<com:TContent ID="body" >
<h1 id="128031">Active Controls (AJAX enabled Controls)</h1>
<p id="640423" class="block-content">
Active controls extends standard PRADO controls adding the ability to automatically update themselves on callbacks without the need of ad-hoc javascript calls. See the <a href="?page=ActiveControls.Introduction">Introduction</a>
for a quick overview of the concept behind active controls (AJAX enabled controls).
Most active controls have a property of
<a href="?page=ActiveControls.BaseActiveControl">ActiveControl</a> and
a sub-property <a href="?page=ActiveControls.CallbackClientSide">ClientSide</a>
that provides many properties to customize the controls. The
<a href="?page=ActiveControls.CallbackClientScript">CallbackClient</a> property of the
<tt>TPage</tt> class provides many methods to update and alter the client-side content
during a callback request. Active controls is reliant on a collection
of <a href="?page=ActiveControl.ClientSideJavascript">javascript classes</a>.

<p id="640424" class="block-content">For a quick demo of active controls, try the <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveButton">
TActiveButton</a> control. See also the later part of the <a href="?page=Tutorial.CurrencyConverter">Currency Converter</a> tutorial for a more in depth example.

<h2 id="128032">Standard Active Controls</h2>
<ul id="u1" class="block-content">
  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveButton">TActiveButton</a>
  represents a click button on a Web page. It can be used to trigger a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveCheckBox">TActiveCheckBox</a>
  represents a checkbox on a Web page. It can be used to collect two-state user input
  and can trigger a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveCustomValidator">TActiveCustomValidator</a>
  validates a particular control using a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveDatePicker">TActiveDatePicker</a>
  adds a date picker that permits the suer to choose a date.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveFileUpload">TActiveFileUpload</a>
  displays a file upload field on a page and uses an iframe to permit handling of the
  file upload in a callback.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveHiddenField">TActiveHiddenField</a>
  displays a hidden input field that can be changed upon callback.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveHyperLink">TActiveHyperLink</a>
  represents a hyperlink on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveImage">TActiveImage</a>
  represents an image on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveImageButton">TActiveImageButton</a>
  represents a click button that has an image as the background.
  It is can be used to trigger a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveLabel">TActiveLabel</a>
  represents a label on a Web page.
  The label can be customized via various CSS attributes.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveLinkButton">TActiveLinkButton</a>
  represents a hyperlink that can perform a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveMultiView">TActiveMultiView</a>
  represents a container for a group of TView controls, each of which is container for other controls.
  At any time, at most one TView is visible. It's the active counterpart of TMultiView.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActivePanel">TActivePanel</a>
  represents a container for other controls on a Web page. In HTML,
  it is displayed as a &lt;div&gt; element. The panel's contents
  can be replaced during a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActivePager">TActivePager</a>
  generates UI that allows users to interactively specify which page of
  data to be displayed in a data-bound control.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveRadioButton">TActiveRadioButton</a>
  represents a radiobutton on a Web page.
  It is mainly used in a group from which users make a choice. It can
  be used to perform a callback request.

  <a href="">TActiveRatingList</a>
  is an EXPERIMENTAL class that displays clickable images that represent a TRadioButtonList.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveTextBox">TActiveTextBox</a>
  represents a text input field on a Web page.
  It can collect single-line, multi-line or password text input from users.
  It can be used to perform a callback request.


<h2 id="128033">Active List Controls</h2>
<ul id="u2" class="block-content">
  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveCheckBoxList">TActiveCheckBoxList</a>
  displays a list of checkboxes on a Web page and each checkbox
  can trigger a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveDropDownList">TActiveDropDownList</a>
  displays a dropdown list box that allows users to select a
  single option from a few prespecified ones. It can be used
  to perform a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveListBox">TActiveListBox</a>
  displays a list box that allows single or multiple selection. It can be used
  to perform a callback request.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveRadioButtonList">TActiveRadioButtonList</a>
  is similar to TActiveCheckBoxList in every aspect except that each
  TActiveRadioButtonList displays a group of radiobuttons. Each radio button
  can perform a callback request.

<h2 id="134001">Active Data Controls</h2>
<ul id="u2" class="block-content">
  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveDataList">TActiveDataList</a>
  is used to display or modify a list of data items. It is the
  active counterpart to the original TDataList control.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveDataGrid">TActiveDataGrid</a>
  displays data in a tabular format with rows and columns. It is the
  active counterpart to the original TDataGrid control.

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveRepeater">TActiveRepeater</a>
  displays its content defined in templates repeatedly based on the given data.
  It is the active counterpart to the original TRepeater control.

<h2 id="128034">Extended Active Controls</h2>

<ul id="u3" class="block-content">
	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.AutoComplete">TAutoComplete</a>
	extends TActiveTextBox to offer text completion suggestions.

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.Callback">TCallback</a>
	a generic control that can perform callback requests.

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.EventTriggeredCallback">TEventTriggeredCallback</a>
	triggers a callback request based on HTML DOM events.

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.InPlaceTextBox">TInPlaceTextBox</a>
	represents a label that can be edited by clicked.

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.TimeTriggeredCallback">TTimeTriggeredCallback</a>
	triggers a callback request based on time elapsed.

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ValueTriggeredCallback">TValueTriggeredCallback</a>
	monitors (using a timer) an attribute of an HTML element and triggers a callback request
	when the attribute value changes.
	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.DragDrop">TDropContainer &amp; TDraggable</a> represents drag and drop containers. 
	The former will make its child controls "draggable" while the latter will raise a callback when a draggable
	control is dropped on it.


<h2 id="128035">Active Control Abilities</h2>
<p id="640426" class="block-content">The following table shows the Active Controls that can trigger a
callback event and whether the control will raise a PostBack event
if Javascript was disabled on the client's browser.</p>
<!-- tabular: align=|l|l|l|, width=(0.35 0.25 0.25) -->
<table class="tabular">
		<th>Control Name</th>
		<th>Triggers Callback</th>
		<th>Falls back to PostBack</th>
  		<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveButton">TActiveButton</a>

  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveCheckBox">TActiveCheckBox</a>

  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveCustomValidator">TActiveCustomValidator</a>

  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveHyperLink">TActiveHyperLink</a>

  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveImage">TActiveImage</a>

  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveImageButton">TActiveImageButton</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveLabel">TActiveLabel</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveLinkButton">TActiveLinkButton</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActivePanel">TActivePanel</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveRadioButton">TActiveRadioButton</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveTextBox">TActiveTextBox</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.CallbackOptions">TCallbackOptions</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveCheckBoxList">TActiveCheckBoxList</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveDropDownList">TActiveDropDownList</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveListBox">TActiveListBox</a>

  <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActiveRadioButtonList">TActiveRadioButtonList</a>

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.AutoComplete">TAutoComplete</a>

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.Callback">TCallback</a>

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.EventTriggeredCallback">TEventTriggeredCallback</a>

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.InPlaceTextBox">TInPlaceTextBox</a>

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.TimeTriggeredCallback">TTimeTriggeredCallback</a>

	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.ValueTriggeredCallback">TValueTriggeredCallback</a>
  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.DragDrop">TDropContainer</a>

  	<a href="?page=ActiveControls.DragDrop">TDraggable</a>

