Application Configurations

Application configurations are used to specify the global behavior of an application. They include specification of path aliases, namespace usages, module and service configurations, and parameters.

Configuration for an application is stored in an XML file named application.xml, which should be located under the application base path. Its format is shown in the following,

Complete specification of application configurations can be found in the DTD and XSD files.

By default without explicit configuration, a PRADO application when running will load a few core modules, such as THttpRequest, THttpResponse, etc. It will also provide the TPageService as a default service. Configuration and usage of these modules and services are covered in individual sections of this tutorial. Note, if your application takes default settings for these modules and service, you do not need to provide an application configuration. However, if these modules or services are not sufficient, or you want to change their behavior by configuring their property values, you will need an application configuration.
