+ One of the trickiest, and yet most important, areas
+ of testing web sites is the security.
+ Testing these schemes is one of the core goals of
+ the SimpleTest web tester.
+ If you fetch a page protected by basic authentication then
+ rather than receiving content, you will instead get a 401
+ header.
+ We can illustrate this with this test...
1/1 test cases complete.
+ 0 passes, 0 fails and 0 exceptions.
+ We are trying to get away from visual inspection though, and so SimpleTest
+ allows to make automated assertions against the challenge.
+ Here is a thorough test of our header...
+ Any one of these tests would normally do on it's own depending
+ on the amount of detail you want to see.
+ Most of the time we are not interested in testing the
+ authentication itself, but want to get past it to test
+ the pages underneath.
+ As soon as the challenge has been issued we can reply with
+ an authentication response...
+ The username and password will now be sent with every
+ subsequent request to that directory and subdirectories.
+ You will have to authenticate again if you step outside
+ the authenticated directory, but SimpleTest is smart enough
+ to merge subdirectories into a common realm.
+ You can shortcut this step further by encoding the log in
+ details straight into the URL...
+ If your username or password has special characters, then you
+ will have to URL encode them or the request will not be parsed
+ correctly.
+ Also this header will not be sent on subsequent requests if
+ you request a page with a fully qualified URL.
+ If you navigate with relative URLs though, the authentication
+ information will be preserved.
+ Only basic authentication is currently supported and this is
+ only really secure in tandem with HTTPS connections.
+ This is usually enough to protect test server from prying eyes,
+ however.
+ Digest authentication and NTLM authentication may be added
+ in the future.
+ Basic authentication doesn't give enough control over the
+ user interface for web developers.
+ More likely this functionality will be coded directly into
+ the web architecture using cookies and complicated timeouts.
+ Let's suppose that in fetching this page a cookie has been
+ set with a session ID.
+ We are not going to fill the form in yet, just test that
+ we are tracking the user.
+ Here is the test...
+ All we are doing is confirming that the cookie is set.
+ As the value is likely to be rather cryptic it's not
+ really worth testing this.
+ The rest of the test would be the same as any other form,
+ but we might want to confirm that we still have the same
+ cookie after log-in as before we entered.
+ We wouldn't want to lose track of this after all.
+ Here is a possible test for this...
+ If you are testing an authentication system a critical piece
+ of behaviour is what happens when a user logs back in.
+ We would like to simulate closing and reopening a browser...
+ The WebTestCase::restart() method will
+ preserve cookies that have unexpired timeouts, but throw away
+ those that are temporary or expired.
+ You can optionally specify the time and date that the restart
+ happened.
+ Expiring cookies can be a problem.
+ After all, if you have a cookie that expires after an hour,
+ you don't want to stall the test for an hour while the
+ cookie passes it's timeout.
+ To push the cookies over the hour limit you can age them
+ before you restart the session...
+ SimpleTest's web browser component can be used not just
+ outside of the WebTestCase class, but also
+ independently of the SimpleTest framework itself.
+ You can use the web browser in PHP scripts to confirm
+ services are up and running, or to extract information
+ from them at a regular basis.
+ For example, here is a small script to extract the current number of
+ open PHP 5 bugs from the PHP web site...
+ There are simpler methods to do this particular example in PHP
+ of course.
+ For example you can just use the PHP file()
+ command against what here is a pretty fixed page.
+ However, using the web browser for scripts allows authentication,
+ correct handling of cookies, automatic loading of frames, redirects,
+ form submission and the ability to examine the page headers.
+ Such methods are fragile against a site that is constantly
+ evolving and you would want a more direct way of accessing
+ data in a permanent set up, but for simple tasks this can provide
+ a very rapid solution.
+ All of the navigation methods used in the
+ WebTestCase
+ are present in the SimpleBrowser class, but
+ the assertions are replaced with simpler accessors.
+ Here is a full list of the page navigation methods...
Adds a header to every fetch
useProxy($proxy, $username, $password)
Use this proxy from now on
head($url, $parameters)
Perform a HEAD request
get($url, $parameters)
Fetch a page with GET
post($url, $parameters)
Fetch a page with POST
Follows a link by label
See if a link is present by label
Follows a link by attribute
See if a link is present by attribut
Current URL of page or frame
Page title
Raw page or frame
HTML removed except for alt text
Repeat the last request
Use the browser back button
Use the browser forward button
authenticate($username, $password)
Retry page or frame after a 401 response
Restarts the browser for a new session
Ages the cookies by the specified time
setCookie($name, $value)
Sets an additional cookie
getCookieValue($host, $path, $name)
Reads the most specific cookie
Reads cookie for the current context
+ The methods SimpleBrowser::useProxy() and
+ SimpleBrowser::addHeader() are special.
+ Once called they continue to apply to all subsequent fetches.
+ At the moment there aren't any methods to list available forms
+ and fields.
+ This will probably be added to later versions of SimpleTest.
+ Within a page, individual frames can be selected.
+ If no selection is made then all the frames are merged together
+ in one large conceptual page.
+ The content of the current page will be a concatenation of all of the
+ frames in the order that they were specified in the "frameset"
+ tags.
A dump of the current frame structure
Current frame label or index
Select a frame numbered from 1
Select frame by label
Treat all the frames as a single page
+ When focused on a single frame, the content will come from
+ that frame only.
+ This includes links to click and forms to submit.
+ All of this functionality is great when we actually manage to fetch pages,
+ but that doesn't always happen.
+ To help figure out what went wrong, the browser has some methods to
+ aid in debugging...
Close the socket on overrun
Raw request header of page or frame
Raw response header of page or frame
Any socket level errors in the last fetch
HTTP response of page or frame
Mime type of page or frame
Authentication type in 401 challenge header
Authentication realm in 401 challenge header
Number of redirects before page is loaded anyway
Protection against recursive framesets
Disables frames support
Enables frames support
+ The methods SimpleBrowser::setConnectionTimeout()
+ SimpleBrowser::setMaximumRedirects(),
+ SimpleBrowser::setMaximumNestedFrames(),
+ SimpleBrowser::ignoreFrames() and
+ SimpleBrowser::useFrames() continue to apply
+ to every subsequent request.
+ The other methods are frames aware.
+ This means that if you have an individual frame that is not
+ loading, navigate to it using SimpleBrowser::setFrameFocus()
+ and you can then use SimpleBrowser::getRequest(), etc to
+ see what happened.
+ Anything that could be done in a
+ WebTestCase can
+ now be done in a UnitTestCase.
+ This means that we can freely mix domain object testing with the
+ web interface...
+ While this may be a useful temporary expediency, I am not a fan
+ of this type of testing.
+ The testing has cut across application layers, make it twice as
+ likely it will need refactoring when the code changes.
+ A more useful case of where using the browser directly can be helpful
+ is where the WebTestCase cannot cope.
+ An example is where two browsers are needed at the same time.
+ For example, say we want to disallow multiple simultaneous
+ usage of a site with the same username.
+ This test case will do the job...
+ The default behaviour of the
+ mock objects
+ in
+ SimpleTest
+ is either an identical match on the argument or to allow any argument at all.
+ For almost all tests this is sufficient.
+ Sometimes, though, you want to weaken a test case.
+ One place where a test can be too tightly coupled is with
+ text matching.
+ Suppose we have a component that outputs a helpful error
+ message when something goes wrong.
+ You want to test that the correct error was sent, but the actual
+ text may be rather long.
+ If you test for the text exactly, then every time the exact wording
+ of the message changes, you will have to go back and edit the test suite.
+ For example, suppose we have a news service that has failed
+ to connect to its remote source.
+class NewsService {
+ ...
+ function publish(&$writer) {
+ if (! $this->isConnected()) {
+ $writer->write('Cannot connect to news service "' .
+ $this->_name . '" at this time. ' .
+ 'Please try again later.');
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ Here it is sending its content to a
+ Writer class.
+ We could test this behaviour with a
+ MockWriter like so...
+class TestOfNewsService extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnectionFailure() {
+ $writer = &new MockWriter($this);
+ $writer->expectOnce('write', array(
+ 'Cannot connect to news service ' .
+ '"BBC News" at this time. ' .
+ 'Please try again later.'));
+ $service = &new NewsService('BBC News');
+ $service->publish($writer);
+ $writer->tally();
+ }
+ This is a good example of a brittle test.
+ If we decide to add additional instructions, such as
+ suggesting an alternative news source, we will break
+ our tests even though no underlying functionality
+ has been altered.
+ To get around this, we would like to do a regular expression
+ test rather than an exact match.
+ We can actually do this with...
+ Instead of passing in the expected parameter to the
+ MockWriter we pass an
+ expectation class called
+ WantedPatternExpectation.
+ The mock object is smart enough to recognise this as special
+ and to treat it differently.
+ Rather than simply comparing the incoming argument to this
+ object, it uses the expectation object itself to
+ perform the test.
