<?php /** * TDbCache class file * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2007 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package System.Caching */ Prado::using('System.Data.TDbConnection'); /** * TDbCache class * * TDbCache implements a cache application module by storing cached data in a database. * * TDbCache relies on {@link http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo.php PDO} to retrieve * data from databases. In order to use TDbCache, you need to enable the PDO extension * as well as the corresponding PDO DB driver. For example, to use SQLite database * to store cached data, you need both php_pdo and php_pdo_sqlite extensions. * * By default, TDbCache creates and uses an SQLite database under the application * runtime directory. You may change this default setting by specifying the following * properties: * - {@link setConnectionID ConnectionID} or * - {@link setConnectionString ConnectionString}, {@link setUsername Username} and {@link setPassword Pasword}. * * The cached data is stored in a table in the specified database. * By default, the name of the table is called 'pradocache'. If the table does not * exist in the database, it will be automatically created with the following structure: * (key CHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB, expire INT) * * If you want to change the cache table name, or if you want to create the table by yourself, * you may set {@link setCacheTableName CacheTableName} and {@link setAutoCreateCacheTable AutoCreateCacheTableName} properties. * * The following basic cache operations are implemented: * - {@link get} : retrieve the value with a key (if any) from cache * - {@link set} : store the value with a key into cache * - {@link add} : store the value only if cache does not have this key * - {@link delete} : delete the value with the specified key from cache * - {@link flush} : delete all values from cache * * Each value is associated with an expiration time. The {@link get} operation * ensures that any expired value will not be returned. The expiration time by * the number of seconds. A expiration time 0 represents never expire. * * By definition, cache does not ensure the existence of a value * even if it never expires. Cache is not meant to be an persistent storage. * * Do not use the same database file for multiple applications using TDbCache. * Also note, cache is shared by all user sessions of an application. * * Some usage examples of TDbCache are as follows, * <code> * $cache=new TDbCache; // TDbCache may also be loaded as a Prado application module * $cache->init(null); * $cache->add('object',$object); * $object2=$cache->get('object'); * </code> * * If loaded, TDbCache will register itself with {@link TApplication} as the * cache module. It can be accessed via {@link TApplication::getCache()}. * * TDbCache may be configured in application configuration file as follows * <code> * <module id="cache" class="System.Caching.TDbCache" /> * </code> * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Caching * @since 3.1.0 */ class TDbCache extends TCache { /** * @var string the ID of TDataSourceConfig module */ private $_connID=''; /** * @var TDbConnection the DB connection instance */ private $_db; /** * @var string name of the DB cache table */ private $_cacheTable='pradocache'; /** * @var boolean whether the cache DB table should be created automatically */ private $_autoCreate=true; private $_username=''; private $_password=''; private $_connectionString=''; /** * Destructor. * Disconnect the db connection. */ public function __destruct() { if($this->_db!==null) $this->_db->setActive(false); } /** * Initializes this module. * This method is required by the IModule interface. It checks if the DbFile * property is set, and creates a SQLiteDatabase instance for it. * The database or the cache table does not exist, they will be created. * Expired values are also deleted. * @param TXmlElement configuration for this module, can be null * @throws TConfigurationException if sqlite extension is not installed, * DbFile is set invalid, or any error happens during creating database or cache table. */ public function init($config) { $db=$this->getDbConnection(); $db->setActive(true); $sql='DELETE FROM '.$this->_cacheTable.' WHERE expire<>0 AND expire<'.time(); try { $db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { // DB table not exists if($this->_autoCreate) { $sql='CREATE TABLE '.$this->_cacheTable.' (itemkey CHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB, expire INT)'; $db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } else throw TConfigurationException('db_cachetable_inexistent',$this->_cacheTable); } parent::init($config); } /** * Creates the DB connection. * @param string the module ID for TDataSourceConfig * @return TDbConnection the created DB connection * @throws TConfigurationException if module ID is invalid or empty */ protected function createDbConnection() { if($this->_connID!=='') { $config=$this->getApplication()->getModule($connectionID); if($config instanceof TDataSourceConfig) return $config->getDbConnection(); else throw new TConfigurationException('dbcache_connectionid_invalid',$this->_connID); } else { $db=new TDbConnection; if($this->_connectionString!=='') { $db->setConnectionString($this->_connectionString); if($this->_username!=='') $db->setUsername($this->_username); if($this->_password!