Welcome to the PRADO Blog Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide new PRADO users a step-by-step guidance on how to develop a blog system using PRADO. A more definitive guidance about PRADO is the Quickstart Tutorial, which readers can refer to when reading this tutorial.

Readers of this tutorial are not required to have prior knowledge about PRADO. However, readers should have basic knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) and database programming.

This tutorial is organized in a day-by-day fashion. Each day new PRADO concepts and techniques are introduced, and new features are added to the blog system. At the end, we will complete a simple blog application that meets the initial requirements.

In order to follow the tutorial to create and run the day-by-day examples, readers should have access to a Web server installed with PHP 5.1.0+ and PRADO 3.1+. Instructions for installing PRADO can be found at pradosoft.com.