<com:TContent ID="body" > <h1>Sample: Hangman Game</h1> <p> Having seen the simple "Hello World" application, we now build a more complex application called "Hangman Game". In this game, the player is asked to guess a word, a letter at a time. If he guesses a letter right, the letter will be shown in the word. The player can continue to guess as long as the number of his misses is within a prespecified bound. The player wins the game if he finds out the word within the miss bound, or he loses. </p> <p> To facilitate the building of this game, we show the state transition diagram of the gaming process in the following, </p> <p> To be continued... </p> <div class="runbar"> <a href="?page=Samples.Hangman.Home" target="_blank">Run Sample</a> <a href="?page=ViewSource&path=/Samples/Hangman/Home.php" target="_blank">View Source</a> </div> </com:TContent>