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<title>TSoapService Demo</title>


<h1>TSoapService Demo</h1>
This demo shows basic usage of TSoapService which provides integrated
SOAP service for PRADO applications.
The demo includes both a SOAP server and a client (this page).
The SOAP server supports two operations which are provided by <tt>SimpleService</tt> class:
<li><tt>highlight()</tt>: takes a string and returns the highlighted version.</li>
<li><tt>add()</tt>: takes two numbers and returns the addition of them.</li>
For more details about the server, see its 
<a href="<%=$this->Request->AbsoluteApplicationUrl.'?soap=calculator.wsdl'%>">WSDL specification</a>.

<h2>SOAP Calculator</h2>
<com:TTextBox ID="Number1" Columns="3"/> + 
<com:TTextBox ID="Number2" Columns="3"/> = 
<com:TTextBox ID="AdditionResult" ReadOnly="true" Columns="3" /> 
<com:TButton Text="Compute" OnClick="computeButtonClicked"/>

<h2>Source Code Highlighter</h2>
Click on the button below to show the highlighted source code of
this page class:
<com:TButton Text="Highlight" OnClick="highlightButtonClicked"/>
<div style="background:lightyellow">
<com:TLiteral ID="HighlightResult" />