+ The WantedPatternExpectation takes
+ the regular expression to match in its constructor.
+ Whenever a comparison is made by the MockWriter
+ against this expectation class, it will do a
+ preg_match() with this pattern.
+ With our test case above, as long as "cannot connect"
+ appears in the text of the string, the mock will issue a pass
+ to the unit tester.
+ The rest of the text does not matter.
+ The possible expectation classes are...
An equality, rather than the stronger identity comparison
An inequality comparison
The default mock object check which must match exactly
Inverts the mock object logic
Uses a Perl Regex to match a string
Passes only if failing a Perl Regex
Checks the type or class name only
Opposite of the IsAExpectation
Checks a method is available on an object
+ Most take the expected value in the constructor.
+ The exceptions are the pattern matchers, which take a regular expression,
+ and the IsAExpectation and NotAExpectation which takes a type
+ or class name as a string.
+ The expectation classes can be used not just for sending assertions
+ from mock objects, but also for selecting behaviour for either
+ the
+ mock objects
+ or the
+ server stubs.
+ Anywhere a list of arguments is given, a list of expectation objects
+ can be inserted instead.
+ Suppose we want an authorisation server stub to simulate a successful login
+ only if it receives a valid session object.
+ We can do this as follows...
+$authorisation = new StubAuthorisation();
+ 'isAllowed',
+ true,
+ array(new IsAExpectation('Session', 'Must be a session')));
+$authorisation->setReturnValue('isAllowed', false);
+ We have set the default stub behaviour to return false when
+ isAllowed is called.
+ When we call the method with a single parameter that
+ is a Session object, it will return true.
+ We have also added a second parameter as a message.
+ This will be displayed as part of the mock object
+ failure message if this expectation is the cause of
+ a failure.
+ This kind of sophistication is rarely useful, but is included for
+ completeness.
+ The expectation classes have a very simple structure.
+ So simple that it is easy to create your own versions for
+ commonly used test logic.
+ As an example here is the creation of a class to test for
+ valid IP addresses.
+ In order to work correctly with the stubs and mocks the new
+ expectation class should extend
+ SimpleExpectation...
+class ValidIp extends SimpleExpectation {
+ function test($ip) {
+ return (ip2long($ip) != -1);
+ }
+ function testMessage($ip) {
+ return "Address [$ip] should be a valid IP address";
+ }
+ There are only two methods to implement.
+ The test() method should
+ evaluate to true if the expectation is to pass, and
+ false otherwise.
+ The testMessage() method
+ should simply return some helpful text explaining the test
+ that was carried out.
+ This class can now be used in place of the earlier expectation
+ classes.
+ The SimpleTest unit testing framework
+ also uses the expectation classes internally for the
+ UnitTestCase class.
+ We can also take advantage of these mechanisms to reuse our
+ homebrew expectation classes within the test suites directly.
+ The most crude way of doing this is to use the
+ SimpleTest::assertExpectation() method to
+ test against it directly...
+ This is a little untidy compared with our usual
+ assert...() syntax.
+ For such a simple case we would normally create a
+ separate assertion method on our test case rather
+ than bother using the expectation class.
+ If we pretend that our expectation is a little more
+ complicated for a moment, so that we want to reuse it,
+ we get...
+ It is unlikely we would ever need this degree of control
+ over the testing machinery.
+ It is rare to need the expectations for more than pattern
+ matching.
+ Also, complex expectation classes could make the tests
+ harder to read and debug.
+ These mechanisms are really of most use to authors of systems
+ that will extend the test framework to create their own tool set.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/form_testing_documentation.html b/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/form_testing_documentation.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b1e15b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/form_testing_documentation.html
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+Simple Test documentation for testing HTML forms
+ When a page is fetched by the WebTestCase
+ using get() or
+ post() the page content is
+ automatically parsed.
+ This results in any form controls that are inside <form> tags
+ being available from within the test case.
+ For example, if we have this snippet of HTML...
+ We can navigate to this code, via the
+ LastCraft
+ site, with the following test...
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ function testDefaultValue() {
+ $this->get('http://www.lastcraft.com/form_testing_documentation.php');
+ $this->assertField('a', 'A default');
+ }
+ Immediately after loading the page all of the HTML controls are set at
+ their default values just as they would appear in the web browser.
+ The assertion tests that a HTML widget exists in the page with the
+ name "a" and that it is currently set to the value
+ "A default"
+ We could submit the form straight away, but first we'll change
+ the value of the text field and only then submit it...
+ Because we didn't specify a method attribute on the form tag, and
+ didn't specify an action either, the test case will follow
+ the usual browser behaviour of submitting the form data as a GET
+ request back to the same location.
+ SimpleTest tries to emulate typical browser behaviour as much as possible,
+ rather than attempting to catch missing attributes on tags.
+ This is because the target of the testing framework is the PHP application
+ logic, not syntax or other errors in the HTML code.
+ For HTML errors, other tools such as
+ HTMLTidy should be used.
+ If a field is not present in any form, or if an option is unavailable,
+ then WebTestCase::setField() will return
+ false.
+ For example, suppose we wish to verify that a "Superuser"
+ option is not present in this form...
+<strong>Select type of user to add:</strong>
+<select name="type">
+ <option>Subscriber</option>
+ <option>Author</option>
+ <option>Administrator</option>
+ The selection will not be changed on a failure to set
+ a widget value.
+ Here is the full list of widgets currently supported...
Text fields, including hidden and password fields.
Submit buttons including the button tag, although not yet reset buttons
Text area. This includes text wrapping behaviour.
Checkboxes, including multiple checkboxes in the same form.
Drop down selections, including multiple selects.
Radio buttons.
+ Although most standard HTML widgets are catered for by SimpleTest's
+ built in parser, it is unlikely that JavaScript will be implemented
+ anytime soon.
+ SimpleTest can cope with two types of multivalue controls: Multiple
+ selection drop downs, and multiple checkboxes with the same name
+ within a form.
+ The multivalue nature of these means that setting and testing
+ are slightly different.
+ Using checkboxes as an example...
+ Instead of setting the field to a single value, we give it a list
+ of values.
+ We do the same when testing expected values.
+ We can then write other test code to confirm the effect of this, perhaps
+ by logging in as that user and attempting an update.
+ If you want to test a form handler, but have not yet written
+ or do not have access to the form itself, you can create a
+ form submission by hand.
+ As many cases as needed can appear in a single file.
+ They should include any code they need, such as the library
+ being tested, but none of the simple test libraries.
+ If you have extended any test cases, you can include them
+ as well.
+ The FileTester class does
+ not contain any actual tests, but is a base class for other
+ test cases.
+ For this reason we use the
+ SimpleTestOptions::ignore() directive
+ to tell the upcoming group test to ignore it.
+ This directive can appear anywhere in the file and works
+ when a whole file of test cases is loaded (see below).
+ We will call this sample file_test.php.
+ Next we create a group test file, called say group_test.php.
+ You will think of a better name I am sure.
+ We will add the test file using a safe method...
+ This instantiates the test case before the test suite is
+ run.
+ This could get a little expensive with a large number of test
+ cases, so another method is provided that will only
+ instantiate the class when it is needed...
+ The problem with this method is that for every test case
+ that we add we will have
+ to require_once() the test code
+ file and manually instantiate each and every test case.
+ We can save a lot of typing with...
+ What happens here is that the GroupTest
+ class has done the require_once()
+ for us.
+ It then checks to see if any new test case classes
+ have been created by the new file and automatically adds
+ them to the group test.
+ Now all we have to do is add each new file.
+ There are two things that could go wrong and which require care...
+ The file could already have been parsed by PHP and so no
+ new classes will have been added. You should make
+ sure that the test cases are only included in this file
+ and no others.
+ New test case extension classes that get included will be
+ placed in the group test and run also.
+ You will need to add a SimpleTestOptions::ignore()
+ directive for these classes or make sure that they are included
+ before the GroupTest::addTestFile()
+ line.
+ The above method places all of the test cases into one large group.
+ For larger projects though this may not be flexible enough; you
+ may want to group the tests in all sorts of ways.
+ To get a more flexible group test we can subclass
+ GroupTest and then instantiate it as needed...
+ This effectively names the test in the constructor and then
+ adds our test cases and a single group below.
+ Of course we can add more than one group at this point.
+ We can now invoke the tests from a separate runner file...
+ If we still wish to run the original group test and we
+ don't want all of these little runner files, we can
+ put the test runner code around guard bars when we create
+ each group.
+ This approach requires the guard to be set when including
+ the group test file, but this is still less hassle than
+ lots of separate runner files.
+ You include the same guard on the top level tests to make sure
+ that run() will run once only
+ from the top level script that has been invoked.
+ If you already have unit tests for your code or are extending external
+ classes that have tests, it is unlikely that all of the test cases
+ are in SimpleTest format.
+ Fortunately it is possible to incorporate test cases from other
+ unit testers directly into SimpleTest group tests.
