<html> <com:THead Title="Northwind Database Sample"> <style> body{ font-family: cambria, "New Times Roman" } </style> </com:THead> <body> <h1>Northwind Database Sample</h1> <p> The Northwind Traders sample database contains the sales data for a fictitious company called Northwind Traders, which imports and exports specialty foods from around the world. The database contains information about customers, suppliers, products, orders and employees (as well as a few other bits of miscellaneous information). </p> <h2><a href="?page=NorthwindCrud">View/Edit database</a></h2> <img src=<%~ northwind.gif %> /> <p>Northwind Traders sample database is part of the SQL Server 2000 Sample Databases, Copyright Microsoft, Inc. 1994 - 2000.</p> </body> </html>