From b9b1105224ef72a45a384e51333b9cfe191be84e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wei <> Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:06:21 +0000 Subject: rearrange javascript library --- framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/prado.js | 184 +-- framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/colorpicker.js | 119 +- framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/prado.js | 1423 +++++++++------------ 3 files changed, 774 insertions(+), 952 deletions(-) (limited to 'framework/Web/Javascripts/js') diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/prado.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/prado.js index 6fadd8de..df87ac8f 100644 --- a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/prado.js +++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/prado.js @@ -250,7 +250,12 @@ if(Builder._isStringOrNumber(e)) element.appendChild(Builder._text(e));});}else if(Builder._isStringOrNumber(children)) element.appendChild(Builder._text(children));},_isStringOrNumber:function(param){return(typeof param=='string'||typeof 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["808080"/*gray*/, "ff0000"/*red*/, "800080"/*purple*/, "000000"/*black*/]] }, - UIImages : + UIImages : { 'button.gif' : 'button.gif', // 'target_black.gif' : 'target_black.gif', @@ -272,11 +273,11 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker, } }); -Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, +Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, { initialize : function(options) { - var basics = + var basics = { Palette : 'Small', ClassName : 'TColorPicker', @@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, CancelButtonText : 'Cancel', ShowColorPicker : true } - + this.element = null; this.showing = false; @@ -301,10 +302,10 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, updatePicker : function(e) { - var color = Rico.Color.createFromHex(this.input.value); + var color = Rico.Color.createFromHex(this.input.value); = color.toString(); }, - + buttonOnClick : function(event) { var mode = this.options['Mode']; @@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, this.initializeFullPicker(); }; - }, + }, show : function(type) { @@ -340,14 +341,14 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, = (pos[1]-1) + "px"; = pos[0] + "px"; = "block"; - + this.ieHack(type); //observe for clicks on the document body this._documentClickEvent = this.hideOnClick.bindEvent(this, type); this._documentKeyDownEvent = this.keyPressed.bindEvent(this, type); Event.observe(document.body, "click", this._documentClickEvent); - Event.observe(document,"keydown", this._documentKeyDownEvent); + Event.observe(document,"keydown", this._documentKeyDownEvent); this.showing = true; if(type == "Full") @@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, } } }, - + hide : function(event) { if(this.showing) @@ -370,11 +371,11 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, = "none"; this.showing = false; Event.stopObserving(document.body, "click", this._documentClickEvent); - Event.stopObserving(document,"keydown", this._documentKeyDownEvent); - + Event.stopObserving(document,"keydown", this._documentKeyDownEvent); + if(this._observingMouseMove) - { - Event.stopObserving(document.body, "mousemove", this._onMouseMove); + { + Event.stopObserving(document.body, "mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._observingMouseMove = false; } } @@ -396,16 +397,16 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, within = within || el == this.button; within = within || el == this.input; if(within) break; - el = el.parentNode; + el = el.parentNode; } while(el); if(!within) this.hide(ev); }, - ieHack : function() + ieHack : function() { // IE hack - if(this.iePopUp) + if(this.iePopUp) { = "block"; = (this.element.offsetTop) + "px"; @@ -448,7 +449,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, cellOnClick : function(e) { - var el = Event.element(e); + var el = Event.element(e); if(el.tagName.toLowerCase() != "img") return; var color = Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(el); @@ -464,15 +465,15 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, }, getFullPickerContainer : function(pickerID) - { + { //create the 3 buttons - this.buttons = + this.buttons = { //Less : INPUT({value:'Less Colors', className:'button', type:'button'}), OK : INPUT({value:this.options.OKButtonText, className:'button', type:'button'}), Cancel : INPUT({value:this.options.CancelButtonText, className:'button', type:'button'}) }; - + //create the 6 inputs var inputs = {}; ['H','S','V','R','G','B'].each(function(type) @@ -483,13 +484,13 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, //create the HEX input inputs['HEX'] = INPUT({className:'hex',type:'text',size:'6',maxlength:'6'}); this.inputs = inputs; - + var images = Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.UIImages; this.inputs['currentColor'] = SPAN({className:'currentColor'}); this.inputs['oldColor'] = SPAN({className:'oldColor'}); - var inputsTable = + var inputsTable = TABLE({className:'inputs'}, TBODY(null, TR(null, TD({className:'currentcolor',colSpan:2}, @@ -502,30 +503,30 