Upgrading Instructions for PRADO Framework v3.1.0


The following upgrading instructions are cumulative. That is,
if you want to upgrade from version A to version C and there is
version B between A and C, you need to following the instructions
for both A and B.

Upgrading from v3.1a
- The signature of TActiveRecord::finder() is changed. This affects
  all TActiveRecord-descendant classes that override this method.
  Please use the following code to override the method:	
	public static function finder($className=__CLASS__)
		return parent::finder($className);

- The way to specify the table name for an active record class is changed.
  Previously, it used the static class member '_tablename'. 
  Now it uses class constant as follows:
    class UserRecord extends TActiveRecord
        const TABLE='users_table';

Upgrading from v3.0.x
- Validators ClientSide.OnSuccess becomes ClientSide.OnValidationSuccess, 
- Validators ClientSide.OnError becomes ClientSide.OnValidationError, 
- Validator OnSuccess event becomes OnValidationSuccess. 
- Validator OnError event becomes OnValidationError. 
- Content enclosed in <!-- --> is now parsed as normal template content.
  Previously, it was not parsed and was rendered as is.

Upgrading from v3.0.5
- TRepeater does not render <span> anymore for empty item template.
- constructUrl() now encodes ampersand by default. This should have minimal
  impact on any existing PRADO applications, though.
- TDataGrid does not generate default table styles. This may affect
  the appearance of existing PRADO applications that use TDataGrid.
- If TUrlMapping is used, you need to set the UrlManager property of
  THttpRequest to the module ID of TUrlMapping.
- TJavascriptLogger toggle key is changed from ALT-D to ALT-J. 
   Use the ToggleKey property chanage to a different key.

Upgrading from v3.0.4
- TFileUpload::saveAs() will return false instead of raising an exception
  if it encounters any error.
- TDropDownListColumn.DataField is renamed to DataTextField and
  DataFormatString is renamed to DataTextFormatString.
  A new property named DataValueField is added.

Upgrading from v3.0.3
- The 'Static' value is changed to 'Fixed' for the Display property of 
  all validators as well as TValidationSummary, due to conflict with PHP keywords.
- The 'List' value is changed to 'SimpleList' for TValidationSummary.DisplayMode.
- The 'List' value is changed to 'DropDownList' for TPager.Mode
- This change affects existing client-side javascript handlers such as
  <com:TRequiredFieldValidator ClientSide.OnSuccess="xxx" />
  All ClientSide javascript event handlers (such as ClientSide.OnSuccess)
  are by default wrapped within the function block.
       function(sender, parameter){ // handler code }
  You may override this behaviour by providing your own javascript statement block
  as "javascript:MyHandlerFunction", e.g. ClientSide.OnSuccess="javascript:MyHandlerFunction"
  or ClientSide.OnSuccess="javascript:function(validator,sender){ ... }"

Upgrading from v3.0.2
- The minimum PHP version required is raised to 5.1.0 and above.
  If your server is installed with a lower version of PHP, you will
  have to upgrade it in order to run PRADO applications.
- The signature of TControl::broadcastEvent() is changed from
  broadcastEvent($sender,TBroadCastEventParameter $param) to
  This makes the call to broadcastEvent() to be consistent with raiseEvent().

Upgrading from v3.0.1
- Postback enabled control will always disable default client-side browser action.
  This is due to google toolbar's interference of event stopping scheme.
  This modification should only affect user-derived postback javascripts.

Upgrading from v3.0.0
- URL format is modified when THttpRequest.UrlFormat=='Path'.
  This modification affects both the URLs generated by calling constructUrl()
  and the URLs understood by PRADO. In particular, PRADO now understands
  the following URL format:
  In v3.0.0, the above URL is written as:
- TControl::onBubbleEvent() has been changed to TControl::bubbleEvent().
  This change only affects user controls that override this method.

Upgrading from v2.x and v1.x
PRADO v3.x is not backward compatible with v2.x and v1.x.