From f52b02f003b2e0da75d737fa3c0622def2242af5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wei <> Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 04:08:47 +0000 Subject: remove prado ajax code. --- framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/ajax.js | 134 +--- framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/ajax.js | 967 ------------------------ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1099 deletions(-) (limited to 'framework/Web') diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/ajax.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/ajax.js index f39f8325..53c34dca 100644 --- a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/ajax.js +++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/compressed/ajax.js @@ -20,112 +20,7 @@ this.transport=Ajax.getTransport();this.setOptions(options);var onComplete=this. response=response.stripScripts();if(receiver){if(this.options.insertion){new this.options.insertion(receiver,response);}else{Element.update(receiver,response);}} if(this.responseIsSuccess()){if(this.onComplete) setTimeout(this.onComplete.bind(this),10);}}});Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater=Class.create();Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype=Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(),{initialize:function(container,url,options){this.setOptions(options);this.onComplete=this.options.onComplete;this.frequency=(this.options.frequency||2);this.decay=(this.options.decay||1);this.updater={};this.container=container;this.url=url;this.start();},start:function(){this.options.onComplete=this.updateComplete.bind(this);this.onTimerEvent();},stop:function(){this.updater.onComplete=undefined;clearTimeout(this.timer);(this.onComplete||Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this,arguments);},updateComplete:function(request){if(this.options.decay){this.decay=(request.responseText==this.lastText?this.decay*this.options.decay:1);this.lastText=request.responseText;} -this.timer=setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this),this.decay*this.frequency*1000);},onTimerEvent:function(){this.updater=new Ajax.Updater(this.container,this.url,this.options);}});Prado.AJAX={Service:'Prototype'};Prado.AJAX.EvalScript=function(output) -{var match=new RegExp(Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment,'img');var scripts=output.match(match);if(scripts) -{match=new RegExp(Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment,'im');setTimeout((function() -{for(var i=0;i"+trace[i]["function"]+"()"+"\n";} -return msg;},logException:function(e) -{var msg=Prado.AJAX.Exception.format(e);Logger.error("Server Error "+e.code,msg);}} -Event.OnLoad(function() -{if(typeof Logger!="undefined") -{Logger.exception=Prado.AJAX.Exception.logException;Ajax.Responders.register(Prado.AJAX.Exception);}});Prado.AJAX.Callback=Class.create();Prado.AJAX.Callback.prototype=Object.extend(new Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject(),{initialize:function(ID,options) -{if(!isString(ID)&&typeof(!="undefined");if(!isString(ID)) -throw new Error('A Control ID must be specified');this.baseInitialize(this,options);this.options=options||[];['__ID']=ID;this.requestCallback();},collectPostData:function() -{var IDs=Prado.AJAX.Callback.IDs;['__data']={};for(var i=0;i-1)['__data'][id]=this.collectArrayPostData(id);else if(isObject($(id)))['__data'][id]=$F(id);}},collectArrayPostData:function(name) -{var elements=document.getElementsByName(name);var data=[];$A(elements).each(function(el) -{if($F(el))data.push($F(el));});return data;},requestCallback:function() -{this.collectPostData();if(Prado.AJAX.Validate(this.options)) -return this.__call(Prado.AJAX.Callback.Server,'handleCallback',this.options.params);},handleCallback:function(result,output) -{if(typeof(result)!="undefined"&&!isNull(result)) -{this.options.onSuccess(result['data'],output);if(result['actions']) -result.actions.each(Prado.AJAX.Callback.Action.