tokens = array( PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_NEWLINE => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_NEWLINE', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGOPEN => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGOPEN', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGCLOSE => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGCLOSE', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_TAG => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_TAG', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INLINETAG => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INLINETAG', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INLINETAGCLOSE => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INLINETAGCLOSE', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNAL => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNAL', PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNALCLOSE => 'PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNALCLOSE', ); if (in_array($token, array_keys($this->tokens))) { return $this->tokens[$token]; } return 'UNKNOWN'; } function lex($comment) { $comment = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $comment); $comment = explode("\n", $comment); $this->tokens = array(); $state = PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC; $this->states = array(PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC); $tid = 0; $token = ''; $esctag = false; $this->exception = false; list($lastline,) = each(array_reverse($comment, true)); foreach ($comment as $this->linenum => $line) { if ($this->exception) { $this->tokens = array(); return false; } $linestart = true; $this->processedline = trim($line); if ($this->processedline == '*/') { break; } if (!$this->processedline) { continue; } if (substr($this->processedline, 0, 3) == '/**') { $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, 3); if (!$this->processedline) { continue; } if (trim($this->processedline) == '*/') { $this->endSimpleList(); break; } } else { $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, 1); } while (true) { switch ($state) { case PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNALTAG : $internalendpos = strpos($this->processedline, '}}'); case PHPDOC_LEXER_TAGS : $trimline = trim($this->processedline); if (strlen($trimline) && $trimline{0} == '@') { if (preg_match('/^(@[^\s]+)\s/', $trimline, $matches) || preg_match('/^(@[^\s]+)$/', $trimline, $matches)) { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_TAG, $matches[1]); $this->processedline = substr($trimline, strpos($trimline, $matches[1]) + strlen($matches[1])); if (!$this->processedline) { break 2; } continue 2; // to while(true) } } elseif (preg_match('/^@/', $trimline, $matches)) { // throw exception for invalid tag return $this->throwException('Invalid tag encountered in line number ' . $this->linenum . ': "' . $line . '"', 'tag'); } else { $tagpos = strpos($this->processedline, '<'); $inlinetagpos = strpos($this->processedline, '{@'); if (isset($internalendpos) && $internalendpos !== false) { do { if ($tagpos !== false && $internalendpos > $tagpos) { break; } if ($inlinetagpos !== false && $internalendpos > $inlinetagpos) { break; } // }} is the next important token $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $internalendpos)); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNALCLOSE, '}}'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $internalendpos + 2); array_shift($this->states); $state = PHPDOC_LEXER_TAGS; continue 3; // to while(true); } while (false); } if ($tagpos !== false && $inlinetagpos !== false) { if ($tagpos > $inlinetagpos) { $tagpos = false; } else { $inlinetagpos = false; } } if ($tagpos !== false) { continue $this->searchForHTMLTag($tagpos, $state, $esctag, $linestart, $trimline); } if ($inlinetagpos !== false) { $state = $this->searchForInlineTag($inlinetagpos, $comment); $linestart = false; continue 2; // to while (true) } if (strpos($this->processedline, '*/')) { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC, substr($this->processedline, 0, strpos($this->processedline, '*/'))); return $this->tokens; } $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC, $this->processedline); } break; case PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNAL : $internalendpos = strpos($this->processedline, '}}'); case PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST : if ($linestart && $state == PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST) { if (!$this->processSimpleList()) { while (count($this->simplelist) && !$this->processSimpleList()); } if (!count($this->simplelist)) { array_shift($this->states); $state = array_shift($this->states); array_unshift($this->states, $state); } } case PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC : if (strpos($this->processedline, '*/')) { $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, 0, strpos($this->processedline, '*/')); } if (!