. */ require_once 'phing/Task.php'; require_once 'phing/tasks/ext/svn/SvnBaseTask.php'; /** * Stores the output of a list command on a workingcopy or repositoryurl in a property. * This stems from the SvnLastRevisionTask. * * @author Anton Stöckl * @author Michiel Rook (SvnLastRevisionTask) * @version $Id: 5dfcc23bc58efaad0eb11ef4964bcd7be0fb99e9 $ * @package phing.tasks.ext.svn * @see VersionControl_SVN * @since 2.1.0 */ class SvnListTask extends SvnBaseTask { private $propertyName = "svn.list"; private $forceCompatible = true; private $limit = null; private $orderDescending = false; /** * Sets the name of the property to use */ function setPropertyName($propertyName) { $this->propertyName = $propertyName; } /** * Returns the name of the property to use */ function getPropertyName() { return $this->propertyName; } /** * Sets whether to force compatibility with older SVN versions (< 1.2) */ public function setForceCompatible($force) { //$this->forceCompatible = (bool) $force; // see below, we need this to be true as xml mode does not work } /** * Sets the max num of tags to display */ function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = (int) $limit; } /** * Sets whether to sort tags in descending order */ function setOrderDescending($orderDescending) { $this->orderDescending = (bool) $orderDescending; } /** * The main entry point * * @throws BuildException */ function main() { $this->setup('list'); if ($this->forceCompatible) { $output = $this->run(array('--verbose')); $result = null; $lines = $output['.']['name']; if ($this->orderDescending) { $lines = array_reverse($lines); } $count = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($this->limit > 0 && $count >= $this->limit) { break; } if (preg_match('@\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+ \S+ \S+)\s+(\S+)@', $line, $matches)) { if ($matches[4] == '.') { continue; } $result .= (!empty($result)) ? "\n" : ''; $result .= $matches[1] . ' | ' . $matches[2] . ' | ' . $matches[3] . ' | ' . $matches[4]; $count++; } } if (!empty($result)) { $this->project->setProperty($this->getPropertyName(), $result); } else { throw new BuildException("Failed to parse the output of 'svn list --verbose'."); } } else { // this is not possible at the moment as SvnBaseTask always uses fetchmode ASSOC // which transfers everything into nasty assoc array instead of xml } } }