<com:TContent ID="body" > <h1>Jui Controls (jQuery UI)</h1> <p class="block-content"> Jui controls are the PRADO port of the standard <a href="http://jqueryui.com/">jQuery UI</a> widgets. They can be used as standard <a href="?page=ActiveControls.Introduction">Active Controls</a>, but will automatically load the needed jQuery-UI javascript libraries. </p> <h3>Options</h3> <p class="block-content"> The <tt>Options</tt> property of PRADO Jui controls is used to pass options to the underlying javascript object. Each subproperty set on <tt>Options</tt> will be translated to a javascript property added to the object. The complete list of options available for each widget is availble at jQuery-UI's API Documentation. </p> <h4>Example</h4> <p class="block-content"> jQuery-UI's <a href="http://jqueryui.com/resizable/">Resizable</a> adds an handle to a target element making it resizable. Its PRADO counterpart is <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiResizable">TJuiResizable</a>. Resizable offers an <a href="http://api.jqueryui.com/resizable/#option-aspectRatio">aspectRatio</a> property to constrain the aspect ratio of the target element. The same property can be applied to TJuiResizable as a subproperty of the <tt>Options</tt> property: </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source block-content"> <com:TJuiResizable ID="resize1" Options.aspectRatio="true" // Additional options being set Options.maxHeight="250" Options.maxWidth="350" Options.minHeight="150" Options.minWidth="200" /> </com:TTextHighlighter> <h3>Events</h3> <p class="block-content"> jQuery-UI widgets offers a lot of events that PRADO can hook up and trasmit to the serverside using a <a href="?page=ActiveControls.Introduction">callback request</a>. Event available for PRADO Jui controls inherits their names from their jQuery-UI counterparts, prefixed with "On". Jui controls doesn't make use of the AutoPostback property anymore, but only triggers a callback when an event handler is associated to the corresponding event. </p> <h4>Example</h4> <p class="block-content"> jQuery's <a href="http://jqueryui.com/draggable/">Draggable</a> allows a target element to the moved using the mouse. Its PRADO counterpart is <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiDraggable">TJuiDraggable</a>. Draggable exposes two useful events: <a href="http://api.jqueryui.com/draggable/#event-start">start</a> and <a href="http://api.jqueryui.com/draggable/#event-stop">stop</a>, that gets triggered respectively when the element starts to move and when the movement stops. TJuiDraggable exposes these same events: </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source block-content"> <com:TJuiDraggable ID="drag1" OnStart="drag1_start" OnStop="drag1_stop" /> </com:TTextHighlighter> <h2>PRADO Jui interactions controls</h2> <p class="block-content"> Jui interactions adds basic mouse-based interactions to elements like moving, resizing or sorting. PRADO Jui interactions controls applies there interactions to a <a href="?page=ActiveControls.ActivePanel">TActivePanel</a> For informations of the specific options of each interaction, follow jQuery-UI Interaction <a href="http://api.jqueryui.com/category/interactions/">API Documentation</a> for the specific interaction. </p> <ul id="u1" class="block-content"> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiDraggable">TJuiDraggable</a> is an element that can be moved using the mouse. </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiDroppable">TJuiDroppable</a> is an area where TJuiDraggable elements can be released. </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiResizable">TJuiResizable</a> is an element that cna be resized using the mouse. </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiSelectable">TJuiSelectable</a> displays a list of elements that can be selected individually. </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Interactions#TJuiSortable">TJuiSortable</a> displays a list of elements that can be selected individually. </li> </ul> <h2>PRADO Jui widgets controls</h2> <ul id="u2" class="block-content"> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Widgets#TJuiProgressbar">TJuiProgressbar</a> displays a progress bar. </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Widgets#TJuiAutoComplete">TJuiProgressbar</a> provides a list of suggestions on the current partial word typed in the textbox </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Widgets#TJuiDialog">TJuiDialog</a> displays an movable dialog control </li> <li> <a href="?page=JuiControls.Widgets#TJuiDatePicker">TJuiDatePicker</a> provides a date picker control </li> </ul> </com:TContent>