+ Say we have the following
+ PhpUnit
+ test case in the file config_test.php...
+ The PEAR test cases can be freely mixed with SimpleTest
+ ones even in the same test file,
+ but you cannot use SimpleTest assertions in the legacy
+ test case versions.
+ This is done as a check that you are not accidently making
+ your test cases completely dependent on SimpleTest.
+ You may want to do a PEAR release of your library for example
+ which would mean shipping it with valid PEAR::PhpUnit test
+ cases.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/index.html b/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/index.html
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+ Download the Simple Test testing framework -
+ Unit tests and mock objects for PHP
+ The following assumes that you are familiar with the concept
+ of unit testing as well as the PHP web development language.
+ It is a guide for the impatient new user of
+ SimpleTest.
+ For fuller documentation, especially if you are new
+ to unit testing see the ongoing
+ documentation, and for
+ example test cases see the
+ unit testing tutorial.
+ Amongst software testing tools, a unit tester is the one
+ closest to the developer.
+ In the context of agile development the test code sits right
+ next to the source code as both are written simultaneously.
+ In this context SimpleTest aims to be a complete PHP developer
+ test solution and is called "Simple" because it
+ should be easy to use and extend.
+ It wasn't a good choice of name really.
+ It includes all of the typical functions you would expect from
+ JUnit and the
+ PHPUnit
+ ports, but also adds
+ mock objects.
+ It has some JWebUnit
+ functionality as well.
+ This includes web page navigation, cookie testing and form submission.
+ The quickest way to demonstrate is with an example.
+ Let us suppose we are testing a simple file logging class called
+ Log in classes/log.php.
+ We start by creating a test script which we will call
+ tests/log_test.php and populate it as follows...
+ Here the simpletest folder is either local or in the path.
+ You would have to edit these locations depending on where you
+ placed the toolset.
+ Next we create a test case...
+ Now we have five lines of scaffolding code and still no tests.
+ However from this part on we get return on our investment very quickly.
+ We'll assume that the Log class
+ takes the file name to write to in the constructor and we have
+ a temporary folder in which to place this file...
+class TestOfLogging extends UnitTestCase {
+ function testCreatingNewFile() {
+ @unlink('/temp/test.log');
+ $log = new Log('/temp/test.log');
+ $this->assertFalse(file_exists('/temp/test.log'));
+ $log->message('Should write this to a file');
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists('/temp/test.log'));
+ }
+ When a test case runs it will search for any method that
+ starts with the string test
+ and execute that method.
+ We would normally have more than one test method of course.
+ Assertions within the test methods trigger messages to the
+ test framework which displays the result immediately.
+ This immediate response is important, not just in the event
+ of the code causing a crash, but also so that
+ print statements can display
+ their content right next to the test case concerned.
+ To see these results we have to actually run the tests.
+ If this is the only test case we wish to run we can achieve
+ it with...
+class TestOfLogging extends UnitTestCase {
+ function testCreatingNewFile() {
+ @unlink('/temp/test.log');
+ $log = new Log('/temp/test.log');
+ $this->assertFalse(file_exists('/temp/test.log'));
+ $log->message('Should write this to a file');
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists('/temp/test.log'));
+ }
+$test = &new TestOfLogging();
+$test->run(new HtmlReporter());
+ Fatal error: Failed opening required '../classes/log.php' (include_path='') in /home/marcus/projects/lastcraft/tutorial_tests/Log/tests/log_test.php on line 7
+ it means you're missing the classes/Log.php file that could look like...
+ It is unlikely in a real application that we will only ever run
+ one test case.
+ This means that we need a way of grouping cases into a test
+ script that can, if need be, run every test in the application.
+ Our first step is to strip the includes and to undo our
+ previous hack...
+class TestOfLogging extends UnitTestCase {
+ function testCreatingNewFile() {
+ @unlink('/temp/test.log');
+ $log = new Log('/temp/test.log');
+ $this->assertFalse(file_exists('/temp/test.log'));
+ $log->message('Should write this to a file');
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists('/temp/test.log'));
+ }
+ Next we create a new file called tests/all_tests.php
+ and insert the following code...
+ The method GroupTest::addTestFile()
+ will include the test case file and read any new classes created
+ that are descended from SimpleTestCase, of which
+ UnitTestCase is one example.
+ Just the class names are stored for now, so that the test runner
+ can instantiate the class when it works its way
+ through your test suite.
+ For this to work properly the test case file should not blindly include
+ any other test case extensions that do not actually run tests.
+ This could result in extra test cases being counted during the test
+ run.
+ Hardly a major problem, but to avoid this inconvenience simply add
+ a SimpleTestOptions::ignore() directive
+ somewhere in the test case file.
+ Also the test case file should not have been included
+ elsewhere or no cases will be added to this group test.
+ This would be a more serious error as if the test case classes are
+ already loaded by PHP the GroupTest::addTestFile()
+ method will not detect them.
+ To display the results it is necessary only to invoke
+ tests/all_tests.php from the web server.
+ Assume that our logging class is tested and completed.
+ Assume also that we are testing another class that is
+ required to write log messages, say a
+ SessionPool.
+ We want to test a method that will probably end up looking
+ like this...
+ This test case design is not all bad, but it could be improved.
+ We are spending time fiddling with log files which are
+ not part of our test. Worse, we have created close ties
+ with the Log class and
+ this test.
+ What if we don't use files any more, but use ths
+ syslog library instead?
+ Did you notice the extra carriage return in the message?
+ Was that added by the logger?
+ What if it also added a time stamp or other data?
+ The only part that we really want to test is that a particular
+ message was sent to the logger.
+ We reduce coupling if we can pass in a fake logging class
+ that simply records the message calls for testing, but
+ takes no action.
+ It would have to look exactly like our original though.
+ If the fake object doesn't write to a file then we save on deleting
+ the file before and after each test. We could save even more
+ test code if the fake object would kindly run the assertion for us.
+ Too good to be true?
+ Luckily we can create such an object easily...
+ The tally() call is needed to
+ tell the mock object that time is up for the expected call
+ count.
+ Without it the mock would wait forever for the method
+ call to come in without ever actually notifying the test case.
+ The other test will be triggered when the call to
+ message() is invoked on the
+ MockLog object.
+ The mock call will trigger a parameter comparison and then send the
+ resulting pass or fail event to the test display.
+ Wildcards can be included here too so as to prevent tests
+ becoming too specific.
+ The mock objects in the SimpleTest suite can have arbitrary
+ return values set, sequences of returns, return values
+ selected according to the incoming arguments, sequences of
+ parameter expectations and limits on the number of times
+ a method is to be invoked.
+ For this test to run the mock objects library must have been
+ included in the test suite, say in all_tests.php.
+ One of the requirements of web sites is that they produce web
+ pages.
+ If you are building a project top-down and you want to fully
+ integrate testing along the way then you will want a way of
+ automatically navigating a site and examining output for
+ correctness.
+ This is the job of a web tester.
+ The web testing in SimpleTest is fairly primitive, there is
+ no JavaScript for example.
+ To give an idea here is a trivial example where a home
+ page is fetched, from which we navigate to an "about"
+ page and then test some client determined content.
+class TestOfAbout extends WebTestCase {
+ function setUp() {
+ $this->get('http://test-server/index.php');
+ $this->clickLink('About');
+ }
+ function testSearchEngineOptimisations() {
+ $this->assertTitle('A long title about us for search engines');
+ $this->assertWantedPattern('/a popular keyphrase/i');
+ }
+$test = &new TestOfAbout();
+$test->run(new HtmlReporter());
+ With this code as an acceptance test you can ensure that
+ the content always meets the specifications of both the
+ developers and the other project stakeholders.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
+ Mock objects have two roles during a test case: actor and critic.
+ The actor behaviour is to simulate objects that are difficult to
+ set up or time consuming to set up for a test.
+ The classic example is a database connection.
+ Setting up a test database at the start of each test would slow
+ testing to a crawl and would require the installation of the
+ database engine and test data on the test machine.
+ If we can simulate the connection and return data of our
+ choosing we not only win on the pragmatics of testing, but can
+ also feed our code spurious data to see how it responds.
+ We can simulate databases being down or other extremes
+ without having to create a broken database for real.
+ In other words, we get greater control of the test environment.
+ If mock objects only behaved as actors they would simply be
+ known as server stubs.
+ However, the mock objects not only play a part (by supplying chosen
+ return values on demand) they are also sensitive to the
+ messages sent to them (via expectations).
+ By setting expected parameters for a method call they act
+ as a guard that the calls upon them are made correctly.
+ If expectations are not met they save us the effort of
+ writing a failed test assertion by performing that duty on our
+ behalf.
+ In the case of an imaginary database connection they can
+ test that the query, say SQL, was correctly formed by
+ the object that is using the connection.
+ Set them up with fairly tight expectations and you will
+ hardly need manual assertions at all.
+ In the same way that we create server stubs, all we need is an
+ existing class, say a database connection that looks like this...