__run);}}});Prado.AJAX.Callback.Action={__run:function(command) -{for(var name in command) -{if(command[name][0]&&($(command[name][0])||command[name][0].indexOf("[]")>-1)) -{name.toFunction().apply(this,command[name]);}}}};Prado.AJAX.Validate=function(options) -{if(options.CausesValidation) -{if(options.ValidatorGroup) -return Prado.Validation.ValidateValidatorGroup(options.ValidatorGroup);else if(options.ValidationGroup) -return Prado.Validation.ValidateValidationGroup(options.ValidationGroup);else -return Prado.Validation.ValidateNonGroup(options.ValidationForm);} -else -return true;};Prado.AJAX.Callback.Server='';Prado.AJAX.Callback.IDs=[];Prado.Callback=function(ID,params,onSuccess,options) -{var callback={'params':[params]||[],'onSuccess':onSuccess||Prototype.emptyFunction,'CausesValidation':true};Object.extend(callback,options||{});new Prado.AJAX.Callback(ID,callback);return false;} -Array.prototype.______array='______array';Prado.AJAX.JSON={org:'',copyright:'(c)2005',license:'',stringify:function(arg){var c,i,l,s='',v;switch(typeof arg){case'object':if(arg){if(arg.______array=='______array'){for(i=0;i=' '){if(c=='\\'||c=='"'){s+='\\';} -s+=c;}else{switch(c){case'\b':s+='\\b';break;case'\f':s+='\\f';break;case'\n':s+='\\n';break;case'\r':s+='\\r';break;case'\t':s+='\\t';break;default:c=c.charCodeAt();s+='\\u00'+Math.floor(c/16).toString(16)+ -(c%16).toString(16);}}} -return s+'"';case'boolean':return String(arg);default:return'null';}},parse:function(text){var at=0;var ch=' ';function error(m){throw{name:'JSONError',message:m,at:at-1,text:text};} -function next(){ch=text.charAt(at);at+=1;return ch;} -function white(){while(ch){if(ch<=' '){next();}else if(ch=='/'){switch(next()){case'/':while(next()&&ch!='\n'&&ch!='\r'){} -break;case'*':next();for(;;){if(ch){if(ch=='*'){if(next()=='/'){next();break;}}else{next();}}else{error("Unterminated comment");}} -break;default:error("Syntax error");}}else{break;}}} -function string(){var i,s='',t,u;if(ch=='"'){outer:while(next()){if(ch=='"'){next();return s;}else if(ch=='\\'){switch(next()){case'b':s+='\b';break;case'f':s+='\f';break;case'n':s+='\n';break;case'r':s+='\r';break;case't':s+='\t';break;case'u':u=0;for(i=0;i<4;i+=1){t=parseInt(next(),16);if(!isFinite(t)){break outer;} -u=u*16+t;} -s+=String.fromCharCode(u);break;default:s+=ch;}}else{s+=ch;}}} -error("Bad string");} -function array(){var a=[];if(ch=='['){next();white();if(ch==']'){next();return a;} -while(ch){a.push(value());white();if(ch==']'){next();return a;}else if(ch!=','){break;} -next();white();}} -error("Bad array");} -function object(){var k,o={};if(ch=='{'){next();white();if(ch=='}'){next();return o;} -while(ch){k=string();white();if(ch!=':'){break;} -next();o[k]=value();white();if(ch=='}'){next();return o;}else if(ch!=','){break;} -next();white();}} -error("Bad object");} -function number(){var n='',v;if(ch=='-'){n='-';next();} -while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){n+=ch;next();} -if(ch=='.'){n+='.';while(next()&&ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){n+=ch;}} -if(ch=='e'||ch=='E'){n+='e';next();if(ch=='-'||ch=='+'){n+=ch;next();} -while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){n+=ch;next();}} -v=+n;if(!isFinite(v)){}else{return v;}} -function word(){switch(ch){case't':if(next()=='r'&&next()=='u'&&next()=='e'){next();return true;} -break;case'f':if(next()=='a'&&next()=='l'&&next()=='s'&&next()=='e'){next();return false;} -break;case'n':if(next()=='u'&&next()=='l'&&next()=='l'){next();return null;} -break;} -error("Syntax error");} -function value(){white();switch(ch){case'{':return object();case'[':return array();case'"':return string();case'-':return number();default:return ch>='0'&&ch<='9'?number():word();}} -return value();}};if(typeof Effect=='undefined') +this.timer=setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this),this.decay*this.frequency*1000);},onTimerEvent:function(){this.updater=new Ajax.Updater(this.container,this.url,this.options);}});if(typeof Effect=='undefined') throw("controls.js requires including' effects.js library");var Autocompleter={} Autocompleter.Base=function(){};Autocompleter.Base.prototype={baseInitialize:function(element,update,options){this.element=$(element);this.update=$(update);this.hasFocus=false;this.changed=false;;this.index=0;this.entryCount=0;if(this.setOptions) this.setOptions(options);else @@ -271,29 +166,4 @@ handle=handle.parentNode;this.activeHandle=handle;this.activeHandleIdx=this.hand Event.stop(event);}},update:function(event){if({if(!this.dragging)this.dragging=true;this.draw(event);if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('AppleWebKit')>0)window.scrollBy(0,0);Event.stop(event);}},draw:function(event){var pointer=[Event.pointerX(event),Event.pointerY(event)];var offsets=Position.cumulativeOffset(this.track);pointer[0]-=this.offsetX+offsets[0];pointer[1]-=this.offsetY+offsets[1];this.event=event;this.setValue(this.translateToValue(this.isVertical()?pointer[1]:pointer[0]));if(this.initialized&&this.options.onSlide) this.options.onSlide(this.values.length>1?this.values:this.value,this);},endDrag:function(event){if({this.finishDrag(event,true);Event.stop(event);};this.dragging=false;},finishDrag:function(event,success){;this.dragging=false;this.updateFinished();},updateFinished:function(){if(this.initialized&&this.options.onChange) -this.options.onChange(this.values.length>1?this.values:this.value,this);this.event=null;}} -Prado.AutoCompleter=Class.create();Prado.AutoCompleter.Base=function(){};Prado.AutoCompleter.Base.prototype=Object.extend(Autocompleter.Base.prototype,{updateElement:function(selectedElement) -{if(this.options.updateElement){this.options.updateElement(selectedElement);return;} -var value=Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(selectedElement,'informal');var lastTokenPos=this.findLastToken();if(lastTokenPos!=-1){var newValue=this.element.value.substr(0,lastTokenPos+1);var whitespace=this.element.value.substr(lastTokenPos+1).match(/^\s+/);if(whitespace) -newValue+=whitespace[0];this.element.value=(newValue+value).trim();}else{this.element.value=value.trim();} -this.element.focus();if(this.options.afterUpdateElement) -this.options.afterUpdateElement(this.element,selectedElement);}});Prado.AutoCompleter.prototype=Object.extend(new Autocompleter.Base(),{initialize:function(element,update,options) -{this.baseInitialize(element,update,options);},onUpdateReturn:function(result) -{if(isString(result)&&result.length>0) -this.updateChoices(result);},getUpdatedChoices:function() -{Prado.Callback(,this.getToken(),this.onUpdateReturn.bind(this));}});Prado.ActivePanel={callbacks:{},register:function(id,options) -{Prado.ActivePanel.callbacks[id]=options;},update:function(id,param) -{var request=new Prado.ActivePanel.Request(id,Prado.ActivePanel.callbacks[id]);request.callback(param);}} -Prado.ActivePanel.Request=Class.create();Prado.ActivePanel.Request.prototype={initialize:function(element,options) -{this.element=element;this.setOptions(options);},setOptions:function(options) -{this.options={onSuccess:this.onSuccess.bind(this)} -Object.extend(this.options,options||{});},callback:function(param) -{this.options.params=[param];new Prado.AJAX.Callback(this.element,this.options);},onSuccess:function(result,output) -{if(this.options.update) -{if(!this.options.evalScripts) -output=output.stripScripts();Element.update(this.options.update,output);}}} -Prado.DropContainer=Class.create();Prado.DropContainer.prototype=Object.extend(new Prado.ActivePanel.Request(),{initialize:function(element,options) -{this.element=element;this.setOptions(options);Object.extend(this.options,{onDrop:this.onDrop.bind(this),evalScripts:true,onSuccess:options.onSuccess||this.onSuccess.bind(this)});Droppables.add(element,this.options);},onDrop:function(draggable,droppable) -{this.callback(}});Prado.ActiveImageButton=Class.create();Prado.ActiveImageButton.prototype={initialize:function(element,options) -{this.element=$(element);this.options=options;Event.observe(this.element,"click",;},click:function(e) -{var el=$('{$this->ClientID}');var imagePos=Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element);var clickedPos=[e.clientX,e.clientY];var param=(clickedPos[0]-imagePos[0]+1)+","+(clickedPos[1]-imagePos[1]+1);Prado.Callback(this.element,param,null,this.options);Event.stop(e);}} \ No newline at end of file +this.options.onChange(this.values.length>1?this.values:this.value,this);this.event=null;}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/ajax.js