Version 3.0RC1 April 1, 2006
BUG: Ticket#88 - Unclosed HTML tag in TDatePicker and TColorPicker (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#85 - Undefined TDataGrid::setSelectedIndex (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#87 - Typo in IDbConnection (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#95 - Typo in TTemplateControl::registerContentPlaceHolder (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#103 - Typo in TStyle::setVerticalAlign (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#107 - ListControls not respect parent disabling (Qiang)
BUG: SF#1446846 - Typo in THead (Qiang)
BUG: SF#1432624 - Incorrect documentation about caching expiry (Qiang)
BUG: THttpSession fails when user storage module is used (Qiang)
CHG: TTextHighlighter.EnableCopyCode defaults to false (Qiang)
CHG: Reorganized quickstart tutorial demo, added new sections (Qiang)
CHG: Reorganized folders under framework (Qiang)
CHG: Modified THtmlArea default toolbar and size. (Qiang)
ENH: Ticket#92 - Support for user exception message file (Qiang)
ENH: Ticket#106 - Support for validation on THiddenField (Qiang)
ENH: TDataFieldAccessor can access public class variables (Qiang)
ENH: Pagers in TDataGrid are now enclosed within panels (Qiang)
ENH: TPhpErrorException now shows the actual error lines (Qiang)
NEW: TSQLMap module (Wei)
NEW: TStack class (Qiang)
NEW: TImageMap control (Qiang)
NEW: TWizard control (Qiang)
NEW: TVarDumper and PradoBase::varDump() (Qiang)
NEW: TComponentReflection (Qiang)

Version 3.0b March 6, 2006
BUG: fixed many
CHG: event names must be prefixed with 'On' (Qiang)
CHG: values of properties whose name ends with 'Template' are
     parsed directly by template parser (Qiang)
ENH: template parser reports exact error location (Qiang)
ENH: cookie HMAC check (Qiang)
NEW: TInlineFrame (Jason)
NEW: TAPCCache (Alban)
NEW: TColorPicker, TDatePicker, TRatingList, TAdodbProvider,
     TCreoleProvider (Wei)
NEW: TMultiView, TView, TControlAdapter, TWebControlAdapter,
     TPagedList, TAttributeCollection (Qiang)

Version 3.0a January 18, 2006
Starting, main feaures ready (Qiang)