TPanel Samples

Panel with contents: This is panel content with a .
Panel with customized background color, font and horizontal alignment: This is panel content with a .
Panel with customized background image, width and scroll bars: Width="400px" Height="200px" ScrollBars="Both" Wrap="false"> This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a .
Panel with grouping text: This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a . This is panel content with a .
Panel with a default button (hit 'enter' key to see what happened): This is panel content with a and two buttons:

When you change focus to the panel and hit 'enter' key, button2 will be clicked because it is set as the default button of the panel.