($exception);
+ echo strtr($content,$tokens);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the template used for displaying internal exceptions.
+ * Internal exceptions will be displayed with source code causing the exception.
+ * This occurs when the application is in debug mode.
+ * @param Exception the exception to be displayed
+ * @return string the template content
+ */
+ protected function getExceptionTemplate($exception)
+ {
+ $lang=Prado::getPreferredLanguage();
+ $exceptionFile=Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/Exceptions/templates/'.self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME.'-'.$lang.'.html';
+ if(!is_file($exceptionFile))
+ $exceptionFile=Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/Exceptions/templates/'.self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME.'.html';
+ if(($content=@file_get_contents($exceptionFile))===false)
+ die("Unable to open exception template file '$exceptionFile'.");
+ return $content;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the template used for displaying external exceptions.
+ * External exceptions are those displayed to end-users. They do not contain
+ * error source code. Therefore, you might want to override this method
+ * to provide your own error template for displaying certain external exceptions.
+ * The following tokens in the template will be replaced with corresponding content:
+ * %%StatusCode%% : the status code of the exception
+ * %%ErrorMessage%% : the error message (HTML encoded).
+ * %%ServerAdmin%% : the server admin information (retrieved from Web server configuration)
+ * %%Version%% : the version information of the Web server.
+ * %%Time%% : the time the exception occurs at
+ *
+ * @param integer status code (such as 404, 500, etc.)
+ * @param Exception the exception to be displayed
+ * @return string the template content
+ */
+ protected function getErrorTemplate($statusCode,$exception)
+ {
+ $base=$this->getErrorTemplatePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::ERROR_FILE_NAME;
+ $lang=Prado::getPreferredLanguage();
+ if(is_file("$base$statusCode-$lang.html"))
+ $errorFile="$base$statusCode-$lang.html";
+ else if(is_file("$base$statusCode.html"))
+ $errorFile="$base$statusCode.html";
+ else if(is_file("$base-$lang.html"))
+ $errorFile="$base-$lang.html";
+ else
+ $errorFile="$base.html";
+ if(($content=@file_get_contents($errorFile))===false)
+ die("Unable to open error template file '$errorFile'.");
+ return $content;
+ }
+ private function getExactTrace($exception)
+ {
+ $trace=$exception->getTrace();
+ $result=null;
+ // if PHP exception, we want to show the 2nd stack level context
+ // because the 1st stack level is of little use (it's in error handler)
+ if($exception instanceof TPhpErrorException)
+ $result=isset($trace[0]['file'])?$trace[0]:$trace[1];
+ else if($exception instanceof TInvalidOperationException)
+ {
+ // in case of getter or setter error, find out the exact file and row
+ if(($result=$this->getPropertyAccessTrace($trace,'__get'))===null)
+ $result=$this->getPropertyAccessTrace($trace,'__set');
+ }
+ if($result!==null && strpos($result['file'],': eval()\'d code')!==false)
+ return null;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function getPropertyAccessTrace($trace,$pattern)
+ {
+ $result=null;
+ foreach($trace as $t)
+ {
+ if(isset($t['function']) && $t['function']===$pattern)
+ $result=$t;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ private function getSourceCode($lines,$errorLine)
+ {
+ $beginLine=$errorLine-self::SOURCE_LINES>=0?$errorLine-self::SOURCE_LINES:0;
+ $endLine=$errorLine+self::SOURCE_LINES<=count($lines)?$errorLine+self::SOURCE_LINES:count($lines);
+ $source='';
+ for($i=$beginLine;$i<$endLine;++$i)
+ {
+ if($i===$errorLine-1)
+ {
+ $line=htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%04d: %s",$i+1,str_replace("\t",' ',$lines[$i])));
+ $source.="".$line."
+ }
+ else
+ $source.=htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%04d: %s",$i+1,str_replace("\t",' ',$lines[$i])));
+ }
+ return $source;
+ }
+ private function addLink($message)
+ {
+ $baseUrl='http://www.pradosoft.com/docs/classdoc';
+ return preg_replace('/\b(T[A-Z]\w+)\b/',"\${1}",$message);
+ }
cgit v1.2.3