<com:TContent ID="body"> <h1>Writing a Unit Test</h1> <p>Before we begin to write our business logic and code, we shall proceed with the path of <a href="http://tdd.com">test driven development</a> (TDD), or at least take some part of that process.</p> <p>Unit testing is a useful tool when we want to start to test our individual business logic classes. The <tt>tests/unit</tt> directory will be used to hold the unit test cases and <tt>tests/functional</tt> directory to hold the function test cases. </p> <h2>Write a unit test case</h2> <p>We will start be writing a very simple unit test case. Notice that we are writing the test case <b>first</b>.</p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source"> <?php class ProjectTestCase extends UnitTestCase { function testProjectClassExists() { $project = new Project(); $this->pass(); } } ?> </com:TTextHighlighter> <p>Save the code as <tt>ProjectTestCase.php</tt> in the <tt>document_root/time-tracker/tests/unit/</tt> directory.</p> <h2>Run your first unit test case from your browser</h2> <p>Point your browser to your development server's unit test case runner, e.g. <tt>http://web-server-address/time-tracker/tests/unit.php</tt>. You should see the following <img src="<%~ unit_test1.png %>" class="figure"/> <div class="caption"><b>Figure 1:</b> Unit test runner</div> </p> <p>Clicking on the <tt>ProjectTestCase.php</tt> link, you should see <img src="<%~ unit_test2.png %>" class="figure"/> <div class="caption"><b>Figure 2:</b> Unit test failure</div> </p> <h2>Smallest step to make the test pass.</h2> <p>Since we only wrote the test case and nothing else we expected that the test case will fail at some point. Obviously, we need create a class <tt>Project</tt>, so lets define the <tt>Project</tt> class.</p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source"> <?php class Project { } ?> </com:TTextHighlighter> <p>We save the above code as <tt>time-tracker/protected/pages/APP_CODE/Project.php</tt>. Where the <tt>APP_CODE</tt> directory will contain most of the business logic code for the Time Tracker application.</p> <p>Now, we also need to add the following line in our test case so as to include the <tt>Project</tt> class file when running the tests.</p> <com:TTextHighlighter Language="php" CssClass="source"> <?php Prado::using('Application.APP_CODE.Project'); class ProjectTestCase extends UnitTestCase { ... } ?> </com:TTextHighlighter> <div class="info"><b>Info:</b> The statement <tt>Prado::using('Application.APP_CODE.Project')</tt> basically loads the <tt>Project.php</tt> class file. It assumes that a class name <tt>Project</tt> has filename <tt>Project.php</tt>. For futher details regarding <tt>Prado::using</tt> can be found in <a href="http://www.pradosoft.com/demos/quickstart/index.php?page=Fundamentals.Components#704">Prado Namespaces</a> documentation. </div> <p>Run the unit test runner again, we see that the test has passed. <img src="<%~ unit_test3.png %>" class="figure"/> <div class="caption"><b>Figure 3:</b> Unit test success</div> </p> <p> Later on, we shall write more test cases. See the <a href="http://www.lastcraft.com/simple_test.php">SimpleTest documentation</a> for detailed tutorial on writing test cases.</p> </com:TContent>