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, TR(null, TD(null,'S:'), TD(null,this.inputs['S'], '%')), - - TR(null, + + TR(null, TD(null,'V:'), TD(null,this.inputs['V'], '%')), - - TR(null, + + TR(null, TD({className:'gap'},'R:'), TD({className:'gap'},this.inputs['R'])), - - TR(null, + + TR(null, TD(null,'G:'), TD(null, this.inputs['G'])), - TR(null, + TR(null, TD(null,'B:'), TD(null, this.inputs['B'])), - TR(null, + TR(null, TD({className:'gap'},'#'), TD({className:'gap'},this.inputs['HEX'])) )); - var UIimages = - { + var UIimages = + { selector : SPAN({className:'selector'}), background : SPAN({className:'colorpanel'}), slider : SPAN({className:'slider'}), @@ -538,23 +539,23 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, var filter = "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader"; UIimages['background'] = SPAN({className:'colorpanel',style:filter+"(src='"+images['background.png']+"' sizingMethod=scale);"}) } - + this.inputs = Object.extend(this.inputs, UIimages); - var pickerTable = + var pickerTable = TABLE(null,TBODY(null, TR({className:'selection'}, TD({className:'colors'},UIimages['selector'],UIimages['background']), TD({className:'hue'},UIimages['slider'],UIimages['hue']), TD({className:'inputs'}, inputsTable) ), - TR({className:'options'}, - TD({colSpan:3}, - this.buttons['OK'], + TR({className:'options'}, + TD({colSpan:3}, + this.buttons['OK'], this.buttons['Cancel']) ) )); - + return DIV({className:this.options['ClassName']+" FullColorPicker", id:pickerID+"_picker"},pickerTable); }, @@ -565,16 +566,16 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, = color.asHex(); this.setColor(color,true); - var i = 0; + var i = 0; for(var type in this.inputs) { - Event.observe(this.inputs[type], "change", + Event.observe(this.inputs[type], "change", this.onInputChanged.bindEvent(this,type)); i++; if(i > 6) break; } - + this.isMouseDownOnColor = false; this.isMouseDownOnHue = false; @@ -587,9 +588,9 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, Event.observe(this.inputs.selector, "mousedown", this._onColorMouseDown); Event.observe(this.inputs.hue, "mousedown", this._onHueMouseDown); Event.observe(this.inputs.slider, "mousedown", this._onHueMouseDown); - + Event.observe(document.body, "mouseup", this._onMouseUp); - + this.observeMouseMovement(); Event.observe(this.buttons.Cancel, "click", this.hide.bindEvent(this,this.options['Mode'])); @@ -602,7 +603,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, { Event.observe(document.body, "mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._observingMouseMove = true; - } + } }, onColorMouseDown : function(ev) @@ -633,15 +634,15 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, if(this.isMouseDownOnHue) this.changeH(ev); Event.stop(ev); - }, + }, changeSV : function(ev) { var px = Event.pointerX(ev); var py = Event.pointerY(ev); var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.inputs.background); - - var x = this.truncate(px - pos[0],0,255); + + var x = this.truncate(px - pos[0],0,255); var y = this.truncate(py - pos[1],0,255); @@ -650,7 +651,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, var current_s = parseInt(this.inputs.S.value); var current_b = parseInt(this.inputs.V.value); - + if(current_s == parseInt(s*100) && current_b == parseInt(b*100)) return; var h = this.truncate(this.inputs.H.value,0,360)/360; @@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, = x+"px"; = y+"px"; - + = color.asHex(); return this.setColor(color); @@ -672,7 +673,7 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, var py = Event.pointerY(ev); var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.inputs.background); var y = this.truncate(py - pos[1],0,255); - + var h = (255-y)/255; var current_h = this.truncate(this.inputs.H.value,0,360); current_h = current_h == 0 ? 360 : current_h; @@ -743,12 +744,12 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, this.inputs.G.value = color.rgb.g; this.inputs.B.value = color.rgb.b; this.inputs.HEX.value = color.asHex().substring(1).toUpperCase(); - + var images = Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.UIImages; var changeCss = color.isBright() ? 'removeClassName' : 'addClassName'; Element[changeCss](this.inputs.selector, 'target_white'); - + if(update) this.updateSelectors(color); }, @@ -757,11 +758,11 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TColorPicker.prototype, { var hsb = color.asHSB(); var pos = [hsb.s*255, hsb.b*255, hsb.h*255]; - + = this.truncate(pos[0],0,255)+"px"; = this.truncate(255-pos[1],0,255)+"px"; = this.truncate(255-pos[2],0,255)+"px"; - + var hue = new Rico.Color(color.rgb.r,color.rgb.g,color.rgb.b); hue.setSaturation(1); hue.setBrightness(1); = hue.asHex(); diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/prado.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/prado.js index b9ed0117..12d790e6 100644 --- a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/prado.js +++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/prado.js @@ -3349,6 +3349,63 @@ var Builder = { +var Prado = +{ + Version: '3.0.0', + + /** + * Returns browser information. Example + * + * var browser = Prado.Browser(); + * alert(; //should ouput true if IE, false otherwise + * + * @param ${parameter} + * @return ${return} + */ + Browser : function() + { + var info = { Version : "1.0" }; + var is_major = parseInt( navigator.appVersion ); + info.nver = is_major; + info.ver = navigator.appVersion; + info.agent = navigator.userAgent; + info.dom = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0; + info.opera = window.opera ? 