+class DatabaseConnection {
+ function DatabaseConnection() {
+ }
+ function query() {
+ }
+ function selectQuery() {
+ }
+ The class does not need to have been implemented yet.
+ To create a mock version of the class we need to include the
+ mock object library and run the generator...
+ Unlike the generated stubs the mock constructor needs a reference
+ to the test case so that it can dispatch passes and failures while
+ checking its expectations.
+ This means that mock objects can only be used within test cases.
+ Despite this their extra power means that stubs are hardly ever used
+ if mocks are available.
+ The mock version of a class has all the methods of the original
+ so that operations like
+ $connection->query() are still
+ legal.
+ As with stubs we can replace the default null return values...
+$connection->setReturnValue('query', 37);
+ Now every time we call
+ $connection->query() we get
+ the result of 37.
+ As with the stubs we can set wildcards and we can overload the
+ wildcard parameter.
+ We can also add extra methods to the mock when generating it
+ and choose our own class name...
+ Here the mock will behave as if the setOptions()
+ existed in the original class.
+ This is handy if a class has used the PHP overload()
+ mechanism to add dynamic methods.
+ You can create a special mock to simulate this situation.
+ All of the patterns available with server stubs are available
+ to mock objects...
+class Iterator {
+ function Iterator() {
+ }
+ function next() {
+ }
+ Again, assuming that this iterator only returns text until it
+ reaches the end, when it returns false, we can simulate it
+ with...
+ When next() is called on the
+ mock iterator it will first return "First string",
+ on the second call "Second string" will be returned
+ and on any other call false will
+ be returned.
+ The sequenced return values take precedence over the constant
+ return value.
+ The constant one is a kind of default if you like.
+ A repeat of the stubbed information holder with name/value pairs...
+class Configuration {
+ function Configuration() {
+ }
+ function getValue($key) {
+ }
+ This is a classic situation for using mock objects as
+ actual configuration will vary from machine to machine,
+ hardly helping the reliability of our tests if we use it
+ directly.
+ The problem though is that all the data comes through the
+ getValue() method and yet
+ we want different results for different keys.
+ Luckily the mocks have a filter system...
+ The extra parameter is a list of arguments to attempt
+ to match.
+ In this case we are trying to match only one argument which
+ is the look up key.
+ Now when the mock object has the
+ getValue() method invoked
+ like this...
+ ...it will return "admin".
+ It finds this by attempting to match the calling arguments
+ to its list of returns one after another until
+ a complete match is found.
+ There are times when you want a specific object to be
+ dished out by the mock rather than a copy.
+ Again this is identical to the server stubs mechanism...
+ Although the server stubs approach insulates your tests from
+ real world disruption, it is only half the benefit.
+ You can have the class under test receiving the required
+ messages, but is your new class sending correct ones?
+ Testing this can get messy without a mock objects library.
+ By way of example, suppose we have a
+ SessionPool class that we
+ want to add logging to.
+ Rather than grow the original class into something more
+ complicated, we want to add this behaviour with a decorator (GOF).
+ The SessionPool code currently looks
+ like this...
+ Out of all of this, the only class we want to test here
+ is the LoggingSessionPool.
+ In particular we would like to check that the
+ findSession() method is
+ called with the correct session ID in the cookie and that
+ it sent the message "Starting session $cookie"
+ to the logger.
+ Despite the fact that we are testing only a few lines of
+ production code, here is what we would have to do in a
+ conventional test case:
Create a log object.
Set a directory to place the log file.
Set the directory permissions so we can write the log.
Create a SessionPool object.
Hand start a session, which probably does lot's of things.
Invoke findSession().
Read the new Session ID (hope there is an accessor!).
Raise a test assertion to confirm that the ID matches the cookie.
Read the last line of the log file.
Pattern match out the extra logging timestamps, etc.
Assert that the session message is contained in the text.
+ It is hardly surprising that developers hate writing tests
+ when they are this much drudgery.
+ To make things worse, every time the logging format changes or
+ the method of creating new sessions changes, we have to rewrite
+ parts of this test even though this test does not officially
+ test those parts of the system.
+ We are creating headaches for the writers of these other classes.
+ Instead, here is the complete test method using mock object magic...
+ We start by creating a dummy session.
+ We don't have to be too fussy about this as the check
+ for which session we want is done elsewhere.
+ We only need to check that it was the same one that came
+ from the session pool.
+ findSession() is a factory
+ method the simulation of which is described above.
+ The point of departure comes with the first
+ expectOnce() call.
+ This line states that whenever
+ findSession() is invoked on the
+ mock, it will test the incoming arguments.
+ If it receives the single argument of a string "abc"
+ then a test pass is sent to the unit tester, otherwise a fail is
+ generated.
+ This was the part where we checked that the right session was asked for.
+ The argument list follows the same format as the one for setting
+ return values.
+ You can have wildcards and sequences and the order of
+ evaluation is the same.
+ If the call is never made then neither a pass nor a failure will
+ generated.
+ To get around this we must tell the mock when the test is over
+ so that the object can decide if the expectation has been met.
+ The unit tester assertion for this is triggered by the
+ tally() call at the end of
+ the test.
+ We use the same pattern to set up the mock logger.
+ We tell it that it should have
+ message() invoked
+ once only with the argument "Starting session abc".
+ By testing the calling arguments, rather than the logger output,
+ we insulate the test from any display changes in the logger.
+ We start to run our tests when we create the new
+ LoggingSessionPool and feed
+ it our preset mock objects.
+ Everything is now under our control.
+ Finally we confirm that the
+ $session we gave our decorator
+ is the one that we get back and tell the mocks to run their
+ internal call count tests with the
+ tally() calls.
+ This is still quite a bit of test code, but the code is very
+ strict.
+ If it still seems rather daunting there is a lot less of it
+ than if we tried this without mocks and this particular test,
+ interactions rather than output, is always more work to set
+ up.
+ More often you will be testing more complex situations without
+ needing this level or precision.
+ Also some of this can be refactored into a test case
+ setUp() method.
+ Here is the full list of expectations you can set on a mock object
+ in SimpleTest...
Needs tally()
expectArguments($method, $args)
expectArgumentsAt($timing, $method, $args)
expectCallCount($method, $count)
expectMaximumCallCount($method, $count)
expectMinimumCallCount($method, $count)
expectOnce($method, $args)
expectAtLeastOnce($method, $args)
+ Where the parameters are...
The method name, as a string, to apply the condition to.
+ The arguments as a list. Wildcards can be included in the same
+ manner as for setReturn().
+ This argument is optional for expectOnce()
+ and expectAtLeastOnce().
+ The only point in time to test the condition.
+ The first call starts at zero.
The number of calls expected.
+ The method expectMaximumCallCount()
+ is slightly different in that it will only ever generate a failure.
+ It is silent if the limit is never reached.
+ Like the assertions within test cases, all of the expectations
+ can take a message override as an extra parameter.
+ Also the original failure message can be embedded in the output
+ as "%s".
+ There are three approaches to creating mocks including the one
+ that SimpleTest employs.
+ Coding them by hand using a base class, generating them to
+ a file and dynamically generating them on the fly.
+ Mock objects generated with SimpleTest
+ are dynamic.
+ They are created at run time in memory, using
+ eval(), rather than written
+ out to a file.
+ This makes the mocks easy to create, a one liner,
+ especially compared with hand
+ crafting them in a parallel class hierarchy.
+ The problem is that the behaviour is usually set up in the tests
+ themselves.
+ If the original objects change the mock versions
+ that the tests rely on can get out of sync.
+ This can happen with the parallel hierarchy approach as well,
+ but is far more quickly detected.
+ The solution, of course, is to add some real integration
+ tests.
+ You don't need very many and the convenience gained
+ from the mocks more than outweighs the small amount of
+ extra testing.
+ You cannot trust code that was only tested with mocks.
+ If you are still determined to build static libraries of mocks
+ because you want to simulate very specific behaviour, you can
+ achieve the same effect using the SimpleTest class generator.
+ In your library file, say mocks/connection.php for a
+ database connection, create a mock and inherit to override
+ special methods or add presets...
+ The generate call tells the class generator to create
+ a class called BasicMockConnection
+ rather than the usual MockConnection.
+ We then inherit from this to get our version of
+ MockConnection.
+ By intercepting in this way we can add behaviour, here setting
+ the default value of query() to be false.
+ By using the default name we make sure that the mock class
+ generator will not recreate a different one when invoked elsewhere in the
+ tests.
+ It never creates a class if it already exists.
+ As long as the above file is included first then all tests
+ that generated MockConnection should
+ now be using our one instead.
+ If we don't get the order right and the mock library
+ creates one first then the class creation will simply fail.
+ Use this trick if you find you have a lot of common mock behaviour
+ or you are getting frequent integration problems at later
+ stages of testing.
+ But at the time of writing it is the only one with mock objects,
+ so are you stuck with it?
+ No, not at all.
