
prado::using ('System.Web.UI.ActiveControls.*');

class Home extends TPage
	public function onInit ($param)
		if (!$this->getIsPostBack() && !$this->getIsCallBack())
	private function getProductData ()
		return array (
			array (
				'ProductId' => 'Product1',
				'ProductImageUrl' => $this->publishAsset('assets/product1.png'),
				'ProductTitle' => 'Cup'
			array (
				'ProductId' => 'Product2',
				'ProductImageUrl' => $this->publishAsset('assets/product2.png'),
				'ProductTitle' => 'T-Shirt'
	private function getProduct ($key)
		foreach ($this->getProductData() as $product)
			if ($product['ProductId']==$key) return $product;
		return null;	
	protected function populateProductList ()
	protected function populateShoppingList ()
	public function getShoppingListData ()
		return $this->getViewState('ShoppingList', array ());
	public function setShoppingListData ($value)
		$this->setViewState('ShoppingList', TPropertyValue::ensureArray($value), array ());
	public function addItemToCart ($sender, $param)
		// Get the Key from the repeater item
		if (isset ($shoppingList[$key]))
			// Already an item of this type, increment counter
			// Add an item to the shopping list
	public function removeItemFromCart ($sender, $param)
		if (isset($shoppingList[$key]))
			if ($shoppingList[$key]['ProductCount'] > 1)
				$shoppingList[$key]['ProductCount'] --;
	public function redrawCart ($sender, $param)