1 : 0; + info.ie5 = ( info.ver.indexOf( "MSIE 5" ) > -1 && info.dom && !info.opera ) ? 1 : 0; + info.ie6 = ( info.ver.indexOf( "MSIE 6" ) > -1 && info.dom && !info.opera ) ? 1 : 0; + info.ie4 = ( document.all && !info.dom && !info.opera ) ? 1 : 0; + = info.ie4 || info.ie5 || info.ie6; + info.mac = info.agent.indexOf( "Mac" ) > -1; + info.ns6 = ( info.dom && parseInt( info.ver ) >= 5 ) ? 1 : 0; + info.ie3 = ( info.ver.indexOf( "MSIE" ) && ( is_major < 4 ) ); + info.hotjava = ( info.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'hotjava' ) != -1 ) ? 1 : 0; + info.ns4 = ( document.layers && !info.dom && !info.hotjava ) ? 1 : 0; + = ( info.ie6 || info.ie5 || info.ie4 || info.ns4 || info.ns6 || info.opera ); + info.ver3 = ( info.hotjava || info.ie3 ); + info.opera7 = ( ( info.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'opera 7' ) > -1 ) || ( info.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'opera/7' ) > -1 ) ); + info.operaOld = info.opera && !info.opera7; + return info; + }, + + ImportCss : function(doc, css_file) + { + if (Prado.Browser().ie) + var styleSheet = doc.createStyleSheet(css_file); + else + { + var elm = doc.createElement("link"); + + elm.rel = "stylesheet"; + elm.href = css_file; + + if (headArr = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")) + headArr[0].appendChild(elm); + } + } +}; + + + /** * Similar to bindAsEventLister, but takes additional arguments. */ @@ -3484,140 +3541,379 @@ Base.implement = function(_interface) { if (_interface instanceof Function) _interface = _interface.prototype; this.prototype.extend(_interface); }; - - + /** - * @class String extensions + * Performs a post-back using javascript + * */ -Object.extend(String.prototype, { - /** - * @param {String} "left" to pad the string on the left, "right" to pad right. - * @param {Number} minimum string length. - * @param {String} character(s) to pad - * @return {String} padded character(s) on the left or right to satisfy minimum string length - */ +Prado.PostBack = function(event,options) +{ + var form = $(options['FormID']); + var canSubmit = true; - pad : function(side, len, chr) { - if (!chr) chr = ' '; - var s = this; - var left = side.toLowerCase()=='left'; - while (s.length 0) + form.action = options['PostBackUrl']; + + if(options['TrackFocus']) + { + var lastFocus = $('PRADO_LASTFOCUS'); + if(lastFocus) + { + var active = document.activeElement; //where did this come from + if(active) + lastFocus.value =; + else + lastFocus.value = options['EventTarget']; + } + } + $('PRADO_POSTBACK_TARGET').value = options['EventTarget']; + $('PRADO_POSTBACK_PARAMETER').value = options['EventParameter']; /** - * @param {Number} minimum string length. - * @param {String} character(s) to pad - * @return {String} padded character(s) on the left to satisfy minimum string length + * Since google toolbar prevents browser default action, + * we will always disable default client-side browser action */ - padLeft : function(len, chr) { - return this.pad('left',len,chr); - }, + /*if(options['StopEvent']) */ + Event.stop(event); + Event.fireEvent(form,"submit"); +} +/** + * Additional element utilities. + */ +Prado.Element = +{ /** - * @param {Number} minimum string length. - * @param {String} character(s) to pad - * @return {String} padded character(s) on the right to satisfy minimum string length + * Set the value of a particular element. + * @param string element id + * @param string new element value. */ - padRight : function(len, chr) { - return this.pad('right',len,chr); + setValue : function(element, value) + { + var el = $(element); + if(el && typeof(el.value) != "undefined") + el.value = value; }, - /** - * @param {Number} minimum string length. - * @return {String} append zeros to the left to satisfy minimum string length. - */ - zerofill : function(len) { - return this.padLeft(len,'0'); + select : function(element, method, value) + { + var el = $(element); + var isList = element.indexOf('[]') > -1; + if(!el && !isList) return; + method = isList ? 'check'+method : el.tagName.toLowerCase()+method; + var selection = Prado.Element.Selection; + if(isFunction(selection[method])) + selection[method](isList ? element : el,value); }, - /** - * @return {String} removed white spaces from both ends. - */ - trim : function() { - return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); + click : function(element) + { + var el = $(element); + if(el) + Event.fireEvent(el,'click'); }, - /** - * @return {String} removed white spaces from the left end. - */ - trimLeft : function() { - return this.replace(/^\s+/,''); + setAttribute : function(element, attribute, value) + { + var el = $(element); + if(attribute == "disabled" && value==false) + el.removeAttribute(attribute); + else + el.setAttribute(attribute, value); }, - /** - * @return {String} removed white spaces from the right end. - */ - trimRight : function() { - return this.replace(/\s+$/,''); + setOptions : function(element, options) + { + var el = $(element); + if(el && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select") + { + while(el.length > 0) + el.remove(0); + for(var i = 0; iInternationalization - * is not supported - * @param {String} the decimal character - * @return {Double} null if string does not represent a float value - */ - toDouble : function(decimalchar) + selectAll : function(el) { - if(this.length <= 0) return null; - decimalchar = decimalchar || "."; - var exp = new RegExp("^\\s*([-\\+])?