+ SimpleTest is a toolkit and one of those
+ tools is the mock objects which can be employed independently.
+ Suppose you have your own favourite unit tester and all your current
+ test cases are written using it.
+ Pretend that you have called your unit tester PHPUnit (everyone else has)
+ and the core test class looks like this...
+ All the assertion() method does
+ is print some fancy output and the boolean assertion parameter determines
+ whether to print a pass or a failure.
+ Let's say that it is used like this...
+$unit_test = new PHPUnit();
+$unit_test>assertion('I hope this file exists', file_exists('my_file'));
+ How do you use mocks with this?
+ There is a protected method on the base mock class
+ SimpleMock called
+ _assertTrue() and
+ by overriding this method we can use our own assertion format.
+ We start with a subclass, in say my_mock.php...
+ Now instantiating MyMock will create
+ an object that speaks the same language as your tester.
+ The catch is of course that we never create such an object, the
+ code generator does.
+ We need just one more line of code to tell the generator to use
+ your mock instead...
+ From now on you just include my_mock.php instead of the
+ default mock_objects.php version and you can introduce
+ mock objects into your existing test suite.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
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new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d4965de3
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+ Overview and feature list for the SimpleTest PHP unit tester and web tester
+ The heart of SimpleTest is a testing framework built around
+ test case classes.
+ These are written as extensions of base test case classes,
+ each extended with methods that actually contain test code.
+ Top level test scripts then invoke the run()
+ methods on every one of these test cases in order.
+ Each test method is written to invoke various assertions that
+ the developer expects to be true such as
+ assertEqual().
+ If the expectation is correct, then a successful result is dispatched to the
+ observing test reporter, but any failure triggers an alert
+ and a description of the mismatch.
+ These tools are designed for the developer.
+ Tests are written in the PHP language itself more or less
+ as the application itself is built.
+ The advantage of using PHP itself as the testing language is that
+ there are no new languages to learn, testing can start straight away,
+ and the developer can test any part of the code.
+ Basically, all parts that can be accessed by the application code can also be
+ accessed by the test code if they are in the same language.
+ The simplest type of test case is the
+ UnitTestCase.
+ This class of test case includes standard tests for equality,
+ references and pattern matching.
+ All these test the typical expectations of what you would
+ expect the result of a function or method to be.
+ This is by far the most common type of test in the daily
+ routine of development, making up about 95% of test cases.
+ The top level task of a web application though is not to
+ produce correct output from its methods and objects, but
+ to generate web pages.
+ The WebTestCase class tests web
+ pages.
+ It simulates a web browser requesting a page, complete with
+ cookies, proxies, secure connections, authentication, forms, frames and most
+ navigation elements.
+ With this type of test case, the developer can assert that
+ information is present in the page and that forms and
+ sessions are handled correctly.
+ The following is a very rough outline of past and future features
+ and their expected point of release.
+ I am afraid it is liable to change without warning as meeting the
+ milestones rather depends on time available.
+ Green stuff has been coded, but not necessarily released yet.
+ If you have a pressing need for a green but unreleased feature
+ then you should check-out the code from sourceforge CVS directly.
+ A released feature is marked as "Done".
Unit test case
Core test case class and assertions
Html display
Simplest possible display
Autoloading of test cases
+ Reading a file with test cases and loading them into a
+ group test automatically
Mock objects code generator
+ Objects capable of simulating other objects removing
+ test dependencies
Server stubs
+ Mocks without expectations to be used outside of test cases,
+ e.g. for prototyping
Integration of other unit testers
+ The ability to read and simulate test cases from PHPUnit
+ and PEAR::PhpUnit
Web test case
Basic pattern matching of fetched pages
HTML parsing of pages
Allows link following and title tag matching
Partial mocks
+ Mocking parts of a class for testing less than a class
+ or for complex simulations
Web cookie handling
Correct handling of cookies when fetching pages
Following redirects
Page fetching automatically follows 300 redirects
Form parsing
Ability to submit simple forms and read default form values
Command line interface
Test display without the need of a web browser
Exposure of expectation classes
Can create precise tests with mocks as well as test cases
XML output and parsing
+ Allows multi host testing and the integration of acceptance
+ testing extensions
Command line test case
Allows testing of utilities and file handling
PHP Documentor compatibility
Fully generated class level documentation
Browser interface
+ Exposure of lower level web browser interface for more
+ detailed test cases
HTTP authentication
+ Fetching protected web pages with basic authentication
+ only
Browser navigation buttons
Back, forward and retry
SSL support
Can connect to https: pages
Proxy support
Can connect via. common proxies
Frames support
Handling of frames in web test cases
Improved display
Better web GUI with tree display of test cases
Messages abstracted and code generated from XML
File upload testing
Can simulate the input type file tag
Mocking interfaces
Can generate mock objects to interfaces as well as classes
Testing exceptions
Similar to testing PHP errors
XPath searching of elements
Can make use of HTML tidy for faster and more flexible content matching
+ PHP5 migraton will start straight after the version 1.1 series,
+ whereupon PHP4 will no longer be supported.
+ SimpleTest is currently compatible with PHP5, but will not
+ make use of all of the new features until version 2.
+ Process is at least as important as tools.
+ The type of process that makes the heaviest use of a developer's
+ testing tool is of course
+ Extreme Programming.
+ This is one of the
+ Agile Methodologies
+ which combine various practices to "flatten the cost curve" of software development.
+ More extreme still is Test Driven Development,
+ where you very strictly adhere to the rule of no coding until you have a test.
+ If you're more of a planner or believe that experience trumps evolution,
+ you may prefer the
+ RUP approach.
+ I haven't tried it, but even I can see that you will need test tools (see figure 9).
+ Most unit testers clone JUnit to some degree,
+ as far as the interface at least. There is a wealth of information on the
+ JUnit site including the
+ which contains plenty of general advice on testing.
+ Once you get bitten by the bug you will certainly appreciate the phrase
+ test infected
+ coined by Eric Gamma.
+ If you are still reviewing which unit tester to use the main choices
+ are PHPUnit
+ and Pear PHP::PHPUnit.
+ They currently lack a lot of features found in
+ SimpleTest, but the PEAR
+ version at least has been upgraded for PHP5 and is recommended if you are porting
+ existing JUnit test cases.
+ Library writers don't seem to ship tests with their code very often
+ which is a shame.
+ Library code that includes tests can be more safely refactored and
+ the test code can act as additional documentation in a fairly standard
+ form.
+ This can save trawling the source code for clues when problems occour,
+ especially when upgrading such a library.
+ Libraries using SimpleTest for their unit testing include
+ WACT and
+ There is currently a sad lack of material on mock objects, which is a shame
+ as unit testing without them is a lot more work.
+ The original mock objects paper
+ is very Java focused, but still worth a read.
+ As a new technology there are plenty of discussions and debate on how to use mocks,
+ often on Wikis such as
+ Extreme Tuesday
+ or www.mockobjects.com
+ or the original C2 Wiki.
+ Injecting mocks into a class is the main area of debate for which this
+ paper on IBM
+ makes a good starting point.
+ There are plenty of web testing tools, but most are written in Java and
+ tutorials and advice are rather thin on the ground.
+ The only hope is to look at the documentation for
+ HTTPUnit,
+ HTMLUnit
+ or JWebUnit and hope for clues.
+ There are some XML driven test frameworks, but again most
+ require Java to run.
+ As SimpleTest does not support JavaScript you would probably
+ have to look at these tools anyway if you have highly dynamic
+ pages.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
+ A partial mock is simply a pattern to alleviate a specific problem
+ in testing with mock objects,
+ that of getting mock objects into tight corners.
+ It's quite a limited tool and possibly not even a good idea.
+ It is included with SimpleTest because I have found it useful
+ on more than one occasion and has saved a lot of work at that point.
+ When one object uses another it is very simple to just pass a mock
+ version in already set up with its expectations.
+ Things are rather tricker if one object creates another and the
+ creator is the one you want to test.
+ This means that the created object should be mocked, but we can
+ hardly tell our class under test to create a mock instead.
+ The tested class doesn't even know it is running inside a test
+ after all.
+ For example, suppose we are building a telnet client and it
+ needs to create a network socket to pass its messages.
+ The connection method might look something like...
+ We would really like to have a mock object version of the socket
+ here, what can we do?
+ The first solution is to pass the socket in as a parameter,
+ forcing the creation up a level.
+ Having the client handle this is actually a very good approach
+ if you can manage it and should lead to factoring the creation from
+ the doing.
+ In fact, this is one way in which testing with mock objects actually
+ forces you to code more tightly focused solutions.
+ They improve your programming.
+ It is pretty obvious though that one level is all you can go.
+ You would hardly want your top level application creating
+ every low level file, socket and database connection ever
+ needed.
+ It wouldn't know the constructor parameters anyway.
+ The next simplest compromise is to have the created object passed
+ in as an optional parameter...
+ The problem with this approach is its untidiness.
+ There is test code in the main class and parameters passed
+ in the test case that are never used.