$this->processedline) { if ($this->linenum != $lastline) { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_NEWLINE, "\n"); } continue 3; // to foreach } $trimline = trim($this->processedline); if ($linestart && $state != PHPDOC_LEXER_TAGS && $trimline{0} == '@') { if ($state == PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNAL) { // throw exception return $this->throwException('Cannot start tags in {@internal}} ' . ' in line number ' . $this->linenum . ': "' . $line . '"', 'tag'); } $this->states = array(PHPDOC_LEXER_TAGS); $state = PHPDOC_LEXER_TAGS; continue 2; // to while(true) } if ($state != PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST && $linestart && strlen($trimline) > 3 && ($trimline{0} == '-' || $trimline{0} == '*' || $trimline{0} == '#' || $trimline{0} == 'o' || $trimline{0} == '1')) { if ($this->searchForSimplelist($trimline)) { $state = PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST; $linestart = false; continue 2; // to while(true) } } $tagpos = strpos($this->processedline, '<'); $inlinetagpos = strpos($this->processedline, '{@'); if (isset($internalendpos) && $internalendpos !== false) { do { if ($tagpos !== false && $internalendpos > $tagpos) { break; } if ($inlinetagpos !== false && $internalendpos > $inlinetagpos) { break; } // }} is the next important token $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $internalendpos)); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNALCLOSE, '}}'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $internalendpos + 2); array_shift($this->states); $state = PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC; continue 3; // to while(true); } while (false); } if ($tagpos !== false && $inlinetagpos !== false) { if ($tagpos > $inlinetagpos) { $tagpos = false; } else { $inlinetagpos = false; } } if ($tagpos !== false) { continue $this->searchForHTMLTag($tagpos, $state, $esctag, $linestart, $trimline); } if ($inlinetagpos !== false) { $state = $this->searchForInlineTag($inlinetagpos, $comment); $linestart = false; continue 2; // to while (true) } $this->appendDesc($this->processedline); break; case PHPDOC_LEXER_ESCTAG : if (!$this->processedline) { if ($this->linenum != $lastline) { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_NEWLINE, "\n"); } continue 3; // to foreach } $endpos = strpos($this->processedline, $esctag); $inlinetagpos = strpos($this->processedline, '{@'); if ($endpos !== false && $inlinetagpos !== false) { if ($endpos > $inlinetagpos) { $endpos = false; } else { $inlinetagpos = false; } } if ($endpos !== false) { if (strlen(substr($this->processedline, 0, $endpos))) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $endpos)); } $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGCLOSE, $esctag); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $endpos + strlen($esctag)); $state = $this->states[0]; if (count($this->states) > 1) { array_shift($this->states); } if (!$this->processedline) { break 2; } } if ($inlinetagpos !== false) { array_unshift($this->states, PHPDOC_LEXER_ESCTAG); $state = $this->searchForInlineTag($inlinetagpos, $comment); $linestart = false; continue 2; // to while (true) } $this->appendDesc($this->processedline); break; case PHPDOC_LEXER_INLINETAG : if (!$this->processedline) { if ($this->linenum != $lastline) { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_NEWLINE, "\n"); } continue 3; // to foreach } $endpos = strpos($this->processedline, '}'); if ($endpos !== false) { if (strlen(substr($this->processedline, 0, $endpos))) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $endpos)); } $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INLINETAGCLOSE, '}'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $endpos + 1); // strlen('}') $state = $this->states[0]; if (count($this->states) > 1) { array_shift($this->states); } if (!$this->processedline) { break 2; } if ($state != PHPDOC_LEXER_INLINETAG && strlen($this->processedline)) { $linestart = false; continue 2; // to while (true) } } $this->appendDesc($this->processedline); break; } break; } if ($this->linenum != $lastline) { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_NEWLINE, "\n"); } } return $this->tokens; } function searchForSimplelist($trimline) { $whitespace = strpos($this->processedline, $trimline); switch ($trimline{0}) { case '-' : case '*' : case '+' : case 'o' : if (strlen($trimline) < 3 || $trimline{1} != ' ') { return false; } // unordered lists $this->simplelist[] = 'u' . $trimline{0}; $this->whitespace[] = $whitespace; $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTSTART, ''); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_UNORDEREDBULLET, $trimline{0}); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, $trimline{0}) + 2); array_unshift($this->states, PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST); return true; break; case '#' : if (strlen($trimline) < 3) { return false; } // ordered lists $this->simplelist[] = '#1'; $this->whitespace[] = $whitespace; $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTSTART, ''); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ORDEREDBULLET, '#'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, '#') + 2); array_unshift($this->states, PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST); return true; case '1' : if (strlen($trimline) < 4) { return false; } if ($trimline{1} == ' ') { $this->simplelist[] = 'O1'; } elseif ($trimline{1} == '.' && $trimline{2} == ' ') { $this->simplelist[] = 'o1'; } else { return false; } $this->whitespace[] = $whitespace; $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTSTART, ''); if ($trimline{1} == '.') { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ORDEREDBULLET, '1.'