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<h1>Standard Controls</h1>
<p>* the tutorial for this control is not completed yet.</p>
  <a href="?page=Controls.Button">TButton</a> represents a click button on a Web page. It is mainly used to trigger page postback.

  <a href="?page=Controls.CheckBox">TCheckBox</a> represents a checkbox on a Web page. It can be used to collect two-state user input.

  <a href="?page=Controls.ColorPicker">TColorPicker</a> represents an input field taking color values via a color dialog.

  <a href="?page=Controls.DatePicker">TDatePicker</a> represents an input field taking date values via a calendar dialog.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Expression">TExpression</a> accepts a PHP expression and displays the evaluation result on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.FileUpload">TFileUpload</a> represents a file upload field. It allows users to upload a file to server.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Head">THead</a> represents the &lt;head&gt; element on an HTML Web page. It is required by a PRADO page should it use themes.

  <a href="?page=Controls.HiddenField">THiddenField</a> represents a hidden input field on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.HtmlArea">THtmlArea</a> represents a WYSIWYG text input field taking user input that are in HTML format.

  <a href="?page=Controls.HyperLink">THyperLink</a> represents a hyperlink on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Image">TImage</a> represents an image on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.ImageButton">TImageButton</a> represents a click button that has an image as the background. It is mainly used to trigger page postback.

  <a href="?page=Controls.ImageMap">TImageMap</a> represents an image on a Web page with clickable hotspot regions.

  <a href="?page=Controls.InlineFrame">TInlineFrame</a> represents an &lt;iframe&gt; HTML element on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.JavascriptLogger">TJavascriptLogger</a> represents a logger on a Web page that can log various JavaScript information.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Label">TLabel</a> represents a label on a Web page. The label can be customized via various CSS attributes.

  <a href="?page=Controls.LinkButton">TLinkButton</a> represents a hyperlink that can perform page postbacks.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Literal">TLiteral</a> represents a static text without any HTML tag surrounding it on a Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.MultiView">TMultiView</a> represents a container for a group of <tt>TView</tt> controls, each of which is container for other controls. At any time, at most one <tt>TView</tt> is visible.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Panel">TPanel</a> represents a container for other controls on a Web page. In HTML, it is displayed as a &lt;div&gt; element.

  <a href="?page=Controls.PlaceHolder">TPlaceHolder</a> reserves a place on a control template. It inserts its body content at that place.

  <a href="?page=Controls.RadioButton">TRadioButton</a> represents a radiobutton on a Web page. It is mainly used in a group from which users make a choice.

  <a href="?page=Controls.SafeHtml">TSafeHtml</a> displays its body content with assurance that the content contain no harmful code (such as <a href="?page=Security.XSS">XSS</a>).

  <a href="?page=Controls.Statements">TStatements</a> accepts a few PHP statements and displays their standard output on the Web page.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Table">TTable</a> represents an HTML table on a Web page. It is used together with <tt>TTableRow</tt> and <tt>TTableCell</tt>.

  <a href="?page=Controls.TextBox">TTextBox</a> represents a text input field on a Web page. It can collect single-line, multi-line or password text input from users.

  <a href="?page=Controls.TextHighlighter">TTextHighlighter</a> highlights its body content according to the specified syntax highlighter, such as PHP, XML, PRADO, etc.

  <a href="?page=Controls.Wizard">TWizard</a> represents a multi-step form that can take user input step by step. It resembles to Windows installation wizards.
