<com:TContent ID="body" > <h1 id="4801">List Controls</h1> <p id="550329" class="block-content"> List controls covered in this section all inherit directly or indirectly from <tt>TListControl</tt>. Therefore, they share the same set of commonly used properties, including, </p> <ul id="u1" class="block-content"> <li><tt>Items</tt> - list of items in the control. The items are of type <tt>TListItem</tt>. The item list can be populated via databinding or specified in templates like the following: <com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source block-content" id="code_550115"> <com:TListBox> <com:TListItem Text="text 1" Value="value 1" /> <com:TListItem Text="text 2" Value="value 2" Selected="true" /> <com:TListItem Text="text 3" Value="value 3" /> </com:TListBox> </com:TTextHighlighter> </li> <li><tt>SelectedIndex</tt> - the zero-based index of the first selected item in the item list.</li> <li><tt>SelectedIndices</tt> - the indices of all selected items.</li> <li><tt>SelectedItem</tt> - the first selected item in the item list.</li> <li><tt>SelectedValue</tt> - the value of the first selected item in the item list.</li> <li><tt>AutoPostBack</tt> - whether changing the selection of the control should trigger postback.</li> <li><tt>CausesValidation</tt> - whether validation should be performed when postback is triggered by the list control.</li> </ul> <p id="550330" class="block-content"> Since <tt>TListControl</tt> inherits from <tt>TDataBoundControl</tt>, these list controls also share a common operation known as <tt>databinding</tt>. The <tt>Items</tt> can be populated from preexisting data specified by <tt>DataSource</tt> or <tt>DataSourceID</tt>. A function call to <tt>dataBind()</tt> will cause the data population. For list controls, data can be specified in the following two kinds of format: </p> <ul id="u2" class="block-content"> <li>one-dimensional array or objects implementing <tt>ITraversable</tt> : array keys will be used as list item values, and array values will be used as list item texts. For example <com:TTextHighlighter CssClass="source block-content" id="code_550116"> $listbox->DataSource=array( 'key 1'=>'item 1', 'key 2'=>'item 2', 'key 3'=>'item 3'); $listbox->dataBind(); </com:TTextHighlighter> </li> <li>tabular (two-dimensional) data : each row of data populates a single list item. The list item value is specified by the data member indexed with <tt>DataValueField</tt>, and the list item text by <tt>DataTextField</tt>. For example, <com:TTextHighlighter CssClass="source block-content" id="code_550117"> $listbox->DataTextField='name'; $listbox->DataValueField='id'; $listbox->DataSource=array( array('id'=>'001','name'=>'John','age'=>31), array('id'=>'002','name'=>'Mary','age'=>30), array('id'=>'003','name'=>'Cary','age'=>20)); $listbox->dataBind(); </com:TTextHighlighter> </li> </ul> <h2 id="4802">TListBox</h2> <p id="550331" class="block-content"> <tt>TListBox</tt> displays a list box that allows single or multiple selection. Set the property <tt>SelectionMode</tt> as <tt>Single</tt> to make a single selection list box, and <tt>Multiple</tt> a multiple selection list box. The number of rows displayed in the box is specified via the <tt>Rows</tt> property value. </p> <com:RunBar PagePath="Controls.Samples.TListBox.Home" /> <h2 id="4803">TDropDownList</h2> <p id="550332" class="block-content"> <tt>TDropDownList</tt> displays a dropdown list box that allows users to select a single option from a few prespecified ones. </p> <p class="block-content"> Since v3.1.1, <tt>TDropDownList</tt> starts to support prompt text (something like 'Please select:' as the first list item). To use this feature, set either <tt>PromptText</tt> or <tt>PromptValue</tt>, or both. If the user chooses the prompt item, the dropdown list will be unselected. </p> <com:RunBar PagePath="Controls.Samples.TDropDownList.Home" /> <h2 id="4804">TCheckBoxList</h2> <p id="550333" class="block-content"> <tt>TCheckBoxList</tt> displays a list of checkboxes on a Web page. The alignment of the text besides each checkbox can be specified <tt>TextAlign</tt>. The layout of the checkboxes can be controlled by the following properties: </p> <ul id="u3" class="block-content"> <li><tt>RepeatLayout</tt> - can be either <tt>Table</tt> or <tt>Flow</tt>. A <tt>Table</tt> uses HTML table cells to organize the checkboxes, while a <tt>Flow</tt> uses HTML span tags and breaks for the organization. With <tt>Table</tt> layout, you can set <tt>CellPadding</tt> and <tt>CellSpacing</tt>.</li> <li><tt>RepeatColumns</tt> - how many columns the checkboxes should be displayed in.</li> <li><tt>RepeatDirection</tt> - how to traverse the checkboxes, in a horizontal way or a vertical way (because the checkboxes are displayed in a matrix-like layout).</li> </ul> <com:RunBar PagePath="Controls.Samples.TCheckBoxList.Home" /> <h2 id="4805">TRadioButtonList</h2> <p id="550334" class="block-content"> <tt>TRadioButtonList</tt> is similar to <tt>TCheckBoxList</tt> in every aspect except that each <tt>TRadioButtonList</tt> displays a group of radiobuttons. Only one of the radiobuttions can be selected (<tt>TCheckBoxList</tt> allows multiple selections.) </p> <com:RunBar PagePath="Controls.Samples.TRadioButtonList.Home" /> <h2 id="4806">TBulletedList</h2> <p id="550335" class="block-content"> <tt>TBulletedList</tt> displays items in a bullet format on a Web page. The style of the bullets can be specified by <tt>BulletStyle</tt>. When the style is <tt>CustomImage</tt>, the bullets are displayed as images, which is specified by <tt>BulletImageUrl</tt>. </p> <p id="550336" class="block-content"> <tt>TBulletedList</tt> displays the item texts in three different modes, </p> <ul id="u4" class="block-content"> <li><tt>Text</tt> - the item texts are displayed as static texts;</li> <li><tt>HyperLink</tt> - each item is displayed as a hyperlink whose URL is given by the item value, and <tt>Target</tt> property can be used to specify the target browser window;</li> <li><tt>LinkButton</tt> - each item is displayed as a link button which posts back to the page if a user clicks on that, and the event <tt>OnClick</tt> will be raised under such a circumstance.</li> </ul> <com:RunBar PagePath="Controls.Samples.TBulletedList.Home" /> <div class="last-modified">$Id$</div></com:TContent>