(\\d+)?(\\" + decimalchar + "(\\d+))?\\s*$"); - var m = this.match(exp); - - if (m == null) - return null; - m[1] = m[1] || ""; - m[2] = m[2] || "0"; - m[4] = m[4] || "0"; - - var cleanInput = m[1] + (m[2].length>0 ? m[2] : "0") + "." + m[4]; - var num = parseFloat(cleanInput); - return (isNaN(num) ? null : num); + $A(el.options).each(function(option) + { + option.selected = true; + Logger.warn(option.value); + }); }, - /** - * Convert strings that represent a currency value (e.g. a float with grouping - * characters) to float. E.g. "10,000.50" will become "10000.50". The number + selectInvert : function(el) + { + $A(el.options).each(function(option) + { + option.selected = !option.selected; + }); + }, + + checkValue : function(name, value) + { + $A(document.getElementsByName(name)).each(function(el) + { + el.checked = el.value == value + }); + }, + + checkIndex : function(name, index) + { + var elements = $A(document.getElementsByName(name)); + for(var i = 0; i1) + return Builder.node(tag,args.shift(),args); + + }; + }); + } +}); + +Builder.exportTags(); + +/** + * @class String extensions + */ +Object.extend(String.prototype, { + /** + * @param {String} "left" to pad the string on the left, "right" to pad right. + * @param {Number} minimum string length. + * @param {String} character(s) to pad + * @return {String} padded character(s) on the left or right to satisfy minimum string length + */ + + pad : function(side, len, chr) { + if (!chr) chr = ' '; + var s = this; + var left = side.toLowerCase()=='left'; + while (s.lengthInternationalization + * is not supported + * @param {String} the decimal character + * @return {Double} null if string does not represent a float value + */ + toDouble : function(decimalchar) + { + if(this.length <= 0) return null; + decimalchar = decimalchar || "."; + var exp = new RegExp("^\\s*([-\\+])?(\\d+)?(\\" + decimalchar + "(\\d+))?\\s*$"); + var m = this.match(exp); + + if (m == null) + return null; + m[1] = m[1] || ""; + m[2] = m[2] || "0"; + m[4] = m[4] || "0"; + + var cleanInput = m[1] + (m[2].length>0 ? m[2] : "0") + "." + m[4]; + var num = parseFloat(cleanInput); + return (isNaN(num) ? null : num); + }, + + /** + * Convert strings that represent a currency value (e.g. a float with grouping + * characters) to float. E.g. "10,000.50" will become "10000.50". The number * of dicimal digits, grouping and decimal characters can be specified. * The currency input format is very strict, null will be returned if * the pattern does not match. @@ -3640,14 +3936,14 @@ Object.extend(String.prototype, { return null; var intermed = m[2] + m[5] ; var cleanInput = m[1] + intermed.replace( - new RegExp("(\\" + groupchar + ")", "g"), "") + new RegExp("(\\" + groupchar + ")", "g"), "") + ((digits > 0) ? "." + m[7] : ""); var num = parseFloat(cleanInput); return (isNaN(num) ? null : num); }, /** - * Converts the string to a date by finding values that matches the + * Converts the string to a date by finding values that matches the * date format pattern. * @param string date format pattern, e.g. MM-dd-yyyy * @return {Date} the date extracted from the string @@ -3656,19 +3952,19 @@ Object.extend(String.prototype, { { return Date.SimpleParse(this, format); } -}); - +}); + /** * @class Event extensions. */ -Object.extend(Event, +Object.extend(Event, { /** - * Register a function to be executed when the page is loaded. - * Note that the page is only loaded if all resources (e.g. images) + * Register a function to be executed when the page is loaded. + * Note that the page is only loaded if all resources (e.g. images) * are loaded. - * - * Example: Show an alert box with message "Page Loaded!" when the + * + * Example: Show an alert box with message "Page Loaded!" when the * page finished loading. * * Event.OnLoad(function(){ alert("Page Loaded!"); }); @@ -3676,18 +3972,18 @@ Object.extend(Event, * * @param {Function} function to execute when page is loaded. */ - OnLoad : function (fn) + OnLoad : function (fn) { // opera onload is in document, not window - var w = document.addEventListener && + var w = document.addEventListener && !window.addEventListener ? document : window; Event.observe(w,'load',fn); }, /** * @param {Event} a keyboard event - * @return {Number} the Unicode character code generated by the key - * that was struck. + * @return {Number} the Unicode character code generated by the key + * that was struck. */ keyCode : function(e) { @@ -3696,33 +3992,33 @@ Object.extend(Event, /** * @param {String} event type or event name. - * @return {Boolean} true if event type is of HTMLEvent, false + * @return {Boolean} true if event type is of HTMLEvent, false * otherwise */ isHTMLEvent : function(type) { - var events = ['abort', 'blur', 'change', 'error', 'focus', - 