<com:TContent ID="Main"> <h1>Creating <tt>ReadPost</tt> Page</h1> <p> The <tt>ReadPost</tt> page shows the detailed content of a blog post. For authorized users, it also shows link buttons that would allow them to edit or delete the post. </p> <p> We create two files <tt>protected/pages/posts/ReadPost.page</tt> and <tt>protected/pages/posts/ReadPost.php</tt> to save the page template and page class, respectively. </p> <h2>Creating Page Template</h2> <p> The <tt>ReadPost</tt> page template is very similar to the <tt>PostRenderer</tt> template, both presenting the content of a post. The difference is that <tt>ReadPost</tt> needs to display two link buttons when the current user is authorized to edit or delete the post. </p> <com:TTextHighlighter CssClass="source" Language="prado"> <com:TContent ID="Main"> <h2> <com:TLiteral Text="<%= $this->Post->title %>" /> </h2> <com:TControl Visible="<%= $this->canEdit() %>"> <a href="<%= $this->Service->constructUrl('EditPost',array('id'=>$this->Post->post_id))%>">Edit</a> | <com:TLinkButton Text="Delete" OnClick="deletePost" Attributes.onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('Are you sure?')) return false;" /> </com:TControl> <p> Author: <com:TLiteral Text="<%= $this->Post->author->username %>" /><br/> Time: <com:TLiteral Text="<%= date('m/d/Y h:m:sa', $this->Post->create_time) %>" /> </p> <p> <com:TLiteral Text="<%= $this->Post->content %>" /> </p> </com:TContent> </com:TTextHighlighter> <p> Many PHP expressions are used in the above template. The expression <tt>$this->Post</tt> refers to a property defined in the <tt>ReadPost</tt> page class. It represents the <tt>PostRecord</tt> object corresponding to the post currently being viewed. </p> <com:InfoBox> Although we use expressions widely in templates, we do not overuse them. A major guideline in determining whether we should use an expression in a template is that <i>the expression should be a property or a simple presentational transformation of the property</i>. By following this guideline, we ensure content and presentation are well separated without losing sufficient flexibility. </com:InfoBox> <p> We also notice in the above template that two link buttons are enclosed within a <tt>TControl</tt> whose visibility is determined by the expression <tt>$this->canEdit()</tt>. For the <tt>Delete</tt> link button, we use javascript confirmation dialog to obtain user's confirmation when he clicks to delete the post. </p> <com:InfoBox> All PRADO controls have a very useful property named <tt>Attributes</tt> which can accept arbitrary name-value pairs. Most PRADO controls will render the name-value pairs in <tt>Attributes</tt> literally in the corresponding HTML tag. For example, in the <tt>Delete</tt> link button above, we define an <tt>onclick</tt> which is rendered as the <tt>onclick</tt> attribute in the resulting <tt><a></tt> tag. </com:InfoBox> <h2>Creating Page Class</h2> <p> From the above page template, we see that we need to write a page class that implements the event handler: <tt>deletePost()</tt> (attached to the <tt>Delete</tt> button's <tt>OnClick</tt> event). We also need to retrieve the post data specified by the post ID passed via the <tt>id</tt> GET parameter. </p> <com:InfoBox> We implement the post deletion feature in the <tt>ReadPost</tt> page because it is so natural to do so here. When the user clicks on the <tt>Delete</tt> button, a javascript confirmation dialog will pop up. If the user confirms it, the deletion will be carried in response to the <tt>OnClick</tt> event of the <tt>Delete</tt> button. </com:InfoBox> <com:TTextHighlighter CssClass="source" Language="php"> class ReadPost extends TPage { private $_post; /** * Fetches the post data. * This method is invoked by the framework when initializing the page * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); // post id is passed via the 'id' GET parameter $postID=(int)$this->Request['id']; // retrieves PostRecord with author information filled in $this->_post=PostRecord::finder()->withAuthor()->findByPk($postID); if($this->_post===null) // if post id is invalid throw new THttpException(500,'Unable to find the specified post.'); // set the page title as the post title $this->Title=$this->_post->title; } /** * @return PostRecord the PostRecord currently being viewed */ public function getPost() { return $this->_post; } /** * Deletes the post currently being viewed * This method is invoked when the user clicks on the "Delete" button */ public function deletePost($sender,$param) { // only the author or the administrator can delete a post if(!$this->canEdit()) throw new THttpException('You are not allowed to perform this action.'); // delete it from DB $this->_post->delete(); // redirect the browser to the homepage $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->DefaultPageUrl); } /** * @return boolean whether the current user can edit/delete the post being viewed */ public function canEdit() { // only the author or the administrator can edit/delete a post return $this->User->Name===$this->Post->author_id || $this->User->IsAdmin; } } </com:TTextHighlighter> <h2>Testing</h2> <p> To test the <tt>ReadPost</tt> page, visit the URL <tt>http://hostname/blog/index.php</tt> and click on the title of the only post. Our browser will display the following result with the URL <tt>http://hostname/blog/index.php?page=ReadPost&id=1</tt>. Note, if we do not login, the two link buttons will be invisible. </p> <img src="<%~ output2.gif %>" class="output" /> </com:TContent>