<com:TContent ID="body" > <h1 id="218003">RPC Service</h1> <p class="block-content"> RPC Service stands for "Remote Procedure Call" Service and is a common name used to identify a service that exposes an interface that can be called by remote programs in order to execute a procedure. An RPC Service tipically exposes one or more APIs (Application programming interface), permitting remote clients to make requests to the available methods and receive a proper response. The interface itself is not bound to a specific programming language, but uses a standard data exchange protocol (tipically xml or json). PRADO provides <tt>TRpcService</tt> that makes developing a RPC server application an extremely easy task. </p> <p class="block-content"> To use <tt>TRpcService</tt>, configure it in the application specification like following: </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="xml" CssClass="source block-content"> <services> <service id="rpc" class="System.Web.Services.TRpcService"> <rpcapi id="stockquote" class="path.to.StockQuote" /> <!-- <rpcapi...other api... /> --> </service> </services> </com:TTextHighlighter> <p class="block-content"> The example specifies a RPC service provider named <tt>stockquote</tt> which implements the <tt>getPrice</tt> RPC method in the provider class <tt>StockQuote</tt>, </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source block-content"> class StockQuote extends TRpcApiProvider { /** * @param string $symbol the symbol of the stock * @return float the stock price * @soapmethod */ public function getPrice($symbol) { //....return stock price for $symbol } /** * Register the available methods * @return the list of implemented methods */ public function registerMethods() { return array( 'getPrice' => array('method' => array($this, 'getPrice')), ); } } </com:TTextHighlighter> <p class="block-content"> PRADO already bundles two common protocols: <tt>TXmlRpcService</tt> and <tt>TJsonRpcService</tt>: requests made by clients using one of these protocol will be automatically resolved and will call the user-specified APIs. </p> <div class="note"><b class="tip">Note:</b> <tt>TXmlRpcService</tt> is based on <a href="http://php.net/xmlrpc">PHP XML-RPC extension</a> and thus requires the extension to be installed. </div> <p class="block-content"> With the above simple code, we already finish a simple RPC service that allows other applications to query the price of a specific stock. A client needs to know the exact url of the service, the name of the method and the list of parameters needed by the method. </p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source block-content"> // Assuming we're using the json-rpc php library from http://jsonrpcphp.org/ require_once 'jsonRPCClient.php'; $client=new jsonRPCClient('http://path/to/index.php?rpc=stockquote'); echo $client->getPrice('IBM'); </com:TTextHighlighter> </com:TContent>