=='') $db->setPassword($this->_password); } else { // default to SQLite3 database $dbFile=$this->getApplication()->getRuntimePath().'/sqlite3.cache'; $db->setConnectionString('sqlite:'.$dbFile); } return $db; } } /** * @return TDbConnection the DB connection instance */ public function getDbConnection() { if($this->_db===null) $this->_db=$this->createDbConnection(); return $this->_db; } /** * @return string the ID of a {@link TDataSourceConfig} module. Defaults to empty string, meaning not set. * @since 3.1.1 */ public function getConnectionID() { return $this->_connID; } /** * Sets the ID of a TDataSourceConfig module. * The datasource module will be used to establish the DB connection for this cache module. * The database connection can also be specified via {@link setConnectionString ConnectionString}. * When both ConnectionID and ConnectionString are specified, the former takes precedence. * @param string ID of the {@link TDataSourceConfig} module * @since 3.1.1 */ public function setConnectionID($value) { $this->_connID=$value; } /** * @return string The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to connect to the database. */ public function getConnectionString() { return $this->_connectionString; } /** * @param string The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to connect to the database. * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.pdo-construct.php */ public function setConnectionString($value) { $this->_connectionString=$value; } /** * @return string the username for establishing DB connection. Defaults to empty string. */ public function getUsername() { return $this->_username; } /** * @param string the username for establishing DB connection */ public function setUsername($value) { $this->_username=$value; } /** * @return string the password for establishing DB connection. Defaults to empty string. */ public function getPassword() { return $this->_password; } /** * @param string the password for establishing DB connection */ public function setPassword($value) { $this->_password=$value; } /** * @return string the name of the DB table to store cache content. Defaults to 'pradocache'. * @see setAutoCreateCacheTable */ public function getCacheTableName() { return $this->_cacheTable; } /** * Sets the name of the DB table to store cache content. * Note, if {@link setAutoCreateCacheTable AutoCreateCacheTable} is false * and you want to create the DB table manually by yourself, * you need to make sure the DB table is of the following structure: * (key CHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB, expire INT) * @param string the name of the DB table to store cache content * @see setAutoCreateCacheTable */ public function setCacheTableName($value) { $this->_cacheTable=$value; } /** * @return boolean whether the cache DB table should be automatically created if not exists. Defaults to true. * @see setAutoCreateCacheTable */ public function getAutoCreateCacheTable() { return $this->_autoCreate; } /** * @param boolean whether the cache DB table should be automatically created if not exists. * @see setCacheTableName */ public function setAutoCreateCacheTable($value) { $this->_autoCreate=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * @param string a unique key identifying the cached value * @return string the value stored in cache, false if the value is not in the cache or expired. */ protected function getValue($key) { $sql='SELECT value FROM '.$this->_cacheTable.' WHERE itemkey=\''.$key.'\' AND (expire=0 OR expire>'.time().')'; return $this->_db->createCommand($sql)->queryScalar(); } /** * Stores a value identified by a key in cache. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * * @param string the key identifying the value to be cached * @param string the value to be cached * @param integer the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire. * @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise */ protected function setValue($key,$value,$expire) { $this->deleteValue($key); return $this->addValue($key,$value,$expire); } /** * Stores a value identified by a key into cache if the cache does not contain this key. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * * @param string the key identifying the value to be cached * @param string the value to be cached * @param integer the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire. * @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise */ protected function addValue($key,$value,$expire) { $sql="INSERT INTO {$this->_cacheTable} (itemkey,value,expire) VALUES(:key,:value,$expire)"; try { $command=$this->_db->createCommand($sql); $command->bindValue(':key',$key,PDO::PARAM_STR); $command->bindValue(':value',$value,PDO::PARAM_LOB); $command->execute(); return true; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Deletes a value with the specified key from cache * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * @param string the key of the value to be deleted * @return boolean if no error happens during deletion */ protected function deleteValue($key) { $command=$this->_db->createCommand("DELETE FROM {$this->_cacheTable} WHERE itemkey=:key"); $command->bindValue(':key',$key,PDO::PARAM_STR); $command->execute(); return true; } /** * Deletes all values from cache. * Be careful of performing this operation if the cache is shared by multiple applications. */ public function flush() { $this->_db->createCommand("DELETE FROM {$this->_cacheTable}")->execute(); return true; } } ?>