+ This is a quick and dirty approach, but nevertheless effective
+ in most situations.
+ The next method is to pass in a factory object to do the creation...
+ This is probably the most highly factored answer as creation
+ is now moved into a small specialist class.
+ The networking factory can now be tested separately, but mocked
+ easily when we are testing the telnet class...
+ The downside is that we are adding a lot more classes to the
+ library.
+ Also we are passing a lot of factories around which will
+ make the code a little less intuitive.
+ The most flexible solution, but the most complex.
+ There is a way we can circumvent the problem without creating
+ any new application classes, but it involves creating a subclass
+ when we do the actual testing.
+ Firstly we move the socket creation into its own method...
+ Here I have passed the mock in the constructor, but a
+ setter would have done just as well.
+ Note that the mock was set into the object variable
+ before the constructor was chained.
+ This is necessary in case the constructor calls
+ connect().
+ Otherwise it could get a null value from
+ _createSocket().
+ After the completion of all of this extra work the
+ actual test case is fairly easy.
+ We just test our new class instead...
+ The new class is very simple of course.
+ It just sets up a return value, rather like a mock.
+ It would be nice if it also checked the incoming parameters
+ as well.
+ Just like a mock.
+ It seems we are likely to do this often, can
+ we automate the subclass creation?
+ Of course the answer is "yes" or I would have stopped writing
+ this by now!
+ The previous test case was a lot of work, but we can
+ generate the subclass using a similar approach to the mock objects.
+ Here is the partial mock version of the test...
+ The partial mock is a subclass of the original with
+ selected methods "knocked out" with test
+ versions.
+ The generatePartial() call
+ takes three parameters: the class to be subclassed,
+ the new test class name and a list of methods to mock.
+ Instantiating the resulting objects is slightly tricky.
+ The only constructor parameter of a partial mock is
+ the unit tester reference.
+ As with the normal mock objects this is needed for sending
+ test results in response to checked expectations.
+ The original constructor is not run yet.
+ This is necessary in case the constructor is going to
+ make use of the as yet unset mocked methods.
+ We set any return values at this point and then run the
+ constructor with its normal parameters.
+ This three step construction of "new", followed
+ by setting up the methods, followed by running the constructor
+ proper is what distinguishes the partial mock code.
+ Apart from construction, all of the mocked methods have
+ the same features as mock objects and all of the unmocked
+ methods behave as before.
+ We can set expectations very easily...
+ The mocked out methods don't have to be factory methods,
+ they could be any sort of method.
+ In this way partial mocks allow us to take control of any part of
+ a class except the constructor.
+ We could even go as far as to mock every method
+ except one we actually want to test.
+ This last situation is all rather hypothetical, as I haven't
+ tried it.
+ I am open to the possibility, but a little worried that
+ forcing object granularity may be better for the code quality.
+ I personally use partial mocks as a way of overriding creation
+ or for occasional testing of the TemplateMethod pattern.
+ It's all going to come down to the coding standards of your
+ project to decide which mechanism you use.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
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index 00000000..44be8b1e
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+SimpleTest for PHP test runner and display documentation
+ SimpleTest pretty much follows the MVC pattern
+ (Model-View-Controller).
+ The reporter classes are the view and the model is your
+ test cases and their hiearchy.
+ The controller is mostly hidden from the user of
+ SimpleTest unless you want to change how the test cases
+ are actually run, in which case it is possible to
+ override the runner objects from within the test case.
+ As usual with MVC, the controller is mostly undefined
+ and there are other places to control the test run.
+ The default test display is minimal in the extreme.
+ It reports success and failure with the conventional red and
+ green bars and shows a breadcrumb trail of test groups
+ for every failed assertion.
+ Here's a fail...
File test
+ Fail: createnewfile->True assertion failed.
1/1 test cases complete.
+ 0 passes, 1 fails and 0 exceptions.
+ And here all tests passed...
File test
1/1 test cases complete.
+ 1 passes, 0 fails and 0 exceptions.
+ The good news is that there are several points in the display
+ hiearchy for subclassing.
+ For web page based displays there is the
+ HtmlReporter class with the following
+ signature...
+class HtmlReporter extends SimpleReporter {
+ public HtmlReporter($encoding) { ... }
+ public makeDry(boolean $is_dry) { ... }
+ public void paintHeader(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void sendNoCacheHeaders() { ... }
+ public void paintFooter(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void paintGroupStart(string $test_name, integer $size) { ... }
+ public void paintGroupEnd(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void paintCaseStart(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void paintCaseEnd(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void paintMethodStart(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void paintMethodEnd(string $test_name) { ... }
+ public void paintFail(string $message) { ... }
+ public void paintPass(string $message) { ... }
+ public void paintError(string $message) { ... }
+ public void paintException(string $message) { ... }
+ public void paintMessage(string $message) { ... }
+ public void paintFormattedMessage(string $message) { ... }
+ protected string _getCss() { ... }
+ public array getTestList() { ... }
+ public integer getPassCount() { ... }
+ public integer getFailCount() { ... }
+ public integer getExceptionCount() { ... }
+ public integer getTestCaseCount() { ... }
+ public integer getTestCaseProgress() { ... }
+ Here is what some of these methods mean. First the display methods
+ that you will probably want to override...
+ HtmlReporter(string $encoding)
+ is the constructor.
+ Note that the unit test sets up the link to the display
+ rather than the other way around.
+ The display is a mostly passive receiver of test events.
+ This allows easy adaption of the display for other test
+ systems beside unit tests, such as monitoring servers.
+ The encoding is the character encoding you wish to
+ display the test output in.
+ In order to correctly render debug output when
+ using the web tester, this should match the encoding
+ of the site you are trying to test.
+ The available character set strings are described in
+ the PHP html_entities()
+ function.
+ void paintHeader(string $test_name)
+ is called once at the very start of the test when the first
+ start event arrives.
+ The first start event is usually delivered by the top level group
+ test and so this is where $test_name
+ comes from.
+ It paints the page titles, CSS, body tag, etc.
+ It returns nothing (void).
+ void paintFooter(string $test_name)
+ Called at the very end of the test to close any tags opened
+ by the page header.
+ By default it also displays the red/green bar and the final
+ count of results.
+ Actually the end of the test happens when a test end event
+ comes in with the same name as the one that started it all
+ at the same level.
+ The tests nest you see.
+ Closing the last test finishes the display.
+ void paintMethodStart(string $test_name)
+ is called at the start of each test method.
+ The name normally comes from method name.
+ The other test start events behave the same way except
+ that the group test one tells the reporter how large
+ it is in number of held test cases.
+ This is so that the reporter can display a progress bar
+ as the runner churns through the test cases.
+ void paintMethodEnd(string $test_name)
+ backs out of the test started with the same name.
+ void paintFail(string $message)
+ paints a failure.
+ By default it just displays the word fail, a breadcrumbs trail
+ showing the current test nesting and the message issued by
+ the assertion.
+ void paintPass(string $message)
+ by default does nothing.
+ string _getCss()
+ Returns the CSS styles as a string for the page header
+ method.
+ Additional styles have to be appended here if you are
+ not overriding the page header.
+ You will want to use this method in an overriden page header
+ if you want to include the original CSS.
+ There are also some accessors to get information on the current
+ state of the test suite.
+ Use these to enrich the display...
+ array getTestList()
+ is the first convenience method for subclasses.
+ Lists the current nesting of the tests as a list
+ of test names.
+ The first, most deeply nested test, is first in the
+ list and the current test method will be last.
+ integer getPassCount()
+ returns the number of passes chalked up so far.
+ Needed for the display at the end.
+ integer getFailCount()
+ is likewise the number of fails so far.
+ integer getExceptionCount()
+ is likewise the number of errors so far.
+ integer getTestCaseCount()
+ is the total number of test cases in the test run.
+ This includes the grouping tests themselves.
+ integer getTestCaseProgress()
+ is the number of test cases completed so far.
+ One simple modification is to get the HtmlReporter to display
+ the passes as well as the failures and errors...
+ One method that was glossed over was the makeDry()
+ method.
+ If you run this method, with no parameters, on the reporter
+ before the test suite is run no actual test methods
+ will be called.
+ You will still get the events of entering and leaving the
+ test methods and test cases, but no passes or failures etc,
+ because the test code will not actually be executed.
+ The reason for this is to allow for more sophistcated
+ GUI displays that allow the selection of individual test
+ cases.
+ In order to build a list of possible tests they need a
+ report on the test structure for drawing, say a tree view
+ of the test suite.
+ With a reporter set to dry run that just sends drawing events
+ this is easily accomplished.
+ Rather than simply modifying the existing display, you might want to
+ produce a whole new HTML look, or even generate text or XML.
+ Rather than override every method in
+ HtmlReporter we can take one
+ step up the class hiearchy to SimpleReporter
+ in the simple_test.php source file.
+ A do nothing display, a blank canvas for your own creation, would
+ be...
