+ *
+ *
+ * Full name:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Telephone Number:
+ *
+ * Email:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Name:
+ * <%= $this->Page->ContactWizard->Name->Text %>
+ * Phone:
+ * <%= $this->Page->ContactWizard->Phone->Text %>
+ * Email:
+ * <%= $this->Page->ContactWizard->Email->Text %>
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * TWizard also intercepts the following bubbled events. E.g TButton
+ * has CommandName and CommandParameter properties that bubbles as
+ * "OnBubbleEvent". The following are the supported bubble event names
+ * and how TWizard handles them.
+ *
+ * Bubble Events
+ * - next, TWizard fires OnNextCommand event.
+ * - previous, TWizard fires OnPreviousCommand event.
+ * - finish, TWizard fires OnFinishCommand event.
+ * - cancel, TWizard fires OnCancelCommand event.
+ * - jumpto, TWizard fires OnJumpToCommand event.
+ * jumpto requires a parameter, the destination step.
+ *
+ * E.g. anywhere within the TWizard, a button like the following
+ *
+ * when click will bubble to TWizard and in turn fires the OnJumpToCommand
+ * with parameter value of "2".
+ *
+ * Namespace: System.Web.UI.WebControls
+ *
+ * Properties
+ * - ActiveStep, TWizardStep,
+ *