
THead displays a head element on a page. It displays the content enclosed in its body and the page title set by the Title property.

In addition, stylesheets and JavaScripts registered via

will also be displayed in the head.

THead also manages and displays meta tags through its MetaTags property. You can add a meta object to the collection in code dynamically, or add it in template using the following syntax

<com:THead> <com:TMetaTag HttpEquiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache" /> <com:TMetaTag Name="keywords" Content="Prado" /> </com:THead>

Note, TPage has a property Head that refers to the THead control currently on the page. A page can have at most one THead control. Although not required, it is recommended to place a THead on your page. Without a THead on the page, stylesheets and javascripts in the current page theme will not be rendered.