+ SimpleTest also ships with a minimal command line reporter.
+ The interface mimics JUnit to some extent, but paints the
+ failure messages as they arrive.
+ To use the command line reporter simply substitute it
+ for the HTML version...
+File test
+1) True assertion failed.
+ in createnewfile
+Test cases run: 1/1, Failures: 1, Exceptions: 0
+ One of the main reasons for using a command line driven
+ test suite is of using the tester as part of some automated
+ process.
+ To function properly in shell scripts the test script should
+ return a non-zero exit code on failure.
+ If a test suite fails the value false
+ is returned from the SimpleTest::run()
+ method.
+ We can use that result to exit the script with the desired return
+ code...
+ Of course we don't really want to create two test scripts,
+ a command line one and a web browser one, for each test suite.
+ The command line reporter includes a method to sniff out the
+ run time environment...
+ You can make use of this format with the parser
+ supplied as part of SimpleTest itself.
+ This is called SimpleTestXmlParser and
+ resides in xml.php within the SimpleTest package...
+ The $test_output should be the XML format
+ from the XML reporter, and could come from say a command
+ line run of a test case.
+ The parser sends events to the reporter just like any
+ other test run.
+ There are some odd occasions where this is actually useful.
+ A problem with large test suites is thet they can exhaust
+ the default 8Mb memory limit on a PHP process.
+ By having the test groups output in XML and run in
+ separate processes, the output can be reparsed to
+ aggregate the results into a much smaller footprint top level
+ test.
+ Because the XML output can come from anywhere, this opens
+ up the possibility of aggregating test runs from remote
+ servers.
+ A test case already exists to do this within the SimpleTest
+ framework, but it is currently experimental...
+ The RemoteTestCase takes the actual location
+ of the test runner, basically a web page in XML format.
+ It also takes the URL of a reporter set to do a dry run.
+ This is so that progress can be reported upward correctly.
+ The RemoteTestCase can be added to test suites
+ just like any other group test.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/server_stubs_documentation.html b/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/server_stubs_documentation.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4b18bb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_tools/simpletest/docs/en/server_stubs_documentation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+SimpleTest for PHP server stubs documentation
+ This was originally a pattern named by Robert Binder (Testing
+ object-oriented systems: models, patterns, and tools,
+ Addison-Wesley) in 1999.
+ A server stub is a simulation of an object or component.
+ It should exactly replace a component in a system for test
+ or prototyping purposes, but remain lightweight.
+ This allows tests to run more quickly, or if the simulated
+ class has not been written, to run at all.
+ All we need is an existing class, say a database connection
+ that looks like this...
+class DatabaseConnection {
+ function DatabaseConnection() {
+ }
+ function query() {
+ }
+ function selectQuery() {
+ }
+ The class does not need to have been implemented yet.
+ To create a stub version of the class we need to include the
+ server stub library and run the generator...
+ This generates a clone class called
+ StubDatabaseConnection.
+ We can now create instances of the new class within
+ our prototype script...
+$connection = new StubDatabaseConnection();
+ The stub version of a class has all the methods of the original
+ so that operations like
+ $connection->query() are still
+ legal.
+ The return value will be null,
+ but we can change that with...
+$connection->setReturnValue('query', 37)
+ Now every time we call
+ $connection->query() we get
+ the result of 37.
+ We can set the return value to anything, say a hash of
+ imaginary database results or a list of persistent objects.
+ Parameters are irrelevant here, we always get the same
+ values back each time once they have been set up this way.
+ That may not sound like a convincing replica of a
+ database connection, but for the half a dozen lines of
+ a test method it is usually all you need.
+ Things aren't always that simple though.
+ One common problem is iterators, where constantly returning
+ the same value could cause an endless loop in the object
+ being tested.
+ For these we need to set up sequences of values.
+ Let's say we have a simple iterator that looks like this...
+class Iterator {
+ function Iterator() {
+ }
+ function next() {
+ }
+ This is about the simplest iterator you could have.
+ Assuming that this iterator only returns text until it
+ reaches the end, when it returns false, we can simulate it
+ with...
+ When next() is called on the
+ stub iterator it will first return "First string",
+ on the second call "Second string" will be returned
+ and on any other call false will
+ be returned.
+ The sequenced return values take precedence over the constant
+ return value.
+ The constant one is a kind of default if you like.
+ Another tricky situation is an overloaded
+ get() operation.
+ An example of this is an information holder with name/value pairs.
+ Say we have a configuration class like...
+class Configuration {
+ function Configuration() {
+ }
+ function getValue($key) {
+ }
+ This is a classic situation for using stub objects as
+ actual configuration will vary from machine to machine,
+ hardly helping the reliability of our tests if we use it
+ directly.
+ The problem though is that all the data comes through the
+ getValue() method and yet
+ we want different results for different keys.
+ Luckily the stubs have a filter system...
+ The extra parameter is a list of arguments to attempt
+ to match.
+ In this case we are trying to match only one argument which
+ is the look up key.
+ Now when the server stub has the
+ getValue() method invoked
+ like this...
+ ...it will return "admin".
+ It finds this by attempting to match the calling arguments
+ to its list of returns one after another until
+ a complete match is found.
+ You can set a default argument argument like so...
+ This is not the same as setting the return value without
+ any argument requirements like this...
+$config->setReturnValue('getValue', false);
+ In the first case it will accept any single argument,
+ but exactly one is required.
+ In the second case any number of arguments will do and
+ it acts as a catchall after all other matches.
+ Note that if we add further single parameter options after
+ the wildcard in the first case, they will be ignored as the wildcard
+ will match first.
+ With complex parameter lists the ordering could be important
+ or else desired matches could be masked by earlier wildcard
+ ones.
+ Declare the most specific matches first if you are not sure.
+ There are times when you want a specific object to be
+ dished out by the stub rather than just a copy.
+ The PHP copy semantics force us to use a different method
+ for this.
+ You might be simulating a container for example...
+ This will return the $stuff only on the third
+ call and only if two parameters were set the second of
+ which must be the integer 1.
+ That should cover most simple prototyping situations.
+ A final tricky case is one object creating another, known
+ as a factory pattern.
+ Suppose that on a successful query to our imaginary
+ database, a result set is returned as an iterator with
+ each call to next() giving
+ one row until false.
+ This sounds like a simulation nightmare, but in fact it can all
+ be stubbed using the mechanics above.
+ Now only if our
+ $connection is called with the correct
+ query() will the
+ $result be returned that is
+ itself exhausted after the third call to next().
+ This should be enough
+ information for our UserFinder class,
+ the class actually
+ being tested here, to come up with goods.
+ A very precise test and not a real database in sight.
+ This is not very useful in itself as there would be no difference
+ in this class and the default except for the name.
+ However we can also add additional methods not found in the
+ original interface...
+ The core system is a regression testing framework built around
+ test cases.
+ A sample test case looks like this...
+class FileTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
+ If no test name is supplied when chaining the constructor then
+ the class name will be taken instead.
+ This will be the name displayed in the test results.
+ Actual tests are added as methods in the test case whose names
+ by default start with the string "test" and
+ when the test case is invoked all such methods are run in
+ the order that PHP introspection finds them.
+ As many test methods can be added as needed.
+ For example...
+ The constructor is optional and usually omitted.
+ Without a name, the class name is taken as the name of the test case.
+ Our only test method at the moment is testCreation()
+ where we check that a file has been created by our
+ Writer object.
+ We could have put the unlink()
+ code into this method as well, but by placing it in
+ setUp() and
+ tearDown() we can use it with
+ other test methods that we add.
+ The setUp() method is run
+ just before each and every test method.
+ tearDown() is run just after
+ each and every test method.
+ You can place some test case set up into the constructor to
+ be run once for all the methods in the test case, but
+ you risk test inteference that way.
+ This way is slightly slower, but it is safer.
+ Note that if you come from a JUnit background this will not
+ be the behaviour you are used to.
+ JUnit surprisingly reinstantiates the test case for each test
+ method to prevent such interference.
+ SimpleTest requires the end user to use setUp(), but
+ supplies additional hooks for library writers.
+ The means of reporting test results (see below) are by a
+ visiting display class
+ that is notified by various assert...()
+ methods.
+ Here is the full list for the UnitTestCase
+ class, the default for SimpleTest...
Fail if $x is false
Fail if $x is true
Fail if $x is set
Fail if $x not set
assertIsA($x, $t)
Fail if $x is not the class or type $t
assertNotA($x, $t)
Fail if $x is of the class or type $t
assertEqual($x, $y)
Fail if $x == $y is false
assertNotEqual($x, $y)
Fail if $x == $y is true
assertIdentical($x, $y)
Fail if $x == $y is false or a type mismatch
assertNotIdentical($x, $y)
Fail if $x == $y is true and types match
assertReference($x, $y)
Fail unless $x and $y are the same variable
assertCopy($x, $y)
Fail if $x and $y are the same variable
assertWantedPattern($p, $x)
Fail unless the regex $p matches $x
assertNoUnwantedPattern($p, $x)
Fail if the regex $p matches $x
Fail if any PHP error occoured
Fail if no PHP error or incorrect message
Fail unless the error matches the regex $p
+ All assertion methods can take an optional description to
+ label the displayed result with.
