<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information please see * <http://phing.info>. */ require_once 'phing/Task.php'; /** * ApiGen task (http://apigen.org). * * @package phing.tasks.ext.apigen * @author Martin Srank <martin@smasty.net> * @author Jaroslav HanslĂk <kukulich@kukulich.cz> * @since 2.4.10 */ class ApiGen4Task extends Task { /** * Default ApiGen executable name. * * @var string */ private $executable = 'apigen'; /** * Default options for ApiGen. * * @var array */ private $options = array(); private $flags = array(); /** * Sets the ApiGen executable name. * * @param string $executable */ public function setExecutable($executable) { $this->executable = (string) $executable; } /** * Sets the config file name. * * @param string $config */ public function setConfig($config) { $this->options['config'] = (string) $config; } /** * Sets source files or directories. * * @param string $source */ public function setSource($source) { $this->options['source'] = explode(',', $source); } /** * Sets the destination directory. * * @param string $destination */ public function setDestination($destination) { $this->options['destination'] = (string) $destination; } /** * Sets list of allowed file extensions. * * @param string $extensions */ public function setExtensions($extensions) { $this->options['extensions'] = explode(',', $extensions); } /** * Sets masks (case sensitive) to exclude files or directories from processing. * * @param string $exclude */ public function setExclude($exclude) { $this->options['exclude'] = explode(',', $exclude); } /** * Sets masks to exclude elements from documentation generating. * * @param string $skipDocPath */ public function setSkipDocPath($skipDocPath) { $this->options['skip-doc-path'] = explode(',', $skipDocPath); } /** * Sets a name prefix to exclude elements from documentation generating. * * @param string $skipDocPrefix */ public function setSkipDocPrefix($skipDocPrefix) { $this->options['skip-doc-prefix'] = explode(',', $skipDocPrefix); } /** * Sets the character set of source files. * * @param string $charset */ public function setCharset($charset) { $this->options['charset'] = explode(',', $charset); } /** * Sets the main project name prefix. * * @param string $main */ public function setMain($main) { $this->options['main'] = (string) $main; } /** * Sets the title of generated documentation. * * @param string $title */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->options['title'] = (string) $title; } /** * Sets the documentation base URL. * * @param string $baseUrl */ public function setBaseUrl($baseUrl) { $this->options['base-url'] = (string) $baseUrl; } /** * Sets the Google Custom Search ID. * * @param string $googleCseId */ public function setGoogleCseId($googleCseId) { $this->options['google-cse-id'] = (string) $googleCseId; } /** * Sets the Google Custom Search label. * * @param string $googleCseLabel */ public function setGoogleCseLabel($googleCseLabel) { $this->options['google-cse-label'] = (string) $googleCseLabel; } /** * Sets the Google Analytics tracking code. * * @param string $googleAnalytics */ public function setGoogleAnalytics($googleAnalytics) { $this->options['google-analytics'] = (string) $googleAnalytics; } /** * Sets the template config file name. * * @param string $templateConfig */ public function setTemplateConfig($templateConfig) { $this->options['template-config'] = (string) $templateConfig; } /** * Sets a list of HTML tags allowed in the documentation. * * @param string $allowedHtml */ public function setAllowedHtml($allowedHtml) { $this->options['allowed-html'] = (string) $allowedHtml; } /** * Sets how elements should be grouped in the menu. * * @param string $groups */ public function setGroups($groups) { $this->options['groups'] = (string) $groups; } /** * Sets element types for search input autocomplete. * * @param string $autocomplete */ public function setAutocomplete($autocomplete) { $this->options['autocomplete'] = (string) $autocomplete; } /** * Sets the element access levels. * * Documentation only for methods and properties with the given access level will be generated. * * @param string $accessLevels */ public function setAccessLevels($accessLevels) { $this->options['access-levels'] = (string) $accessLevels; } /** * Sets if documentation for elements marked as internal and internal documentation parts should be generated. * * @param boolean $internal */ public function setInternal($internal) { $this->options['internal'] = (bool) $internal; } /** * Sets if documentation for PHP internal classes should be generated. * * @param boolean $php */ public function setPhp($php) { $this->flags['php'] = (bool) $php; } /** * Sets if tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions should be generated. * * @param boolean $tree */ public function setTree($tree) { $this->options['tree'] = (bool) $tree; } /** * Sets if documentation for deprecated elements should be generated. * * @param boolean $deprecated */ public function setDeprecated($deprecated) { $this->flags['deprecated']= (bool) $deprecated; } /** * Sets if documentation of tasks should be generated. * * @param boolean $todo */ public function setTodo($todo) { $this->flags['todo'] = (bool) $todo; } /** * Sets if highlighted source code files should be generated. * * @param boolean $sourceCode */ public function setSourceCode($sourceCode) { $this->flags['no-source-code'] = (bool) ! $sourceCode; } /** * Sets if a link to download documentation as a ZIP archive should be generated. * * @param boolean $download */ public function setDownload($download) { $this->options['download'] = (bool) $download; } /** * Sets a file name for checkstyle report of poorly documented elements. * * @param string $report */ public function setReport($report) { $this->options['report'] = (string) $report; } /** * Sets if the destination directory should be wiped out first. * * @param boolean $wipeout */ public function setWipeout($wipeout) { $this->options['wipeout'] = (bool) $wipeout; } /** * Enables/disables scaning and generating messages. * * @param boolean $quiet */ public function setQuiet($quiet) { $this->options['quiet'] = (bool) $quiet; } /** * Enables/disables the debug mode. * * @param boolean $debug */ public function setDebug($debug) { $this->options['debug'] = (bool) $debug; } /** * Runs ApiGen. * * @throws BuildException If something is wrong. * @see Task::main() */ public function main() { if ('apigen' !== $this->executable && !is_file($this->executable)) { throw new BuildException(sprintf('Executable %s not found', $this->executable), $this->getLocation()); } if (!empty($this->options['config'])) { // Config check if (!is_file($this->options['config'])) { throw new BuildException(sprintf( 'Config file %s doesn\'t exist', $this->options['config'] ), $this->getLocation()); } } else { // Source check if (empty($this->options['source'])) { throw new BuildException('Source is not set', $this->getLocation()); } // Destination check if (empty($this->options['destination'])) { throw new BuildException('Destination is not set', $this->getLocation()); } } // Source check if (!empty($this->options['source'])) { foreach ($this->options['source'] as $source) { if (!file_exists($source)) { throw new BuildException(sprintf('Source %s doesn\'t exist', $source), $this->getLocation()); } } } // Execute ApiGen exec(escapeshellcmd($this->executable) . ' generate ' . $this->constructArguments(), $output, $return); $logType = 0 === $return ? Project::MSG_INFO : Project::MSG_ERR; foreach ($output as $line) { $this->log($line, $logType); } } /** * Generates command line arguments for the ApiGen executable. * * @return string */ protected function constructArguments() { $args = array(); foreach ($this->options as $option => $value) { if (is_bool($value)) { $args[] = '--' . $option . '=' . ($value ? 'yes' : 'no'); } elseif (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $args[] = '--' . $option . '=' . escapeshellarg($v); } } else { $args[] = '--' . $option . '=' . escapeshellarg($value); } } foreach ($this->flags as $option => $value) { if($value) $args[] = '--' . $option; } return implode(' ', $args); } }