 * Javascript build file.
 * This script compresses a list of javascript source files
 * and merges them into a few for redistribution.
 * By default, all libraries will be built.
 * You may, however, specify one or several to be built (to save time during development).
 * To do so, pass the library names (without .js) as command line arguments.
 * For example: php build.php base dom
 * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo@gmail.com>, Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package Tools

 * The root directory for storing all source js files
 * The directory for storing compressed js files

if(SOURCE_DIR===false || TARGET_DIR===false)
	die('Unable to determine the build path.');
	die('Unable to create files under '.TARGET_DIR.'.');

 * list of js library files to be compressed and built
$libraries = array(
	'prado.js' => array(

		//base javascript functions

		//dom functions

		//element selectors

		//build dom elements with DIV, A, UL, etc functions

//		'extra/getElementsBySelector.js',
//		'extra/behaviour.js',

		//prado core


	'effects.js' => array(
	//active controls
	'ajax.js' => array(
	'logger.js' => array(

	'rico.js' => array(

	'validator.js' => array(

	//date picker
	'datepicker.js' => array(

	//color picker
	'colorpicker.js' => array(

 * Collect specific libraries to be built from command line

$builds = 0;
 * loop through all target files and build them one by one
foreach($libraries as $libFile => $sourceFiles)
	if(!empty($requestedLibs) && !in_array($libFile,$requestedLibs))
	echo "\nBuilding $libFile...\n";
	foreach($sourceFiles as $sourceFile)
			echo "Source file not found: $sourceFile\n";
		echo "...adding $sourceFile\n";

	echo "Saving file {$libFile}\n"; 
if($builds > 0)	
	echo "\nJavascript build complete, {$builds} file(s) compressed.";
	echo "No files to build.";

//remove comments from javascript files.
function compress_js($string)
	$string = preg_replace('/\/\/[^\n\r]*[\n\r]/', ' ', $string);
	$string = preg_replace('/\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\//', ' ', $string);
	$string = preg_replace('/  |\t|\r/', '', $string);
	$string = preg_replace('/(\n[ \t]*){2,}/', "\n", $string);
	return $string;