b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/ajax.js index 9a61cabb..44ace8cc 100644 --- a/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/ajax.js +++ b/framework/Web/Javascripts/js/debug/ajax.js @@ -286,775 +286,6 @@ Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), { }); -/** - * Prado AJAX service. The default service provider is JPSpan. - */ -Prado.AJAX = { Service : 'Prototype' }; - -/** - * Parse and execute javascript embedded in html. - */ -Prado.AJAX.EvalScript = function(output) -{ - - var match = new RegExp(Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment, 'img'); - var scripts = output.match(match); - if (scripts) - { - match = new RegExp(Ajax.Updater.ScriptFragment, 'im'); - setTimeout((function() - { - for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) - eval(scripts[i].match(match)[1]); - }).bind(this), 50); - } -} - - -/** - * AJAX service request using Prototype's AJAX request class. - */ -Prado.AJAX.Request = Class.create(); -Prado.AJAX.Request.prototype = Object.extend(Ajax.Request.prototype, -{ - /** - * Evaluate the respond JSON data, override parent implementing. - * If default eval fails, try parsing the JSON data (slower). - */ - evalJSON: function() - { - try - { - var json = this.transport.getResponseHeader('X-JSON'), object; - object = eval(json); - return object; - } - catch (e) - { - if(isString(json)) - { - return Prado.AJAX.JSON.parse(json); - } - } - }, - - respondToReadyState: function(readyState) { - var event = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState]; - var transport = this.transport, json = this.evalJSON(); - - - if(event == 'Complete' && transport.status) - Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + transport.status, this, transport, json); - - (this.options['on' + event] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json); - Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + event, this, transport, json); - - if (event == 'Complete') - (this.options['on' + this.transport.status] - || this.options['on' + (this.responseIsSuccess() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] - || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json); - - - /* Avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up the oncomplete event handler */ - if (event == 'Complete') - this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; - } - -}); - -Prado.AJAX.Error = function(e, code) -{ - = 'Prado.AJAX.Error'; - e.code = code; - return e; -} - -/** - * Post data builder, serialize the data using JSON. - */ -Prado.AJAX.RequestBuilder = Class.create(); -Prado.AJAX.RequestBuilder.prototype = -{ - initialize : function() - { - this.body = ''; - = []; - }, - encode : function(data) - { - return Prado.AJAX.JSON.stringify(data); - }, - build : function(data) - { - var sep = ''; - for ( var argName in data) - { - if(isFunction(data[argName])) continue; - try - { - this.body += sep + argName + '='; - this.body += encodeURIComponent(this.encode(data[argName])); - } catch (e) { - throw Prado.AJAX.Error(e, 1006); - } - sep = '&'; - } - }, - - getAll : function() - { -; - return this.body; - } -} - - -Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject = function(){}; - -/** - * AJAX service request for Prado RemoteObjects - */ -Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject.Request = Class.create(); -Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject.Request.prototype = Object.extend(Prado.AJAX.Request.prototype, -{ - /** - * Initialize the RemoteObject Request, overrides parent - * implementation by delaying the request to invokeRemoteObject. - */ - initialize : function(options) - { - this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); - this.setOptions(options); - = new Prado.AJAX.RequestBuilder(); - }, - - /** - * Call the remote object, - * @param string the remote server url - * @param array additional arguments - */ - invokeRemoteObject : function(url, args) - { - this.initParameters(args); - this.options.postBody =; - this.request(url); - }, - - /** - * Set the additional arguments as post data with key '__parameters' - */ - initParameters : function(args) - { -['__parameters'] = []; - for(var i = 0; i - * var TestObject1 = Class.create(); - * TestObject1.prototype = Object.extend(new Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject(), - * { - * initialize : function(handlers, options) - * { - * this.