<com:TContent ID="body"> <!-- $Id$ --> <h1 id="122026">TActiveButton</h1> <com:DocLink ClassPath="System.Web.UI.ActiveControls.TActiveButton" /> <p id="610410" class="block-content"><tt>TActiveButton</tt> is the active control counter part to <a href="?page=Controls.Button">TButton</a>. When a <tt>TActiveButton</tt> is clicked, rather than a normal post back request a callback request is initiated. The <tt>OnCallback</tt> event is raised during a callback request and it is raise <strong>after</strong> the <tt>OnClick</tt> event. </p> <p id="610411" class="block-content">When the <tt>ActiveControl.EnableUpdate</tt> property is true, changing the <tt>Text</tt> property during a callback request will update the button's caption on the client-side.</p> <p id="610412" class="block-content">Since the <tt>OnCallback</tt> event is raised only during a callback request, the <tt>OnCallback</tt> event handler can be used to handle logic specifically related to callback requests. The <tt>OnClick</tt> event handler is raised when ever the button is clicked, even if javascript is disabled.</p> <p id="610413" class="block-content">The following example the use of both the <tt>OnClick</tt> and <tt>OnCallback</tt> events of an <tt>TActiveButton</tt>.</p> <com:RunBar PagePath="ActiveControls.Samples.TActiveButton.Home" /> <h2 id="122027">TActiveButton Class Diagram</h2> <p id="610414" class="block-content">The class diagram for <tt>TActiveButton</tt> is illustrated in the figure below. Most active control that can perform callback request have a similar structure. </p> <img src=<%~ TActiveButtonClass.png %> class="figure" alt="TActiveButton class diagram" title="TActiveButton class diagram" /> <p id="610415" class="block-content"><tt>TActiveButton</tt> is an extension of <a href="?page=Controls.Button">TButton</a> and implements two additional interfaces <tt>ICallbackEventHandler</tt> and <tt>IActiveControl</tt>. The <tt>TActiveButton</tt> contains an instance of <a href="?page=ActiveControls.BaseActiveControl">TBaseActiveCallbackControl</a> available through the <tt>ActiveControl</tt> property of <tt>TActiveButton</tt>. The following example set the callback parameter of the <tt>TActiveButton</tt> when a callback request is dispatched. </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source block-content" id="code1"> <com:TActiveButton Text="Click Me" OnCallback="button_callback" ActiveControl.CallbackParameter="value" /> </com:TTextHighlighter> <p id="610416" class="block-content">In the <tt>OnCallback</tt> event handler method, the <tt>CallbackParameter</tt> is available in the <tt>$param</tt> object.</p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source block-content" id="code2"> public function button_callback($sender, $param) { echo $param->CallbackParameter; //outputs "value" } </com:TTextHighlighter> <h2 id="122028">Adding Client Side Behaviour</h2> <p id="610417" class="block-content">With in the <tt>ActiveControl</tt> property is an instance of <a href="?page=ActiveControls.CallbackClientSide">TCallbackClientSide</a> available as a property <tt>ClientSide</tt> of <tt>TActiveButton</tt>. The <tt>ClientSide</tt> property contains sub-properties, such as <tt>RequestTimeOut</tt>, and client-side javascript event handler, such as <tt>OnLoading</tt>, that are used by the client-side when making a callback request. The following example demonstrates the toggling of a "loading" indicator when the client-side is making a callback request. </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source block-content" id="code3"> <com:TClientSide PradoScripts="effects" /> <span id="callback_status">Loading...</span> <com:TActiveButton Text="Click Me" OnCallback="button_callback" ActiveControl.CallbackParameter="value" > <prop:ClientSide OnLoading="Element.show('callback_status')" OnComplete="Element.hide('callback_status')" /> </com:TActiveButton> </com:TTextHighlighter> <p id="610418" class="block-content">The example loads the "effects" javascript library using the <a href="?page=Controls.ClientScript">TClientScript</a> component. The <tt>ClientSide.OnLoading</tt> property value contains javascript statement that uses the "effects" library to show the "Loading..." span tag. Similarly, <tt>ClientSide.OnComplete</tt> property value contains the javascript statement that hides the "Loading..." span tag. See <a href="?page=ActiveControls.CallbackClientSide">TCallbackClientSide</a> for further details on client-side property details. </p> </com:TContent>