* @package phing.tasks.ext */ class ZendCodeAnalyzerTask extends Task { protected $analyzerPath = ""; // Path to ZendCodeAnalyzer binary protected $file = ""; // the source file (from xml attribute) protected $filesets = array(); // all fileset objects assigned to this task protected $warnings = array(); protected $counter = 0; protected $disable = array(); protected $enable = array(); /** * File to be analyzed * * @param PhingFile $file */ public function setFile(PhingFile $file) { $this->file = $file; } /** * Path to ZendCodeAnalyzer binary * * @param string $analyzerPath */ public function setAnalyzerPath($analyzerPath) { $this->analyzerPath = $analyzerPath; } /** * Disable warning levels. Seperate warning levels with ',' * * @param string $disable */ public function setDisable($disable) { $this->disable = explode(",", $disable); } /** * Enable warning levels. Seperate warning levels with ',' * * @param string $enable */ public function setEnable($enable) { $this->enable = explode(",", $enable); } /** * Nested creator, creates a FileSet for this task * * @return FileSet The created fileset object */ function createFileSet() { $num = array_push($this->filesets, new FileSet()); return $this->filesets[$num-1]; } /** * Analyze against PhingFile or a FileSet */ public function main() { if(!isset($this->analyzerPath)) { throw new BuildException("Missing attribute 'analyzerPath'"); } if(!isset($this->file) and count($this->filesets) == 0) { throw new BuildException("Missing either a nested fileset or attribute 'file' set"); } if($this->file instanceof PhingFile) { $this->analyze($this->file->getPath()); } else { // process filesets $project = $this->getProject(); foreach($this->filesets as $fs) { $ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($project); $files = $ds->getIncludedFiles(); $dir = $fs->getDir($this->project)->getPath(); foreach($files as $file) { $this->analyze($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); } } } $this->log("Number of findings: ".$this->counter, PROJECT_MSG_INFO); } /** * Analyze file * * @param string $file * @return void */ protected function analyze($file) { if(file_exists($file)) { if(is_readable($file)) { // Construct shell command $cmd = $this->analyzerPath." "; foreach($this->enable as $enable) { // Enable warning levels $cmd .= " --enable $enable "; } foreach($this->disable as $disable) { // Disable warning levels $cmd .= " --disable $disable "; } $cmd .= "$file 2>&1"; // Execute command $result = shell_exec($cmd); $result = explode("\n", $result); for($i=2, $size=count($result); $i<($size-1); $i++) { $this->counter++; $this->log($result[$i], PROJECT_MSG_WARN); } } else { throw new BuildException('Permission denied: '.$file); } } else { throw new BuildException('File not found: '.$file); } } } ?>