__serverurl = ''; - * this.baseInitialize(handlers, options); - * } - * - * method1 : function() - * { - * return this.__call(this.__serverurl, 'method1', arguments); - * } - * }); - * - * And client usage, - * - * var test1 = new TestObject1(); //create new remote object - * test1.method1(); //call the method, no onComplete hook - * - * var onComplete = { method1 : function(result){ alert(result) } }; - * //create new remote object with onComplete callback - * var test2 = new TestObject1(onComplete); - * test2.method1(); //call it, on success, onComplete's method1 is called. - * - */ -Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject.prototype = -{ - baseInitialize : function(handlers, options) - { - this.__handlers = handlers || {}; - this.__service = new Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject.Request(options); - }, - - __call : function(url, method, args) - { - this.__service.options.onSuccess = this.__onSuccess.bind(this); - this.__callback = method; - return this.__service.invokeRemoteObject(url+"/"+method, args); - }, - - __onSuccess : function(transport, json) - { - if(this.__handlers[this.__callback]) - this.__handlers[this.__callback](json, transport.responseText); - } -}; - -/** - * Respond to Prado AJAX request exceptions. - */ -Prado.AJAX.Exception = -{ - /** - * Server returns 505 exception. Just log it. - */ - "on505" : function(request, transport, e) - { - var msg = 'HTTP '+transport.status+" with response"; - Logger.error(msg, transport.responseText); - Logger.exception(e); - }, - - onComplete : function(request, transport, e) - { - if(transport.status != 505) - { - var msg = 'HTTP '+transport.status+" with response : \n"; - msg += transport.responseText + "\n"; - msg += "Data : \n"+inspect(e); - Logger.warn(msg); - } - }, - - format : function(e) - { - var msg = e.type + " with message \""+e.message+"\""; - msg += " in "+e.file+"("+e.line+")\n"; - msg += "Stack trace:\n"; - var trace = e.trace; - for(var i = 0; i"+trace[i]["function"]+"()"+"\n"; - } - return msg; - }, - - logException : function(e) - { - var msg = Prado.AJAX.Exception.format(e); - Logger.error("Server Error "+e.code, msg); - } -} - -//Add HTTP exception respones when logger is enabled. -Event.OnLoad(function() -{ - if(typeof Logger != "undefined") - { - Logger.exception = Prado.AJAX.Exception.logException; - Ajax.Responders.register(Prado.AJAX.Exception); - } -}); - -/** - * Prado Callback service that provides component intergration, - * viewstate (read only), and automatic form data serialization. - * Usage: new Prado.AJAX.Callback('MyPage.MyComponentID.raiseCallbackEvent', options) - * These classes should be called by the components developers. - * For inline callback service, use Prado.Callback(callbackID, params). - */ -Prado.AJAX.Callback = Class.create(); -Prado.AJAX.Callback.prototype = Object.extend(new Prado.AJAX.RemoteObject(), -{ - - /** - * Create and request a new Prado callback service. - * @param string|element the callback ID, must be of the form, ClassName.ComponentID.MethodName - * @param list options with list key onCallbackReturn, and more. - * - */ - initialize : function(ID, options) - { - if(!isString(ID) && typeof( != "undefined") - ID =; - if(!isString(ID)) - throw new Error('A Control ID must be specified'); - this.baseInitialize(this, options); - this.options = options || []; -['__ID'] = ID; - this.requestCallback(); - }, - - /** - * Get form data for components that implements IPostBackHandler. - */ - collectPostData : function() - { - var IDs = Prado.AJAX.Callback.IDs; -['__data'] = {}; - for(var i = 0; i -1) -['__data'][id] = - this.collectArrayPostData(id); - else if(isObject($(id))) -['__data'][id] = $F(id); - } - }, - - collectArrayPostData : function(name) - { - var elements = document.getElementsByName(name); - var data = []; - $A(elements).each(function(el) - { - if($F(el)) data.push($F(el)); - }); - return data; - }, - - /** - * Prepares and calls the AJAX request. - * Collects the data from components that implements IPostBackHandler - * and the viewstate as part of the request payload. - */ - requestCallback : function() - { - this.collectPostData(); - if(Prado.AJAX.Validate(this.options)) - return this.