<?php class DataModule extends TComponent implements IModule { /** * extension of the db file name */ const DB_FILE_EXT='.db'; const DB_SCHEMA=' CREATE TABLE tblBlogs (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(256), content TEXT, lastupdate INTEGER, author VARCHAR(64)); CREATE TABLE tblComments (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, bid INTEGER, content TEXT, lastupdate INTEGER, author VARCHAR(64), email VARCHAR(64), option INTEGER); '; /** * @var string id of this module */ private $_id=''; private $_file='Application.data.site'; /** * @var SQLiteDatabase the sqlite database instance */ private $_db=null; private $_initialized=false; /** * Destructor. * Disconnect the db connection. */ public function __destruct() { $this->_db=null; parent::__destruct(); } /** * Initializes this module. * This method is required by the IModule interface. It checks if the DbFile * property is set, and creates a SQLiteDatabase instance for it. * If the database or the tables do not exist, they will be created. * @param IApplication Prado application, can be null * @param TXmlElement configuration for this module, can be null * @throws TConfigurationException DbFile is set invalid */ public function init($application,$config) { if(!function_exists('sqlite_open')) throw new TConfigurationException('SQLite extension required.'); if($this->_file===null) throw new TConfigurationException('SQLite db file required.'); if(($fname=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($this->_file,self::DB_FILE_EXT))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('SQLite db file invalid: '.$this->_file); $error=''; if(($this->_db=new SQLiteDatabase($fname,0666,$error))===false) throw new TConfigurationException('SQLite db connection failed: ',$error); $res=$this->_db->query('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name=\'tblBlogs\' AND type=\'table\''); if($res===false || $res->numRows()===0 && $this->_db->query(self::DB_SCHEMA)===false) throw new TConfigurationException('SQLite db table creation failed: '.sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error())); $this->_initialized=true; } /** * @return string id of this module */ public function getID() { return $this->_id; } /** * @param string id of this module */ public function setID($value) { $this->_id=$value; } /** * @return string database file path (in namespace form) */ public function getDbFile() { return $this->_file; } /** * @param string database file path (in namespace form) * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the module is already initialized */ public function setDbFile($value) { if($this->_initialized) throw new TInvalidOperationException('DbFile cannot be modified after the module is initialized.'); else $this->_file=$value; } public function getBlogsByTime($time) { } } class Blog { public $id; public $title; public $author; public $content; public $lastupdate; public $comments; } class Comment { public $id; public $bid; public $author; public $content; public $lastupdate; } ?>