<?php // TBD: subsections in Control Reference $pdflatexExec = "C:/Wei/miktex/texmf/MiKTeX/bin/pdflatex.exe"; $pdfTex = "$pdflatexExec -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120 %s"; $mainTexFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/quickstart.tex'; //page root location $base = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../demos/quickstart/protected/pages/'); $pages = include('pages.php'); //-------------- END CONFIG ------------------ include(dirname(__FILE__).'.../../../texbuilder/Page2Tex.php'); // ---------------- Create the Tex files --------- $count = 1; $j = 1; $current_path = ''; echo "Compiling .page files to Latex files\n\n"; $parser = new Page2Tex($base, dirname(__FILE__)); foreach($pages as $chapter => $sections) { $content = '\chapter{'.$chapter.'}'.$parser->get_chapter_label($chapter); echo "Creating ch{$count}.txt => Chapter {$count}: {$chapter}\n"; echo str_repeat('-',60)."\n"; foreach($sections as $section) { echo " Adding $section\n"; $page = $base.'/'.$section; $current_path = $page; $parser->setCurrentPage($current_path); //add id to <h1>, <h2>, <h3> and <p> $tmp_content = $parser->set_header_id(file_get_contents($page),$j++); file_put_contents($page, $tmp_content); $content .= $parser->get_section_label($section); $file_content = file_get_contents($page); $tex = $content .= $parser->parse_html($page,$file_content); } //var_dump($content); file_put_contents("ch{$count}.tex", $content); $count++; echo "\n"; } //$indexer->commit(); if($argc <= 1 && $count > 1) { echo "** Use pdflatex to compile quickstart.tex to obtain PDF version of quickstart tutorial. **\n"; exit; } if($argv[1] == 'pdf') { if(is_file($pdflatexExec)) { //build pdfTex $command=sprintf($pdfTex,$mainTexFile); system($command); system($command); //run it twice echo "\n\n** PDF file quickstart.pdf created **\n\n"; } else { echo " Unable to find pdfLatex executable $pdflatexExec"; } } ?>