__call(Prado.AJAX.Callback.Server, 'handleCallback', this.options.params); - }, - - /** - * On callback request return, call the onSuccess function. - */ - handleCallback : function(result, output) - { - if(typeof(result) != "undefined" && !isNull(result)) - { - this.options.onSuccess(result['data'], output); - if(result['actions']) - result.actions.each(Prado.AJAX.Callback.Action.__run); - } - } -}); - -/** - * Prase and evaluate Callback clien-side actions. - */ -Prado.AJAX.Callback.Action = -{ - __run : function(command) - { - for(var name in command) - { - //first parameter must be a valid element or begins with '@' - if(command[name][0] && ($(command[name][0]) || command[name][0].indexOf("[]") > -1)) - { - name.toFunction().apply(this,command[name]); - } - } - } -}; - - -/** - * Returns false if validation required and validates to false, - * returns true otherwise. - * @return boolean true if validation passes. - */ -Prado.AJAX.Validate = function(options) -{ - if(options.CausesValidation) - { - if(options.ValidatorGroup) - return Prado.Validation.ValidateValidatorGroup(options.ValidatorGroup); - else if(options.ValidationGroup) - return Prado.Validation.ValidateValidationGroup(options.ValidationGroup); - else - return Prado.Validation.ValidateNonGroup(options.ValidationForm); - } - else - return true; -}; - - -//Available callback service -Prado.AJAX.Callback.Server = ''; - -//List of IDs that implements IPostBackHandler -Prado.AJAX.Callback.IDs = []; - -/** - * Simple AJAX callback interface, suitable for inline javascript. - * e.g., Click me - * @param {String} callback ID - * @param {Array} parameters to pass to the callback service - * @param {Function} on callback success handler method - * @param {Object} additional callback options - */ -Prado.Callback = function(ID, params, onSuccess, options) -{ - var callback = - { - 'params' : [params] || [], - 'onSuccess' : onSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction, - 'CausesValidation' : true - }; - - Object.extend(callback, options || {}); - - new Prado.AJAX.Callback(ID, callback); - return false; -} - -/* -Copyright (c) 2005 - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. -*/ - -Array.prototype.______array = '______array'; - -Prado.AJAX.JSON = { - org: '', - copyright: '(c)2005', - license: '', - - stringify: function (arg) { - var c, i, l, s = '', v; - - switch (typeof arg) { - case 'object': - if (arg) { - if (arg.______array == '______array') { - for (i = 0; i < arg.length; ++i) { - v = this.stringify(arg[i]); - if (s) { - s += ','; - } - s += v; - } - return '[' + s + ']'; - } else if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { - for (i in arg) { - v = arg[i]; - if (typeof v != 'undefined' && typeof v != 'function') { - v = this.stringify(v); - if (s) { - s += ','; - } - s += this.stringify(i) + ':' + v; - } - } - return '{' + s + '}'; - } - } - return 'null'; - case 'number': - return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null'; - case 'string': - l = arg.length; - s = '"'; - for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { - c = arg.charAt(i); - if (c >= ' ') { - if (c == '\\' || c == '"') { - s += '\\'; - } - s += c; - } else { - switch (c) { - case '\b': - s += '\\b'; - break; - case '\f': - s += '\\f'; - break; - case '\n': - s += '\\n'; - break; - case '\r': - s += '\\r'; - break; - case '\t': - s += '\\t'; - break; - default: - c = c.charCodeAt(); - s += '\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + - (c % 16).toString(16); - } - } - } - return s + '"'; - case 'boolean': - return String(arg); - default: - return 'null'; - } - }, - parse: function (text) { - var at = 0; - var ch = ' '; - - function error(m) { - throw { - name: 'JSONError', - message: m, - at: at - 1, - text: text - }; - } - - function next() { - ch = text.charAt(at); - at += 1; - return ch; - } - - function white() { - while (ch) { - if (ch <= ' ') { - next(); - } else if (ch == '/') { - switch (next()) { - case '/': - while (next() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') {} - break; - case '*': - next(); - for (;;) { - if (ch) { - if (ch == '*') { - if (next() == '/') { - next(); - break; - } - } else { - next(); - } - } else { - error("Unterminated comment"); - } - } - break; - default: - error("Syntax error"); - } - } else { - break; - } - } - } - - function string() { - var i, s = '', t, u; - - if (ch == '"') { -outer: while (next()) { - if (ch == '"') { - next(); - return s; - } else if (ch == '\\') { - switch (next()) { - case 'b': - s += '\b'; - break; - case 'f': - s += '\f'; - break; - case 'n': - s += '\n'; - break; - case 'r': - s += '\r'; - break; - case 't': - s += '\t'; - break; - case 'u': - u = 0; - for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { - t = parseInt(next(), 16); - if (!isFinite(t)) { - break outer; - } - u = u * 16 + t; - } - s += String.fromCharCode(u); - break; - default: - s += ch; - } - } else { - s += ch; - } - } - } - error("Bad string"); - } - - function array() { - var a = []; - - if (ch == '[') { - next(); - white(); - if (ch == ']') { - next(); - return a; - } - while (ch) { - a.push(value()); - white(); - if (ch == ']') { - next(); - return a; - } else if (ch != ',') { - break; - } - next(); - white(); - } - } - error("Bad array"); - } - - function object() { - var k, o = {}; - - if (ch == '{') { - next(); - white(); - if (ch == '}') { - next(); - return o; - } - while (ch) { - k = string(); - white(); - if (ch != ':') { - break; - } - next(); - o[k] = value(); - white(); - if (ch == '}') { - next(); - return o; - } else if (ch != ',') { - break; - } - next(); - white(); - } - } - error("Bad object"); - } - - function number() { - var n = '', v; - if (ch == '-') { - n = '-'; - next(); - } - while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { - n += ch; - next(); - } - if (ch == '.') { - n += '.'; - while (next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { - n += ch; - } - } - if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { - n += 'e'; - next(); - if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') { - n += ch; - next(); - } - while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { - n += ch; - next(); - } - } - v = +n; - if (!isFinite(v)) { - ////error("Bad number"); - } else { - return v; - } - } - - function word() { - switch (ch) { - case 't': - if (next() == 'r' && next() == 'u' && next() == 'e') { - next(); - return true; - } - break; - case 'f': - if (next() == 'a' && next() == 'l' && next() == 's' && - next() == 'e') { - next(); - return false; - } - break; - case 'n': - if (next() == 'u' && next() == 'l' && next() == 'l') { - next(); - return null; - } - break; - } - error("Syntax error"); - } - - function value() { - white(); - switch (ch) { - case '{': - return object(); - case '[': - return array(); - case '"': - return string(); - case '-': - return number(); - default: - return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ? number() : word(); - } - } - - return value(); - } -}; - // Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Fuchs (, // (c) 2005 Ivan Krstic ( // (c) 2005 Jon Tirsen ( @@ -3103,201 +2334,3 @@ Control.Slider.prototype = { } } -/** - * Auto complete textbox via AJAX. - */ -Prado.AutoCompleter = Class.create(); - - -/** - * Overrides parent implementation of updateElement by trimming the value. - */ -Prado.AutoCompleter.Base = function(){}; -Prado.AutoCompleter.Base.prototype = Object.extend(Autocompleter.Base.prototype, -{ - updateElement: function(selectedElement) - { - if (this.options.updateElement) { - this.options.updateElement(selectedElement); - return; - } - - var value = Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(selectedElement, 'informal'); - var lastTokenPos = this.findLastToken(); - if (lastTokenPos != -1) { - var newValue = this.element.value.substr(0, lastTokenPos + 1); - var whitespace = this.element.value.substr(lastTokenPos + 1).match(/^\s+/); - if (whitespace) - newValue += whitespace[0]; - this.element.value = (newValue + value).trim(); - } else { - this.element.value = value.trim(); - } - this.element.focus(); - - if (this.options.afterUpdateElement) - this.options.afterUpdateElement(this.element, selectedElement); - } -}); - -/** - * Based on the Prototype Autocompleter class. - * This client-side component should be instantiated from a Prado component. - * Usage: new Prado.AutoCompleter('textboxID', 'updateDivID', {callbackID : '...'