{* ApiGen 2.8.0 - API documentation generator for PHP 5.3+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011 David Grudl (http://davidgrudl.com) Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jaroslav Hanslík (https://github.com/kukulich) Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Ondřej Nešpor (https://github.com/Andrewsville) For the full copyright and license information, please view the file LICENSE.md that was distributed with this source code. *} {layout '@layout.latte'} {var $active = 'tree'} {block #title}Tree{/block} {define #tree} <div class="tree"> <ul> {var $level = -1} {? foreach ($tree as $reflectionName => $reflection): } {if $level === $tree->getDepth()} </li> {elseif $level > $tree->getDepth()} {!'</ul></li>'|repeat:$level - $tree->getDepth()} {elseif -1 !== $level} <ul> {/if} <li n:class="!$tree->hasSibling() ? last"><div class="{if $tree->hasSibling()}not{/if}last"><a href="{$reflectionName|classUrl}" n:tag-if="$reflection->documented"><span n:class="$reflection->deprecated ? deprecated, !$reflection->valid ? invalid">{$reflectionName}</span></a> {var $interfaces = $reflection->ownInterfaces} {if $interfaces} implements {foreach $interfaces as $interface} <a href="{$interface|classUrl}" n:tag-if="$interface->documented"><span n:class="$interface->deprecated ? deprecated, !$interface->valid ? invalid">{$interface->name}</span></a>{sep}, {/sep} {/foreach}{/if} {var $traits = $reflection->ownTraits} {if $traits}{if $interfaces}<br><span class="padding"></span>{/if} uses {foreach $traits as $trait} <a href="{$trait|classUrl}" n:tag-if="$trait->documented"><span n:class="$trait->deprecated ? deprecated, !$trait->valid ? invalid">{$trait->name}</span></a>{sep}, {/sep} {/foreach}{/if} </div> {var $level = $tree->getDepth()} {? endforeach; } </li> {!'</ul></li>'|repeat:$level} </ul> </div> {/define} {block #content} <div id="content"> <h1>{include #title}</h1> {if $classTree->valid()} <h3>Classes</h3> {include #tree, tree => $classTree} {/if} {if $interfaceTree->valid()} <h3>Interfaces</h3> {include #tree, tree => $interfaceTree} {/if} {if $traitTree->valid()} <h3>Traits</h3> {include #tree, tree => $traitTree} {/if} {if $exceptionTree->valid()} <h3>Exceptions</h3> {include #tree, tree => $exceptionTree} {/if} </div> {/block}