<sqlmap> <select id="order-subtotal"> SELECT "Order Details".OrderID as OrderID, Sum(("Order Details".UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)/100)*100) AS Subtotal FROM "Order Details" GROUP BY "Order Details".OrderID </select> <!-- Show all the Cities we ship to or where a supplier is located --> <select id="all-cities"> SELECT City FROM SUPPLIERS Union SELECT ShipCity FROM ORDERS </select> <!-- Find Suppliers that supply the categories such as 'Produce', 'Seafood', 'Condiments' --> <select id="suppliers-with" parameterClass="array"> SELECT SupplierID, COUNT(P.CategoryID) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT SupplierID, CategoryID FROM Products) P INNER Join Categories C on C.CategoryID = P.CategoryID WHERE CategoryName IN ('Produce', 'Seafood', 'Condiments') GROUP BY SupplierID HAVING COUNT(P.CategoryID) = (SELECT COUNT(CategoryID) from Categories WHERE CategoryName IN ('Produce', 'Seafood', 'Condiments')) </select> <!-- Show Cities we ship to that also have a supplier located there --> <select id="supplier-cities"> SELECT DISTINCT ShipCity FROM ORDERS WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 from SUPPLIERS WHERE ShipCity = City) </select> <!-- Show Cities we ship to that do not have a supplier located there --> <select id="shipping-cities"> SELECT DISTINCT ShipCity FROM ORDERS WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from SUPPLIERS WHERE ShipCity = City) </select> <!-- Show all possible Supplier Product Combinations --> <select id="supplier-products"> SELECT * FROM Suppliers S CROSS Join Products </select> <!-- Products over a certain unit price --> <select id="products-with-price"> <![CDATA[ SELECT p.ProductName, c.CategoryName, p.UnitPrice FROM Products p INNER JOIN Categories c ON c.CategoryID = p.CategoryID WHERE p.UnitPrice < #value# ORDER BY CategoryName ASC, UnitPrice ASC, ProductName ASC ]]> </select> <!-- employee's manager's name and number of subordinates (if the employee has a manager) --> <select id="employee-subordinates"> SELECT Employee.LastName, Employee.FirstName, Employee.NumberOfSubordinates, Manager.LastName as ManagerLastName, Manager.FirstName as ManagerFirstName, Manager.NumberOfSubordinates as ManagerNumberOfSubordinates FROM EmployeeSubordinatesReport Employee LEFT JOIN EmployeeSubordinatesReport Manager ON Employee.ReportsTo = Manager.EmployeeID </select> <select id="pivot-test"> SELECT o.customerID, c.CompanyName, p.productName, sum(od.quantity) as Qty FROM orders o INNER JOIN [order details] od on o.orderID = od.orderID INNER JOIN Products p on od.ProductID = p.ProductID INNER JOIN Customers c on o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID GROUP BY o.customerID, c.CompanyName, p.ProductName </select> <select id="employee-sales"> SELECT e.firstName, c.CompanyName, COUNT(o.orderID) FROM Employees e JOIN Orders o ON e.employeeID=o.employeeID JOIN Customers c ON c.customerID=o.customerID GROUP BY e.firstName, c.CompanyName ORDER BY e.firstName, c.CompanyName </select> </sqlmap>