+ If omitted a default message is sent instead which is usually
+ sufficient.
+ This default message can still be embedded in your own message
+ if you include "%s" within the string.
+ All the assertions return true on a pass or false on failure.
+ Some examples...
+$variable = null;
+$this->assertNull($variable, 'Should be cleared');
+ ...will pass and normally show no message.
+ If you have
+ set up the tester to display passes
+ as well then the message will be displayed as is.
+$this->assertIdentical(0, false, 'Zero is not false [%s]');
+ This will fail as it performs a type
+ check as well as a comparison between the two values.
+ The "%s" part is replaced by the default
+ error message that would have been shown if we had not
+ supplied our own.
+ This also allows us to nest test messages.
+ This one takes some explanation as in fact they all pass!
+ PHP errors in SimpleTest are trapped and placed in a queue.
+ Here the first error check catches the "Disaster"
+ message without checking the text and passes.
+ This removes the error from the queue.
+ The next error check tests not only the existence of the error,
+ but also the text which here matches so another pass.
+ With the queue now empty the last test will pass as well.
+ If any unchecked errors are left at the end of a test method then
+ an exception will be reported in the test.
+ Note that SimpleTest cannot catch compile time PHP errors.
+ The test cases also have some convenience methods for debugging
+ code or extending the suite...
Runs this before each test method
Runs this after each test method
Sends a test pass
Sends a test failure
Sends an exception event
Sends a status message to those displays that support it
signal($type, $payload)
Sends a user defined message to the test reporter
Does a formatted print_r() for quick and dirty debugging
+ If you want a test case that does not have all of the
+ UnitTestCase assertions,
+ only your own and assertTrue(),
+ you need to extend the SimpleTestCase
+ class instead.
+ It is found in simple_test.php rather than
+ unit_tester.php.
+ See later if you
+ want to incorporate other unit tester's
+ test cases in your test suites.
+ You won't often run single test cases except when bashing
+ away at a module that is having difficulty and you don't
+ want to upset the main test suite.
+ Here is the scaffolding needed to run the a lone test case...
+ Testing classes is all very well, but PHP is predominately
+ a language for creating functionality within web pages.
+ How do we test the front end presentation role of our PHP
+ applications?
+ Well the web pages are just text, so we should be able to
+ examine them just like any other test data.
+ This leads to a tricky issue.
+ If we test at too low a level, testing for matching tags
+ in the page with pattern matching for example, our tests will
+ be brittle.
+ The slightest change in layout could break a large number of
+ tests.
+ If we test at too high a level, say using mock versions of a
+ template engine, then we lose the ability to automate some classes
+ of test.
+ For example, the interaction of forms and navigation will
+ have to be tested manually.
+ These types of test are extremely repetitive and error prone.
+ SimpleTest includes a special form of test case for the testing
+ of web page actions.
+ The WebTestCase includes facilities
+ for navigation, content and cookie checks and form handling.
+ Usage of these test cases is similar to the
+ UnitTestCase...
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ Here we are about to test the
+ Last Craft site itself.
+ If this test case is in a file called lastcraft_test.php
+ then it can be loaded in a runner script just like unit tests...
+ The get() method will
+ return true only if page content was successfully
+ loaded.
+ It is a simple, but crude way to check that a web page
+ was actually delivered by the web server.
+ However that content may be a 404 response and yet
+ our get() method will still return true.
+ Assuming that the web server for the Last Craft site is up
+ (sadly not always the case), we should see...
+ To confirm that the page we think we are on is actually the
+ page we are on, we need to verify the page content.
+class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
+ function testHomepage() {
+ $this->get('http://www.lastcraft.com/');
+ $this->assertWantedPattern('/why the last craft/i');
+ }
+ The page from the last fetch is held in a buffer in
+ the test case, so there is no need to refer to it directly.
+ The pattern match is always made against the buffer.
+ Here is the list of possible content assertions...
Pass if title is an exact match
A Perl pattern match against the page content
A Perl pattern match to not find content
Pass if matches visible and "alt" text
Pass if doesn't match visible and "alt" text
Pass if a link with this text is present
Pass if no link with this text is present
Pass if a link with this id attribute is present
Pass if no link with this id attribute is present
assertField($name, $value)
Pass if an input tag with this name has this value
assertFieldById($id, $value)
Pass if an input tag with this id has this value
Pass if HTTP response matches this list
Pass if MIME type is in this list
Pass if the current challenge is this protocol
Pass if there is no current challenge
Pass if the current challenge realm matches
assertHeader($header, $content)
Pass if a header was fetched matching this value
Pass if a header was not fetched
assertHeaderPattern($header, $pattern)
Pass if a header was fetched matching this Perl regex
assertCookie($name, $value)
Pass if there is currently a matching cookie
Pass if there is currently no cookie of this name
+ As usual with the SimpleTest assertions, they all return
+ false on failure and true on pass.
+ They also allow an optional test message and you can embed
+ the original test message inside using "%s" inside
+ your custom message.
+ So now we could instead test against the title tag with...
+$this->assertTitle('The Last Craft? Web developer tutorials on PHP, Extreme programming and Object Oriented development');
+ As well as the simple HTML content checks we can check
+ that the MIME type is in a list of allowed types with...
+ More interesting is checking the HTTP response code.
+ Like the MIME type, we can assert that the response code
+ is in a list of allowed values...
+ Here we are checking that the fetch is successful by
+ allowing only a 200 HTTP response.
+ This test will pass, but it is not actually correct to do so.
+ There is no page, instead the server issues a redirect.
+ The WebTestCase will
+ automatically follow up to three such redirects.
+ The tests are more robust this way and we are usually
+ interested in the interaction with the pages rather
+ than their delivery.
+ If the redirects are of interest then this ability must
+ be disabled...
+ Users don't often navigate sites by typing in URLs, but by
+ clicking links and buttons.
+ Here we confirm that the contact details can be reached
+ from the home page...
+ If the target is a button rather than an anchor tag, then
+ clickSubmit() should be used
+ with the button title...
+ The list of navigation methods is...
The current location
get($url, $parameters)
Send a GET request with these parameters
post($url, $parameters)
Send a POST request with these parameters
head($url, $parameters)
Send a HEAD request without replacing the page content
Reload the last request
Like the browser back button
Like the browser forward button
authenticate($name, $password)
Retry after a challenge
Restarts the browser as if a new session
Gets the cookie value for the current context
Ages current cookies prior to a restart
Go back to treating all frames as one page
Click the first button with this label
Click the button with this name attribute
Click the button with this ID attribute
clickImage($label, $x, $y)
Click an input tag of type image by title or alt text
clickImageByName($name, $x, $y)
Click an input tag of type image by name
clickImageById($id, $x, $y)
Click an input tag of type image by ID attribute
Submit a form without the submit value
clickLink($label, $index)
Click an anchor by the visible label text
Click an anchor by the ID attribute
The name of the currently selected frame
Focus on a frame counting from 1
Focus on a frame by name
+ The parameters in the get(), post() or
+ head() methods are optional.
+ The HTTP HEAD fetch does not change the browser context, only loads
+ cookies.
+ This can be useful for when an image or stylesheet sets a cookie
+ for crafty robot blocking.
+ The retry(), back() and
+ forward() commands work as they would on
+ your web browser.
+ They use the history to retry pages.
+ This can be handy for checking the effect of hitting the
+ back button on your forms.
+ The frame methods need a little explanation.
+ By default a framed page is treated just like any other.
+ Content will be searced for throughout the entire frameset,
+ so clicking a link will work no matter which frame
+ the anchor tag is in.
+ You can override this behaviour by focusing on a single
+ frame.
+ If you do that, all searches and actions will apply to that
+ frame alone, such as authentication and retries.
+ If a link or button is not in a focused frame then it cannot
+ be clicked.
+ Testing navigation on fixed pages only tells you when you
+ have broken an entire script.
+ For highly dynamic pages, such as for bulletin boards, this can
+ be crucial for verifying the correctness of the application.
+ For most applications though, the really tricky logic is usually in
+ the handling of forms and sessions.
+ Fortunately SimpleTest includes
+ tools for testing web forms
+ as well.
+ Although SimpleTest does not have the goal of testing networking
+ problems, it does include some methods to modify and debug
+ the requests it makes.
+ Here is another method list...
The last socket error
Dump the outgoing request
Dump the incoming headers
Dump the raw HTML page content
Do not load framesets
setCookie($name, $value)
Set a cookie from now on
Always add this header to the request
Stop after this many redirects
Kill the connection after this time between bytes
useProxy($proxy, $name, $password)
Make requests via this proxy URL
+ These methods are principally for debugging.
+ Copyright Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, Perrick Penet 2004