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      "; } function h2($matches) { global $header_count; return "

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      "; } $header_count = 0; //--------------- BEGIN PROCESSING ------------------- //--------------- Indexer ------------------- //require_once('create_index.php'); //$indexer = new quickstart_index($index_dir); // ---------------- Create the Tex files --------- $count = 1; $j = 1; $current_path = ''; echo "Compiling .page files to Latex files\n\n"; foreach($pages as $chapter => $sections) { $content = '\chapter{'.$chapter.'}'.get_chapter_label($chapter); echo "Creating ch{$count}.txt => Chapter {$count}: {$chapter}\n"; echo str_repeat('-',60)."\n"; foreach($sections as $section) { echo " Adding $section\n"; $page = $base.'/'.$section; $current_path = $page; //add id to


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