| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * XML/Beautifier/Renderer/Plain.php * * @package XML_Beautifier * @author Stephan Schmidt */ /** * XML_Util is needed to create the tags */ require_once 'XML/Util.php'; /** * Renderer base class */ require_once 'XML/Beautifier/Renderer.php'; /** * Basic XML Renderer for XML Beautifier * * @package XML_Beautifier * @author Stephan Schmidt * @todo option to specify inline tags * @todo option to specify treatment of whitespac in data sections * @todo automatically create sections */ class PHPDoc_XML_Beautifier_Renderer_Plain extends XML_Beautifier_Renderer { /** * Serialize the XML tokens * * @access public * @param array XML tokens * @return string XML document */ function serialize($tokens) { $tokens = $this->normalize($tokens); $xml = ''; $cnt = count($tokens); for($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $xml .= $this->_serializeToken($tokens[$i]); } return $xml; } /** * serialize a token * * This method does the actual beautifying. * * @access private * @param array $token structure that should be serialized * @todo split this method into smaller methods */ function _serializeToken($token) { switch ($token["type"]) { /* * serialize XML Element */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_ELEMENT: $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]); // adjust tag case if ($this->_options["caseFolding"] === true) { switch ($this->_options["caseFoldingTo"]) { case "uppercase": $token["tagname"] = strtoupper($token["tagname"]); $token["attribs"] = array_change_key_case($token["attribs"], CASE_UPPER); break; case "lowercase": $token["tagname"] = strtolower($token["tagname"]); $token["attribs"] = array_change_key_case($token["attribs"], CASE_LOWER); break; } } if ($this->_options["multilineTags"] == true) { $attIndent = $indent . str_repeat(" ", (2+strlen($token["tagname"]))); } else { $attIndent = null; } // check for children switch ($token["contains"]) { // contains only CData or is empty case XML_BEAUTIFIER_CDATA: case XML_BEAUTIFIER_EMPTY: if (sizeof($token["children"]) >= 1) { $data = $token["children"][0]["data"]; } else { $data = ''; } if( strstr( $data, "\n" ) && $token['contains'] != PHPDOC_BEAUTIFIER_CDATA) { $data = "\n" . $this->_indentTextBlock( $data, $token['depth']+1, true ); } $xml = $indent . XML_Util::createTag($token["tagname"], $token["attribs"], $data, null, false, $this->_options["multilineTags"], $attIndent) . $this->_options["linebreak"]; break; // contains mixed content default: $xml = $indent . XML_Util::createStartElement($token["tagname"], $token["attribs"], null, $this->_options["multilineTags"], $attIndent) . $this->_options["linebreak"]; $cnt = count($token["children"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $xml .= $this->_serializeToken($token["children"][$i]); } $xml .= $indent . XML_Util::createEndElement($token["tagname"]) . $this->_options["linebreak"]; break; break; } break; /* * serialize _options['linebreak']; break; /* * serialize CData */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_CDATA: if ($token["depth"] > 0) { $xml = str_repeat($this->_options["indent"], $token["depth"]); } else { $xml = ""; } $xml .= $token["data"] . $this->_options["linebreak"]; break; /* * serialize Processing instruction */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_PI: $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]); $xml = $indent."_options["linebreak"] . $this->_indentTextBlock(rtrim($token["data"]), $token["depth"]) . $indent."?>".$this->_options["linebreak"]; break; /* * comments */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_COMMENT: $lines = count(explode("\n",$token["data"])); /* * normalize comment, i.e. combine it to one * line and remove whitespace */ if ($this->_options["normalizeComments"] && $lines > 1){ $comment = preg_replace("/\s\s+/s", " ", str_replace( "\n" , " ", $token["data"])); $lines = 1; } else { $comment = $token["data"]; } /* * check for the maximum length of one line */ if ($this->_options["maxCommentLine"] > 0) { if ($lines > 1) { $commentLines = explode("\n", $comment); } else { $commentLines = array($comment); } $comment = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++) { if (strlen($commentLines[$i]) <= $this->_options["maxCommentLine"]) { $comment .= $commentLines[$i]; continue; } $comment .= wordwrap($commentLines[$i], $this->_options["maxCommentLine"] ); if ($i != ($lines-1)) { $comment .= "\n"; } } $lines = count(explode("\n",$comment)); } $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]); if ($lines > 1) { $xml = $indent . "" . $this->_options["linebreak"]; } else { $xml = $indent . sprintf( "", trim($comment) ) . $this->_options["linebreak"]; } break; /* * xml declaration */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_XML_DECLARATION: $indent = $this->_getIndentString($token["depth"]); $xml = $indent . XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration($token["version"], $token["encoding"], $token["standalone"]); break; /* * xml declaration */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_DT_DECLARATION: $xml = $token["data"]; break; /* * all other elements */ case XML_BEAUTIFIER_DEFAULT: default: $xml = XML_Util::replaceEntities( $token["data"] ); break; } return $xml; } } ?>