THANKS - List of credits for GeSHi

I owe these people/groups my thanks for help with GeSHi. Thanks, guys!

- Amit Gupta            - Thanks for all that constructive criticism - it's
                          a great help for making GeSHi even better. And
                          thanks for the Wordpress plugin! (Anyone who is
                          interested in the plugin can visit:
- Andreas Gohr          - Thanks for language files and for using GeSHi for DokuWiki
                          ( And thanks
                          for all your criticisms and for that stylesheet-maker code :).
                          Also, thanks for the UTF-8 patch.
- Andreas von Oettingen - Thanks for those great ideas! :)
- bbspliff              - Thanks for pointing out that bug (pity I already
                          found it though ;))
- Ben Keen              - Thanks for the language files and pointing out some
                          ideas for future releases. Lookin' forward to seeing that
                          software soon! ;)
- Brian Cheesman        - Thanks for using GeSHi in phpCvsView, and for the suggestion about
                          extension => language lookup
- Christian Weiske      - Thanks for the inspiration for creating advanced regexp
                          highlighting :D
- David Gartner         - Thanks for using GeSHi in net2ftp, and for the idea about a load_from_file
-  - Thanks for putting up with the crappy versions
                          that I "forced" on you guys before ;)
- Jack Lloyd            - Thanks for pointing out the versioning and method CSS bugs, and giving
                          me the extra C/C++ keywords
- Karim Scheik          - Thanks for the php5 support report
- Marcin Gryszkalis     - Thanks for those links for C, Java, Perl
- M. Uli Kusterer       - Thanks for the idea about URL case conversion
- Roberto Armellin      - Thanks for pointing out some flaws in GeSHi (that will be solved
                          in 1.2 guaranteed)
- Sterling Christensen  - Thanks for those links to language specs
- Tux                   - Thanks for making all those language files :D
- zbw                   - Thanks for proving a phpBB port was possible


- Actionscript	Steffen Krause (french translation by NikO)
- Ada			Tux
- Apache		Tux
- Applescript	Stephan Klimek
- ASM			Tux
- ASP			Amit Gupta
- Bash			Andreas Gohr
- BlitzBasic	P�draig O`Connel
- C++			Dennis Bayer, M. Uli Kusterer
- C#			Alan Juden
- C for Macs	M. Uli Kusterer
- CADDCL		Roberto Rossi
- CadLisp		Roberto Rossi
- Delphi		J�rja Norbert
- Div			Gabriel Lorenzo
- DOS			Alessandro Staltari
- Eiffel		Zoran Simic
- FreeBasic		Roberto Rossi
- GML			Jos� Jorge Enr�quez Rodr�guez
- Ini			Deguix
- Inno			Thomas Klinger
- Javascript	Ben Keen
- Lisp			Roberto Rossi
- Lua			Roberto Rossi
- MPASM			Bakalex
- MySQL			Carl F�rstenberg
- NSIS			Tux (updated by Deguix)
- Objective C	M. Uli Kusterer
- Ocaml			Flaie
- Ocaml-brief	Flaie
- BASIC	Roberto Rossi
- Oracle 8		Guy Wicks
- Pascal		Tux
- Perl			Andreas Gohr, Ben Keen
- Python		Roberto Rossi
- Ruby			Amit Gupta
- SDLBasic		Roberto Rossi
- Scheme			Jon Raphaelson
- Smarty			Alan Juden
- VB.NET		Alan Juden
- VisualFoxPro	Roberto Armellin

Do you want your name in here? Help me out! Make a language file, or suggest a new
feature, or make a plugin for GeSHi for some other software, then tell me about it!

              $Id: THANKS,v 1.7 2005/11/19 01:02:50 oracleshinoda Exp $