<com:TContent ID="body"> <h1>Prado Time Tracker</h1> <p>This documentation is complete walk-through guide detailing the steps involved in implementating of the Prado Time Tracker web application. </p> <h2>Target Audience</h2> <p>The guide is intended for readers who has some experience using PHP version 5 and some basic concepts of Object-Oriented application design. The guide will assume that the reader understands the primary concepts of class, methods, class inheritance, and other basic features offered by PHP version 5 or later.</p> <h2>Questions and Comments</h2> <p>Readers are encouraged to ask questions as the forum regarding any particular aspect of this documentation. Comment and constructive criticisms are most welcome. Questions and comments may be directed at <a href="http://www.pradosoft.com/forum/">http://www.pradosoft.com/forum/</a>. </p> </com:TContent>