
The Time Tracker is a fully functional sample application designed to introduce you to many of Prado's features. This guide is a step by step walkthrough starting from installation to deployment. The Time Tracker application is based on the ASP.NET's Time Tracker Starter Kit.

Time Tracker Overview

The Time Tracker is a business web application for keeping track of hours spent on a project, with ability to handle multiple resources as well as multiple projects.

Basic Application Requirements

The functional requirements of the Time Tracker is based on the ASP.NET's Time Tracker Starter Kit description.

Create projects

Create and track tasks

Use reports to track progress

Technologies and Design Approached Demonstrated


The Time Tracker web application requires the following software and knowledge.

Software requirements

It is assumed that you are able to obtain and install the following pieces of software.

  1. PHP version 5.0.4 or greater
  2. A web server, such as Apache, able to run PHP scripts
  3. MySQL database server version 4.1 or greater (alternatively SQLite or Postgres)
  4. Prado version 3.1 or later

In addition to software requirements, we assumed that you have some of the following knowledge.