}); - */ -Prado.AutoCompleter.prototype = Object.extend(new Autocompleter.Base(), -{ - /** - * This component is initialized by - * new Prado.AutoCompleter(...) - * @param string the ID of the textbox element to observe - * @param string the ID of the div to display the auto-complete options - * @param array a hash of options, e.g. auto-completion token separator. - */ - initialize : function(element, update, options) - { - this.baseInitialize(element, update, options); - }, - - /** - * The callback function, i.e., function called on successful AJAX return. - * Calls update choices in the Autocompleter. - * @param string new auto-complete options for display - */ - onUpdateReturn : function(result) - { - if(isString(result) && result.length > 0) - this.updateChoices(result); - }, - - /** - * Requesting new choices using Prado's client-side callback scheme. - */ - getUpdatedChoices : function() - { - Prado.Callback(, this.getToken(), this.onUpdateReturn.bind(this)); - } -}); - -/** - * Prado TActivePanel client javascript. Usage - * - * Prado.ActivePanel.register("id", options); - * Prado.ActivePanel.update("id", "hello"); - * - */ -Prado.ActivePanel = -{ - callbacks : {}, - - register : function(id, options) - { - Prado.ActivePanel.callbacks[id] = options; - }, - - update : function(id, param) - { - var request = new Prado.ActivePanel.Request(id, - Prado.ActivePanel.callbacks[id]); - request.callback(param); - } -} - -/** - * Client-script for TActivePanel. Uses Callback to notify the server - * for updates, if update option is set, the innerHTML of the update ID - * is set to the returned output. - */ -Prado.ActivePanel.Request = Class.create(); -Prado.ActivePanel.Request.prototype = -{ - initialize : function(element, options) - { - this.element = element; - this.setOptions(options); - }, - - /** - * Set some options. - */ - setOptions : function(options) - { - this.options = - { - onSuccess : this.onSuccess.bind(this) - } - Object.extend(this.options, options || {}); - }, - - /** - * Make the callback request - */ - callback : function(param) - { - this.options.params = [param]; - new Prado.AJAX.Callback(this.element, this.options); - }, - - /** - * Callback onSuccess handler, update the element innerHTML if necessary - */ - onSuccess : function(result, output) - { - if(this.options.update) - { - if (!this.options.evalScripts) - output = output.stripScripts(); - Element.update(this.options.update, output); - } - } -} - -/** - * Drop container to accept draggable component drops. - */ -Prado.DropContainer = Class.create(); -Prado.DropContainer.prototype = Object.extend(new Prado.ActivePanel.Request(), -{ - initialize : function(element, options) - { - this.element = element; - this.setOptions(options); - Object.extend(this.options, - { - onDrop : this.onDrop.bind(this), - evalScripts : true, - onSuccess : options.onSuccess || this.onSuccess.bind(this) - }); - Droppables.add(element, this.options); - }, - - onDrop : function(draggable, droppable) - { - this.callback( - } -}); - -Prado.ActiveImageButton = Class.create(); -Prado.ActiveImageButton.prototype = -{ - initialize : function(element, options) - { - this.element = $(element); - this.options = options; - Event.observe(this.element, "click",; - }, - - click : function(e) - { - var el = $('{$this->ClientID}'); - var imagePos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); - var clickedPos = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; - var param = (clickedPos[0]-imagePos[0]+1)+","+(clickedPos[1]-imagePos[1]+1); - Prado.Callback(this.element, param, null, this.options); - Event.stop(e); - } -} - - - - -- cgit v1.2.3