require_once 'phing/Task.php';

 * Task to run phpDocumentor for PRADO API docs.
class PradoDocTask extends Task
	private $phpdoc = 'phpdoc';
	private $title = "Default Title";
	private $destdir = ".";
	private $sourcepath = NULL;
	private $ignorelist = '';
	private $template = "";
	private $linksource = false;
	private $parseprivate = false;

	private $quite = false;

	function setPhpdoc($phpdoc)
	function setQuite($quite)

	 * Set the title for the generated documentation
	function setTitle($title)
		$this->title = $title;
	 * Set the destination directory for the generated documentation
	function setDestdir($destdir)
		$this->destdir = $destdir;
	 * Set the source path
	function setSourcepath(Path $sourcepath)
		if ($this->sourcepath === NULL)
			$this->sourcepath = $sourcepath;
	 * Set the template
	function setTemplate($template)
		$this->template = $template;
	 * Should sources be linked in the generated documentation
	function setLinksource($linksource)
		$this->linksource = $linksource;

	function setIgnorelist($ignorelist)
	 * Main entrypoint of the task
	function main()
		$arguments = $this->constructArguments();
		echo $this->phpdoc . " " . $arguments."\n";
		passthru($this->phpdoc . " " . $arguments, $retval);
	 * Constructs an argument string for phpDocumentor
	private function constructArguments()
		$arguments = " ";

			$arguments .= '-q "on" ';
		if ($this->title)
			$arguments.= "--title \"" . $this->title . "\" ";
		if ($this->destdir)
			$arguments.= "-t \"" . $this->destdir . "\" ";
		if ($this->sourcepath !== NULL)
			$arguments.= "-d \"" . $this->sourcepath->__toString() . "\" ";
		if ($this->template)
			$arguments.= "--template \"" . $this->template . "\" ";
		if ($this->linksource)
			$arguments.= "-s ";
		if ($this->parseprivate)
			$arguments.= "-pp ";

		if ($this->ignorelist)
			$arguments.='-i "'.$this->ignorelist.'" ';

		return $arguments;