Jui widgets controls

Jui widgets are complex controls built on the foundations of jQuery effects and jQueryUI interactions. PRADO Jui widgets controls can be divided in two groups:

  1. Standard Widgets, extend a control affecting its aspect and functionality: eg. TJuiProgressbar transforms an TActivePanel into a Progressbar
  2. List Widgets, take a repeated list of items and relayout their presentation: eg. ...
For informations of the specific options of each widget, follow jQuery-UI Widget API Documentation for the specific interaction.


- jQuery UI API

TJuiProgressbar is an extension to TActivePanel based on jQuery-UI's Progressbar widget.

The panel takes the aspect of a progressbar ranging from a value of 0 to the value of the Max property. The current value can be set using the Value property; setting it to false will create an undefined progressbar.