List Controls

List controls covered in this section are all inherit directly or indirectly from TDataBoundControl. Therefore, you can do various databinding operations with them. More details about databinding will be given in later sections.


TListBox displays a list box that allows single or multiple selection. Set the property SelectionMode as Single to make a single selection list box, and Multiple a multiple selection list box. The items in the list box are represented by the Items property. The number of rows displayed in the box is specified via the Rows property value. Some other important properties that TListBox inherits from TListControl include: Items, SelectedIndex, SelectedIndices, SelectedItem, SelectedValue, AutoPostBack and CausesValidation.


TDropDownList displays a dropdown list box that allows users to select a single option from a few prespecified ones. The items in the list box are represented by the Items property. The selected item can be retrieved via SelectedItem property. If AutoPostBack is true, selection change will cause page postback.


