// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | phpDocumentor                                                          |
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// | Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Joshua Eichorn, Gregory Beaver                 |
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 * Linking to element documentation is performed by the classes in this file.
 * abstractLink descendants contain enough information to differentiate every
 * documentable element, and so can be converted to a link string by
 * {@link Converter::returnSee()}
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links

 * linking classes parent
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class abstractLink
    /**#@+ @var string */
    var $path;
     * phpdoc alias _phpdoc_inc for phpdoc.inc
    var $fileAlias = '';
     * element type linked to.
     * can only be a documentable element
    var $type = '';
    var $name = '';
    var $category = '';
    var $package = '';
    var $subpackage = '';

     * @param string full path to file containing element
     * @param string page name, as configured by {@link Parser::parse}
     * @param string element name
     * @param string package element is in
     * @param string subpackage element is in
     * @param string optional category that documentation is in
    function addLink($path, $fileAlias, $name, $package, $subpackage, $category = false)
        $this->path = $path;
        $this->fileAlias = $fileAlias;
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->category = $category;
        $this->package = $package;
        $this->subpackage = $subpackage;

 * procedural page link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class pageLink extends abstractLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'page';

 * function link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class functionLink extends abstractLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'function';

 * define link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class defineLink extends abstractLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'define';

 * global variable link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class globalLink extends abstractLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'global';

 * class link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class classLink extends abstractLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'class';

 * method link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class methodLink extends abstractLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'method';
    /** @var string */
    var $class = '';
     * @param string class name
     * @param string full path to file containing element
     * @param string page name, as configured by {@link Parser::parse}
     * @param string element name
     * @param string package element is in
     * @param string subpackage element is in
    function addLink($class, $path ,$fileAlias,$name,$package,$subpackage, $category = false)
        $this->class = $class;
        abstractLink::addLink($path, $fileAlias,$name,$package,$subpackage, $category);

 * class variable link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class varLink extends methodLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'var';

 * class constant link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class constLink extends methodLink
    /** @var string */
    var $type = 'const';

 * tutorial link
 * @package phpDocumentor
 * @subpackage Links
class tutorialLink extends abstractLink
    /**#@+ @var string */
    var $type = 'tutorial';
    var $section = '';
    var $title = false;
     * @param string section/subsection name
     * @param string full path to file containing element
     * @param string page name, as configured by {@link Parser::parse}
     * @param string element name
     * @param string package element is in
     * @param string subpackage element is in
     * @param string title of tutorial
    function addLink($section,$path,$name,$package,$subpackage,$title = false, $category = false)
        $this->section = $section;
        $this->title = $title;
        parent::addLink($path,'',$name,$package,$subpackage, $category);