SQLMap is a simple but complete framework that makes it easy for you to map your objects to your SQL statements or stored procedures. The goal of the SQLMap framework is to obtain 80% of data access functionality using only 20% of the code.
Developers often create maps between objects within an application. One definition of a Mapper is an "object that sets up communication between two independent objects." A Data Mapper is a "layer of mappers that moves data between objects and a database while keeping them independent of each other and the mapper itself." [Patterns of Enterprise Architecture, ISBN 0-321-12742-0].
You provide the database and the objects; SQLMap provides the mapping layer that goes between the two.
Your programming platform already provides a capable library for accessing databases, whether through SQL statements or stored procedures. But developers find several things are still hard to do well when using "stock" PHP function including:
Separating SQL code from programming code Passing input parameters to the library classes and extracting the output Separating data access classes from business logic classes Caching often-used data until it changes Managing transactions and many more -- by using XML documents to create a mapping between a plain-old object and a SQL statement or a stored procedure. The "plain-old object" can be any PHP object.
Tip: The object does not need to be part of a special object hierarchy or implement a special interface. (Which is why we call them "plain-old" objects.) Whatever you are already using should work just fine.
Here's a high level description of the work flow shown in the figure above: Provide a parameter, either as an object or a primitive type. The parameter can be used to set runtime values in your SQL statement or stored procedure. If a runtime value is not needed, the parameter can be omitted.
Execute the mapping by passing the parameter and the name you gave the statement or procedure in your XML descriptor. This step is where the magic happens. The framework will prepare the SQL statement or stored procedure, set any runtime values using your parameter, execute the procedure or statement, and return the result.
In the case of an update, the number of rows affected is returned. In the case of a query, a single object, or a collection of objects is returned. Like the parameter, the result object, or collection of objects, can be a plain-old object or a primitive type.
So, what does all this look like in your source code? Here's how you might code the insert of a "lineItem" object into your database.
If your database is generating the primary keys, the generated key can be returned from the same method call, like this:
The following example shows an XML descriptor for "InsertLineItem".
The <selectKey> stanza returns an auto-generated key from a SQL Server
database (for example). If you need to select multiple rows, SQLMap can return
a list of objects, each mapped to a row in the result set:
Of course, there's more, but this is SQLMap from 10,000 meters. (For a longer, gentler introduction, see the Tutorial.) The Data Map definition files describes where the statement for "InsertLineItem" would be defined. The Installation and Setup section describes the "bootstrap" configuration file that exposes SQLMap to your application.
SQLMap is a Data Mapping tool. Its role is to map the columns of a database query (including a stored procedure) to the properties of an object. If your application is based on business objects (including array or lists of objects), then SQLMap can be a good choice. SQLMap is an even better choice when your application is layered, so that that the business layer is distinct from the user-interface layer.
Under these circumstances, another good choice would be an Object/Relational Mapping tool (OR/M tool), like [...]. Other products in this category are [...] and [...] . An OR/M tool generates all or most of the SQL for you, either beforehand or at runtime. These products are called OR/M tools because they try to map an object graph to a relational schema.
SQLMap is not an OR/M tool. SQLMap helps you map objects to stored procedures or SQL statements. The underlying schema is irrelevant. An OR/M tool is great if you can map your objects to tables. But they are not so great if your objects are stored as a relational view rather than as a table. If you can write a statement or procedure that exposes the columns for your object, regardless of how they are stored, SQLMap can do the rest.
So, how do you decide whether to OR/M or to DataMap? As always, the best advice is to implement a representative part of your project using either approach, and then decide. But, in general, OR/M is a good thing when you
In the end, you have to decide what's best for your project. If a OR/M tool works better for you, that's great! If your next project has different needs, then we hope you give SQLMap another look. If SQLMap works for you now: Excellent!