@ECHO OFF ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The phing build script for Windows based systems :: $Id: pear-phing.bat,v 1.4 2005/12/22 13:12:33 hlellelid Exp $ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Please set following to PHP's CLI :: NOTE: In PHP 4.2.x the PHP-CLI used to be named php-cli.exe. :: PHP 4.3.x names it php.exe but stores it in a subdir called /cli/php.exe :: E.g. for PHP 4.2 C:\phpdev\php-4.2-Win32\php-cli.exe :: for PHP 4.3 C:\phpdev\php-4.3-Win32\cli\php.exe SET phpCli=@PHP-BIN@ ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Do not modify below this line!! (Unless you know what your doing :) ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Check existence of php.exe IF EXIST "%phpCli%" ( SET doNothing= ) ELSE GOTO :NoPhpCli "%phpCli%" -d html_errors=off -qC "@PEAR-DIR@\phing.php" %* GOTO :EOF :: :: php.exe not found error GOTO :PAUSE_END :NoPhpCli ECHO ** ERROR ***************************************************************** ECHO * Sorry, can't find the php.exe file. ECHO * You must edit this file to point to your php.exe (CLI version!) ECHO * [Currently set to %phpCli%] ECHO ************************************************************************** GOTO :PAUSE_END :PAUSE_END PAUSE