'load', 'reset', 'resize', 'scroll', 'select', + var events = ['abort', 'blur', 'change', 'error', 'focus', + 'load', 'reset', 'resize', 'scroll', 'select', 'submit', 'unload']; return events.include(type); }, /** * @param {String} event type or event name - * @return {Boolean} true if event type is of MouseEvent, + * @return {Boolean} true if event type is of MouseEvent, * false otherwise */ isMouseEvent : function(type) { - var events = ['click', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', + var events = ['click', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', 'mouseover', 'mouseup']; return events.include(type); }, /** - * Dispatch the DOM event of a given type on a DOM - * element. Only HTMLEvent and MouseEvent can be - * dispatched, keyboard events or UIEvent can not be dispatch + * Dispatch the DOM event of a given type on a DOM + * element. Only HTMLEvent and MouseEvent can be + * dispatched, keyboard events or UIEvent can not be dispatch * via javascript consistently. * For the "submit" event the submit() method is called. * @param {Object} element id string or a DOM element. @@ -3734,7 +4030,7 @@ Object.extend(Event, if(type == "submit") return element.submit(); if(document.createEvent) - { + { if(Event.isHTMLEvent(type)) { var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); @@ -3742,11 +4038,11 @@ Object.extend(Event, } else if(Event.isMouseEvent(type)) { - var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); + var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); if (event.initMouseEvent) { event.initMouseEvent(type,true,true, - document.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, + document.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); } else @@ -3766,663 +4062,177 @@ Object.extend(Event, else if(typeof(element['on'+type]) == "function") element['on'+type](); } -}); - +}); + + Object.extend(Date.prototype, -{ +{ SimpleFormat: function(format, data) { data = data || {}; var bits = new Array(); bits['d'] = this.getDate(); bits['dd'] = String(this.getDate()).zerofill(2); - + bits['M'] = this.getMonth()+1; bits['MM'] = String(this.getMonth()+1).zerofill(2); if(data.AbbreviatedMonthNames) bits['MMM'] = data.AbbreviatedMonthNames[this.getMonth()]; - if(data.MonthNames) - bits['MMMM'] = data.MonthNames[this.getMonth()]; - var yearStr = "" + this.getFullYear(); - yearStr = (yearStr.length == 2) ? '19' + yearStr: yearStr; - bits['yyyy'] = yearStr; - bits['yy'] = bits['yyyy'].toString().substr(2,2); - - // do some funky regexs to replace the format string - // with the real values - var frm = new String(format); - for (var sect in bits) - { - var reg = new RegExp("\\b"+sect+"\\b" ,"g"); - frm = frm.replace(reg, bits[sect]); - } - return frm; - }, - - toISODate : function() - { - var y = this.getFullYear(); - var m = String(this.getMonth() + 1).zerofill(2); - var d = String(this.getDate()).zerofill(2); - return String(y) + String(m) + String(d); - } -}); - -Object.extend(Date, -{ - SimpleParse: function(value, format) - { - val=String(value); - format=String(format); - - if(val.length <= 0) return null; - - if(format.length <= 0) return new Date(value); - - var isInteger = function (val) - { - var digits="1234567890"; - for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) - { - if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; } - } - return true; - }; - - var getInt = function(str,i,minlength,maxlength) - { - for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) - { - var token=str.substring(i,i+x); - if (token.length < minlength) { return null; } - if (isInteger(token)) { return token; } - } - return null; - }; - - var i_val=0; - var i_format=0; - var c=""; - var token=""; - var token2=""; - var x,y; - var now=new Date(); - var year=now.getFullYear(); - var month=now.getMonth()+1; - var date=1; - - while (i_format < format.length) - { - // Get next token from format string - c=format.charAt(i_format); - token=""; - while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) - { - token += format.charAt(i_format++); - } - - // Extract contents of value based on format token - if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") - { - if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; } - if (token=="yy") { x=2;y=2; } - if (token=="y") { x=2;y=4; } - year=getInt(val,i_val,x,y); - if (year==null) { return null; } - i_val += year.length; - if (year.length==2) - { - if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); } - else { year=2000+(year-0); } - } - } - - else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") - { - month=getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); - if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return null;} - i_val+=month.length; - } - else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") - { - date=getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); - if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return null;} - i_val+=date.length; - } - else - { - if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return null;} - else {i_val+=token.length;} - } - } - - // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match - if (i_val != val.length) { return null; } - - // Is date valid for month? - if (month==2) - { - // Check for leap year - if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year - if (date > 29){ return null; } - } - else { if (date > 28) { return null; } } - } - - if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) - { - if (date > 30) { return null; } - } - - var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date, 0, 0, 0); - return newdate; - } -}); - - -Object.extend(Builder, -{ - exportTags:function() - { - var tags=["BUTTON","TT","PRE","H1","H2","H3","BR","CANVAS","HR","LABEL","TEXTAREA","FORM","STRONG","SELECT","OPTION","OPTGROUP","LEGEND","FIELDSET","P","UL","OL","LI","TD","TR","THEAD","TBODY","TFOOT","TABLE","TH","INPUT","SPAN","A","DIV","IMG", "CAPTION"]; - tags.each(function(tag) - { - window[tag]=function() - { - var args=$A(arguments); - if(args.length==0) - return Builder.node(tag,null); - if(args.length==1) - return Builder.node(tag,args[0]); - if(args.length>1) - return Builder.node(tag,args.shift(),args); - - }; - }); - } -}); - -Builder.exportTags(); - - - -var Prado = -{ - Version: '3.0.0', - - /** - * Returns browser information. Example - * - * var browser = Prado.Browser(); - * alert(; //should ouput true if IE, false otherwise - * - * @param ${parameter} - * @return ${return} - */ - Browser : function() - { - var info = { Version : "1.0" }; - var is_major = parseInt( navigator.appVersion ); - info.nver = is_major; - info.ver = navigator.appVersion; - info.agent = navigator.userAgent; - info.dom = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0; - info.opera = window.opera ? 1 : 0; - info.ie5 = ( info.ver.indexOf( "MSIE 5" ) > -1 && info.dom && !info.opera ) ? 1 : 0; - info.ie6 = ( info.ver.indexOf( "MSIE 6" ) > -1 && info.dom && !info.opera ) ? 1 : 0; - info.ie4 = ( document.all && !info.dom && !info.opera ) ? 1 : 0; - = info.ie4 || info.ie5 || info.ie6; - info.mac = info.agent.indexOf( "Mac" ) > -1; - info.ns6 = ( info.dom && parseInt( info.ver ) >= 5 ) ? 1 : 0; - info.ie3 = ( info.ver.indexOf( "MSIE" ) && ( is_major < 4 ) ); - info.hotjava = ( info.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'hotjava' ) != -1 ) ? 1 : 0; - info.ns4 = ( document.layers && !info.dom && !info.hotjava ) ? 1 : 0; - = ( info.ie6 || info.ie5 || info.ie4 || info.ns4 || info.ns6 || info.opera ); - info.ver3 = ( info.hotjava || info.ie3 ); - info.opera7 = ( ( info.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'opera 7' ) > -1 ) || ( info.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'opera/7' ) > -1 ) ); - info.operaOld = info.opera && !info.opera7; - return info; - }, - - ImportCss : function(doc, css_file) - { - if (Prado.Browser().ie) - var styleSheet = doc.createStyleSheet(css_file); - else - { - var elm = doc.createElement("link"); - - elm.rel = "stylesheet"; - elm.href = css_file; - - if (headArr = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")) - headArr[0].appendChild(elm); - } - } -}; - - -/*Prado.Focus = Class.create(); - -Prado.Focus.setFocus = function(id) -{ - var target = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(id) : document.all[id]; - if(target && !Prado.Focus.canFocusOn(target)) - { - target = Prado.Focus.findTarget(target); - } - if(target) - { - try - { - target.focus(); - target.scrollIntoView(false); - if (window.__smartNav) - { - =; - } - } - catch (e) - { - } - } -} - -Prado.Focus.canFocusOn = function(element) -{ - if(!element || !(element.tagName)) - return false; - var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); - return !element.disabled && (!element.type || element.type.toLowerCase() != "hidden") && Prado.Focus.isFocusableTag(tagName) && Prado.Focus.isVisible(element); -} - -Prado.Focus.isFocusableTag = function(tagName) -{ - return (tagName == "input" || tagName == "textarea" || tagName == "select" || tagName == "button" || tagName == "a"); -} - - -Prado.Focus.findTarget = function(element) -{ - if(!element || !(element.tagName)) - { - return null; - } - var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); - if (tagName == "undefined") - { - return null; - } - var children = element.childNodes; - if (children) - { - for(var i=0;i 0) - form.action = options['PostBackUrl']; - - if(options['TrackFocus']) - { - var lastFocus = $('PRADO_LASTFOCUS'); - if(lastFocus) - { - var active = document.activeElement; //where did this come from - if(active) - lastFocus.value =; - else - lastFocus.value = options['EventTarget']; - } - } - - $('PRADO_POSTBACK_TARGET').value = options['EventTarget']; - $('PRADO_POSTBACK_PARAMETER').value = options['EventParameter']; - /** - * Since google toolbar prevents browser default action, - * we will always disable default client-side browser action - */ - /*if(options['StopEvent']) */ - Event.stop(event); - Event.fireEvent(form,"submit"); -} - -/* - -Prado.doPostBack = function(formID, eventTarget, eventParameter, performValidation, validationGroup, actionUrl, trackFocus, clientSubmit) -{ - if (typeof(performValidation) == 'undefined') - { - var performValidation = false; - var validationGroup = ''; - var actionUrl = null; - var trackFocus = false; - var clientSubmit = true; - } - var theForm = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(formID) : document.forms[formID]; - var canSubmit = true; - if (performValidation) - { - //canSubmit = Prado.Validation.validate(validationGroup); - * Prado.Validation.ActiveTarget = theForm; - Prado.Validation.CurrentTargetGroup = null; - Prado.Validation.IsGroupValidation = false; - canSubmit = Prado.Validation.IsValid(theForm); - Logger.debug(canSubmit);* - canSubmit = Prado.Validation.IsValid(theForm); - } - if (canSubmit) - { - if (actionUrl != null && (actionUrl.length > 0)) - { - theForm.action = actionUrl; - } - if (trackFocus) - { - var lastFocus = theForm.elements['PRADO_LASTFOCUS']; - if ((typeof(lastFocus) != 'undefined') && (lastFocus != null)) - { - var active = document.activeElement; - if (typeof(active) == 'undefined') - { - lastFocus.value = eventTarget; - } - else - { - if ((active != null) && (typeof( != 'undefined')) - { - if ( > 0) - { - lastFocus.value =; - } - else if (typeof( != 'undefined') - { - lastFocus.value =; - } - } - } - } - } - if (!clientSubmit) - { - canSubmit = false; - } - } - if (canSubmit && (!theForm.onsubmit || theForm.onsubmit())) - { - theForm.PRADO_POSTBACK_TARGET.value = eventTarget; - theForm.PRADO_POSTBACK_PARAMETER.value = eventParameter; - theForm.submit(); - } -} -*/ - -Prado.Element = -{ - /** - * Set the value of a particular element. - * @param string element id - * @param string new element value. - */ - setValue : function(element, value) - { - var el = $(element); - if(el && typeof(el.value) != "undefined") - el.value = value; - }, - - select : function(element, method, value) - { - var el = $(element); - var isList = element.indexOf('[]') > -1; - if(!el && !isList) return; - method = isList ? 'check'+method : el.tagName.toLowerCase()+method; - var selection = Prado.Element.Selection; - if(isFunction(selection[method])) - selection[method](isList ? element : el,value); - }, - - click : function(element) - { - var el = $(element); - if(el) - Event.fireEvent(el,'click'); - }, - - setAttribute : function(element, attribute, value) - { - var el = $(element); - if(attribute == "disabled" && value==false) - el.removeAttribute(attribute); - else - el.setAttribute(attribute, value); - }, + if(data.MonthNames) + bits['MMMM'] = data.MonthNames[this.getMonth()]; + var yearStr = "" + this.getFullYear(); + yearStr = (yearStr.length == 2) ? '19' + yearStr: yearStr; + bits['yyyy'] = yearStr; + bits['yy'] = bits['yyyy'].toString().substr(2,2); - setOptions : function(element, options) - { - var el = $(element); - if(el && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select") + // do some funky regexs to replace the format string + // with the real values + var frm = new String(format); + for (var sect in bits) { - while(el.length > 0) - el.remove(0); - for(var i = 0; i=minlength; x--) + { + var token=str.substring(i,i+x); + if (token.length < minlength) { return null; } + if (isInteger(token)) { return token; } + } + return null; + }; - selectInvert : function(el) - { - $A(el.options).each(function(option) - { - option.selected = !option.selected; - }); - }, + var i_val=0; + var i_format=0; + var c=""; + var token=""; + var token2=""; + var x,y; + var now=new Date(); + var year=now.getFullYear(); + var month=now.getMonth()+1; + var date=1; - checkValue : function(name, value) - { - $A(document.getElementsByName(name)).each(function(el) + while (i_format < format.length) { - el.checked = el.value == value - }); - }, + // Get next token from format string + c=format.charAt(i_format); + token=""; + while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) + { + token += format.charAt(i_format++); + } - checkIndex : function(name, index) - { - var elements = $A(document.getElementsByName(name)); - for(var i = 0; i 70) { year=1900+(year-0); } + else { year=2000+(year-0); } + } + } + + else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") + { + month=getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); + if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return null;} + i_val+=month.length; + } + else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") + { + date=getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2); + if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return null;} + i_val+=date.length; + } + else + { + if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return null;} + else {i_val+=token.length;} + } } - }, - checkClear : function(name) - { - $A(document.getElementsByName(name)).each(function(el) - { - el.checked = false; - }); - }, + // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match + if (i_val != val.length) { return null; } - checkAll : function(name) - { - $A(document.getElementsByName(name)).each(function(el) - { - el.checked = true; - }); - }, - checkInvert : function(name) - { - $A(document.getElementsByName(name)).each(function(el) + // Is date valid for month? + if (month==2) { - el.checked = !el.checked; - }); - } -}; - -Prado.WebUI = Class.create(); - -//base postback-able controls -/*Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl = Class.create(); -Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl.prototype = -{ - initialize : function(options) - { - this.element = $(options['ID']); + // Check for leap year + if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year + if (date > 29){ return null; } + } + else { if (date > 28) { return null; } } + } -/* if(options.CausesValidation && typeof(Prado.Validation) != 'undefined') + if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) { - Prado.Validation.registerTarget(options); + if (date > 30) { return null; } } - //TODO: what do the following options do? - //options['PostBackUrl'] - //options['ClientSubmit'] - - if(this.onInit) - this.onInit(options); + var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date, 0, 0, 0); + return newdate; } -}; - -//short cut to create postback components -Prado.WebUI.createPostBackComponent = function(definition) -{ - var component = Class.create(); - Object.extend(component.prototype, Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl.prototype); - if(definition) Object.extend(component.prototype, definition); - return component; -} +}); + +Prado.WebUI = Class.create(); -Prado.WebUI.TButton = Prado.WebUI.createPostBackComponent(); -*/ Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl = Class.create(); Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl.prototype = { - _elementOnClick : null, //capture the element's onclick function - initialize : function(options) { + this._elementOnClick = null, //capture the element's onclick function + this.element = $(options.ID); - if(this.onInit) - this.onInit(options); + if(this.element) + { + if(this.onInit) + this.onInit(options); + } }, onInit : function(options) @@ -4432,10 +4242,10 @@ Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl.prototype = this._elementOnClick = this.element.onclick; this.element.onclick = null; } - Event.observe(this.element, "click", this.onClick.bindEvent(this,options)); + Event.observe(this.element, "click", this.elementClicked.bindEvent(this,options)); }, - onClick : function(event, options) + elementClicked : function(event, options) { var src = Event.element(event); var doPostBack = true; @@ -4493,15 +4303,33 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TImageButton.prototype, */ addXYInput : function(event,options) { - var imagePos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); - var clickedPos = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; - var x = clickedPos[0]-imagePos[0]+1; - var y = clickedPos[1]-imagePos[1]+1; - var id = options['EventTarget']; - var x_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_x',value:x}); - var y_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_y',value:y}); - this.element.parentNode.appendChild(x_input); - this.element.parentNode.appendChild(y_input); + imagePos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); + clickedPos = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; + x = clickedPos[0]-imagePos[0]+1; + y = clickedPos[1]-imagePos[1]+1; + x = x < 0 ? 0 : x; + y = y < 0 ? 0 : y; + id = options['EventTarget']; + x_input = $(id+"_x"); + y_input = $(id+"_y"); + if(x_input) + { + x_input.value = x; + } + else + { + x_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_x','id':id+'_x',value:x}); + this.element.parentNode.appendChild(x_input); + } + if(y_input) + { + y_input.value = y; + } + else + { + y_input = INPUT({type:'hidden',name:id+'_y','id':id+'_y',value:y}); + this.element.parentNode.appendChild(y_input); + } } }); @@ -4516,8 +4344,11 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TRadioButton.prototype, initialize : function(options) { this.element = $(options['ID']); - if(!this.element.checked) - this.onRadioButtonInitialize(options); + if(this.element) + { + if(!this.element.checked) + this.onRadioButtonInitialize(options); + } } }); @@ -4526,9 +4357,11 @@ Prado.WebUI.TTextBox = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl, { onInit : function(options) { + this.options=options; if(options['TextMode'] != 'MultiLine') Event.observe(this.element, "keydown", this.handleReturnKey.bind(this)); - Event.observe(this.element, "change", Prado.PostBack.bindEvent(this,options)); + if(this.options['AutoPostBack']==true) + Event.observe(this.element, "change", Prado.PostBack.bindEvent(this,options)); }, handleReturnKey : function(e) @@ -4538,8 +4371,19 @@ Prado.WebUI.TTextBox = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.PostBackControl, var target = Event.element(e); if(target) { - Event.fireEvent(target, "change"); - Event.stop(e); + if(this.options['AutoPostBack']==true) + { + Event.fireEvent(target, "change"); + Event.stop(e); + } + else + { + if(this.options['CausesValidation'] && typeof(Prado.Validation) != "undefined") + { + if(!Prado.Validation.validate(this.options['FormID'], this.options['ValidationGroup'], $(this.options['ID']))) + return Event.stop(e); + } + } } } } @@ -4630,66 +4474,37 @@ Object.extend(Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter, obj.parentNode.className = "copycode"; } }); - - -Prado.WebUI.TRatingList = Class.create(); -Prado.WebUI.TRatingList.prototype = -{ - selectedIndex : -1, - initialize : function(options) + +Prado.WebUI.TCheckBoxList = Base.extend( +{ + constructor : function(options) { - this.options = options; - this.element = $(options['ID']); - Element.addClassName(this.element,options.cssClass); - this.radios = document.getElementsByName(options.field); - for(var i = 0; i -1 ? - this.radios[index].value : this.options.caption; + for(var i = 0; i