TDataList Sample 2

This demo shows a simple application of TDataList control in maintaining a list of computer products. The application allows you to browse a list of inventory computer products, edit, select and delete them.

Be aware, for simplicity, this application does not do any input validation. In real applications, make sure user inputs are valid before saving them into databases.

Computer Parts
Parent->DataItem['id']%> CommandName="select" /> <%#$this->Parent->DataItem['name']%>
<%#$this->Parent->DataItem['id'] %> <%#$this->Parent->DataItem['name'] %> <%#$this->Parent->DataItem['quantity'] %> $<%#$this->Parent->DataItem['price'] %>
ID <%#$this->Parent->DataItem['id']%>
Name Parent->DataItem['name'] %> />
Quantity Parent->DataItem['quantity'] %> />
Price Parent->DataItem['price'] %> />
Imported Parent->DataItem['imported'] %> />