The Time Tracker is a fully functional sample application designed to
introduce you to many of Prado's features. This guide is a step by step
walkthrough starting from installation to deployment. The Time Tracker
application is based on the
ASP.NET's Time Tracker Starter Kit.
Time Tracker Overview
The Time Tracker is a business web application for keeping track of hours spent
on a project, with ability to handle multiple resources as well as multiple projects.
Basic Application Requirements
The functional requirements of the Time Tracker is based on the
ASP.NET's Time Tracker Starter Kit
Create projects
- Define projection information like due dates, hours to complete, project
resources, and more.
- Break down projects into tasks and track work on per-task basis.
Create and track tasks
- Track time spent each day by category and project.
Use reports to track progress
- Track overall progress across multiple projects, including estimated and actual work.
- Track total work for team resources across multiple projects.
Technologies and Design Approached Demonstrated
- Prado event-driven component framework
- Separation of concerns: persistent storage, business logic, presentation
- Object-Relational mapping using SQLMap
- Unit testing and functional testing
- Promote code reuse
The Time Tracker web application requires the following software and knowledge.
Software requirements
It is assumed that you are able to obtain and install the following pieces of software.
- PHP version 5.0.4 or greater
- A web server, such as Apache, able to run PHP scripts
- MySQL database server version 4.1 or greater (alternatively SQLite or Postgres)
- Prado version 3.1 or later
In addition to software requirements, we assumed that you have some of the following knowledge.
- Access the internet to download packaged code, and unzip these code.
- Understand the basic concepts of Object-Oriented programming in PHP such as
classes, objects, methods, etc.
- Basic understanding of relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL).
- Knows how to have fun, this is mandatory.