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, '1.') + 3); } else { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ORDEREDBULLET, '1'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, '1') + 2); } array_unshift($this->states, PHPDOC_LEXER_SIMPLELIST); return true; } return false; } /** * @todo process multi-line elements via whitespace * @todo process nested simple lists */ function processSimpleList() { $trimline = trim($this->processedline); $index = count($this->simplelist) - 1; $whitespace = strpos($this->processedline, $trimline); if ($whitespace < $this->whitespace[$index]) { while (count($this->whitespace[$index]) && $whitespace < $this->whitespace[$index]) { // the end of the current simplelist $this->tokens = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTEND, ''); array_pop($this->simplelist); $index--; } if ($index == -1) { return false; // all simple lists concluded } } if ($whitespace > $this->whitespace[$index]) { // could be a multi-line element or a new list if (!$this->searchForSimplelist($trimline)) { // trim off the simple list whitespace if this is multi-line $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $this->whitespace[$index] + 2); } return true; } // implied: whitespace matches exactly so this is either another // bullet point or the end of the simple list switch ($this->simplelist[$index]{0}) { case 'u' : if (strlen($trimline) < 3 || $trimline{0} != $this->simplelist[$index]{1} || $trimline{1} != ' ') { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTEND, ''); array_pop($this->simplelist); return false; } $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_UNORDEREDBULLET, $trimline{0}); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, $trimline{0}) + 2); break; case 'o' : if (strlen($trimline) < 4 || ($trimline{0} != ($this->simplelist[$index]{1} + 1) . '') || $trimline{1} != '.' || $trimline{2} != ' ') { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTEND, ''); array_pop($this->simplelist); return false; } $this->simplelist[$index] = $this->simplelist[$index]{0} . ($this->simplelist[$index]{1} + 1); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ORDEREDBULLET, $this->simplelist[$index]{1} . '.'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, $trimline{0} . '.') + 3); break; case 'O' : if (strlen($trimline) < 3 || $trimline{0} != ($this->simplelist[$index]{1} + 1) . '' || $trimline{1} != ' ') { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTEND, ''); array_pop($this->simplelist); return false; } $this->simplelist[$index] = $this->simplelist[$index]{0} . ($this->simplelist[$index]{1} + 1); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ORDEREDBULLET, $this->simplelist[$index]{1}); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, $this->simplelist[$index]{1}) + 2); break; case '#' : if (strlen($trimline) < 3 || $trimline{0} != '#' || $trimline{1} != ' ') { $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTEND, ''); array_pop($this->simplelist); return false; } $this->simplelist[$index] = $this->simplelist[$index]{0} . ($this->simplelist[$index]{1} + 1); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ORDEREDBULLET, $this->simplelist[$index]{1}); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, '#') + 2); break; } return true; } function searchForHTMLTag($tagpos, &$state, &$esctag, &$linestart, &$trimline) { if (preg_match('/^<(<\/?[a-zA-Z]+ ?\/?>)>/', substr($this->processedline, $tagpos), $matches)) { if ($tagpos) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $tagpos)); } $this->appendDesc($matches[1]); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + strlen($matches[1]) + 2); return 2; } elseif (!count($matches) && preg_match('/^<(<\/?[a-zA-Z]+ ?\/?>)>/', substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + 1), $matches)) { if ($tagpos) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $tagpos)); } $this->appendDesc('<' . $matches[1]); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + strlen($matches[1]) + 3); return 2; } elseif (preg_match('#^(br>|br/>|br />)#', substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + 1), $matches)) { if ($tagpos) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $tagpos)); } $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_HTMLTAG, 'br'); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_HTMLTAGCLOSE, 'br'); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + strlen($matches[1]) + 1); return 2; } elseif (preg_match('/^(b>|i>|li>|ol>|ul>|p>|pre>|var>)/', substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + 1), $matches)) { if ($tagpos) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $tagpos)); } $matches = substr($matches[1], 0, strlen($matches[1]) - 1); array_push($this->tagStack, $matches); $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_HTMLTAG, $matches); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + strlen($matches) + 2); return 2; } elseif (preg_match('#^(/b>|/i>|/li>|/ol>|/ul>|/p>|/pre>|/var>)#', substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + 1), $matches)) { if ($tagpos) { $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $tagpos)); } $matches = substr($matches[1], 1, strlen($matches[1]) - 2); $test = array_pop($this->tagStack); if ($matches != $test) { // throw exception $this->throwException('Invalid closing html tag encountered in line number ' . $this->linenum . ': "", expecting ""', 'htmltag'); return 3; } $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_HTMLTAGCLOSE, $matches); $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + strlen($matches) + 3); return 2; } elseif (preg_match('/^(code>|pre>|kbd>|samp>)/', substr($this->processedline, $tagpos + 1), $matches)) { $esctag = 'appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $tagpos)); } switch ($matches[0]) { case 'code>' : $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGOPEN, ''); break; case 'pre>' : $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGOPEN, '
                case 'kbd>' :
                    $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGOPEN,
                case 'samp>' :
                    $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_ESCTAGOPEN,
            $this->processedline = $line = substr($this->processedline, $tagpos
                + strlen($matches[0])
                + 1);
            $state = PHPDOC_LEXER_ESCTAG;
            if (!$this->processedline) {
                return 3; // to foreach
            if (strpos($this->processedline, $esctag) !== false) {
                if (!strpos($this->processedline, $esctag)) {
                    $linestart = false;
                    return 2; // to while (true)
                if (strpos($this->processedline, $esctag)) {
                    $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0,
                        strpos($this->processedline, $esctag)));
                $this->processedline = $trimline =
                    substr($this->processedline, strpos($this->processedline, $esctag));
                $linestart = false;
                return 2; // to while(true)

    function searchForInlineTag($inlinetagpos, $comment)
        if ($inlinetagpos) {
            $this->appendDesc(substr($this->processedline, 0, $inlinetagpos));
        if ($inlinetagpos === strpos($this->processedline, '{@internal')) {
            $state = array_shift($this->states);
            array_unshift($this->states, $state);
            if ($state == PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNAL || $state == PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNALTAG) {
                // throw exception
                return $this->throwException('cannot nest {@internal}} in line number ' .
                    $this->linenum . ': "' . $line . '"', 'internaltag');
            $basestate = array_pop($this->states);
            array_push($this->states, $basestate);
            if ($basestate == PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC) {
                $newstate = PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNAL;
            } else {
                $newstate = PHPDOC_LEXER_INTERNALTAG;
            array_unshift($this->states, $newstate);
            $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INTERNAL, '{@internal');
            $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $inlinetagpos + strlen('{@internal'));
            return $newstate;
        if (!preg_match('/^({@[^}\s]+)\s/', substr($this->processedline, $inlinetagpos), $matches)) {
            if (!preg_match('/^({@[^}\s]+)}/', substr($this->processedline, $inlinetagpos), $matches)) {
                if ($this->hasEndchar($comment, '}')) {
                    $matches = array(substr($this->processedline, $inlinetagpos),
                        substr($this->processedline, $inlinetagpos));
                } else {
                    // throw exception if this does not match
                    $this->throwException('Unclosed inline tag encountered on line number ' .
                        $this->linenum . ': "' . $line . '"', 'tag');
                    return PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC;
            } else {
                // throw exception if this does not match
                $this->throwException('Invalid inline tag encountered in line number ' .
                    $this->linenum . ': "' . $line . '"', 'tag');
                return PHPDOC_LEXER_DESC;
        $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_INLINETAG, $matches[1]);
        $this->processedline = substr($this->processedline, $inlinetagpos + strlen($matches[1]));

    function appendDesc($desc)
        if (!strlen($desc)) {
        if (count($this->tokens)) {
            $last = array_pop($this->tokens);
            if ($last[0] == PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC) {
                $last[1] .= $desc;
                $this->tokens[] = $last;
            } else {
                $this->tokens[] = $last;
                $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC, $desc);
        } else {
            $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_DESC, $desc);

    function hasEndChar($comment, $char)
        $linenum = $this->linenum;
        foreach ($comment as $num => $line) {
            if ($linenum !== false && $num <= $linenum) {
            $linenum = false;
            $processedline = trim($line);
            if ($processedline == '*/') {
            if (!$processedline) {
            if (substr($processedline, 0, 3) == '/**') {
                $processedline = substr($processedline, 3);
                if (!$processedline) {
                if (trim($processedline) == '*/') {
            } else {
                $processedline = substr($processedline, 1);
            if (strpos($processedline, $char) !== false) {
                return true;
        return false;

    function endSimpleList()
        if (count($this->tagStack)) {
            $this->tokens = array();
            return $this->throwException('Error: unclosed html tags: "' .
                implode(', ', $this->tagStack) . '"', 'simplelist');
        while (count($this->simplelist)) {
            $this->tokens[] = array(PHPDOC_DOCBLOCK_TOKEN_SIMPLELISTEND, '');

    function throwException($message, $type)
        $this->error = array($message, $this->linenum, $type);
        $this->exception = true;